Fuck you Janson

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Thomas POV

   I left, I looked at his body one last time and left. I don't know where I was going, or what was ahead of me, but something. I didn't hear anything besides the hard hammering of my heart. My vision was blurry, nothing registered. One thing went through my mind which made me stop and ponder.
  All of this, is her fault.. the maze, the scorch, the kidnapping and torturing. Everything, all of it.. Revenge, I have to get revenge.
  With my mind set on one thing, I grabbed a gun sitting beside a dead body, and walked back to WICKED headquarters. The place was evacuated, alarms going off in every direction. Only a few people were around, but I didn't care, he's dead because of her. I walked right inside, finding her staring outside.
"Is it true..?" I asked, aiming the gun at her. Ava stood her place and looked at me. She looked older then I've seen before, and tired. But nothing can change my mind. "Newt.. Could I have saved him?"
"You can save us." She said, as tears poured down my cheeks, hot blood dripping on the floor beside me from the cuts. My hand started shaking as I wrapped my finger around the trigger.. but flashbacks overtook my mind. Ava took Newt's place, I took my own, and suddenly I was back in the plaza.
I dropped the gun, forcing myself not to break down. She stepped closer, and I didn't have the energy or heart to do anything.
"It's okay.." She said quietly.
"Just.. leave the others alone.." I managed to say, looking at her through heartbreak and tears.
"I promise..." She said, nearly smiling. "I'll-"
A gunshot went off, and she was silent. I felt my soul leave my body and looked at her, blood pouring from her chest. Ava fell, leaning onto me, but I didn't do a thing.
It was Janson, the smoke barreling out of his gun. He stood in front of me, and I told myself to run, to fight, scream, anything.. but it shut down, all I could do was look at him. Suddenly he moved, and shoved something into my neck. It hurt like a bee sting, but my mind went fuzzy and it all went dark.

"Hey Thomas." A sweet voice rang out clear as day although I could barely open my eyes. The voice kept talking but I didn't care, I didn't hear anything besides my own faintly beating heart.
He's gone..
"Thomas?" The voice said again, as my vision came to and my eyes opened. I looked around, focusing on a dark haired figure in front of me. It's Teresa.. She smiled weakly and played with something attached to my arm. Looking down, I could make out a tube filled with dark red. It hit me that it was blood, my blood. I regained control of my limbs and tried to get out.
"Thomas stop.. it'll hurt you if you try to move." She said, as I huffed and gave in. Maybe if they take to much blood, I'll die.. and I can see him again..
"You know why I have to do this.. right..?" Teresa asked quietly, while I just closed my eyes.
"If I don't, he'll kill me." She said even quieter then before. "And I don't want to die.. I really don't."
I snapped, frantically trying to get out, "He didn't want to die either and look what the fuck happened!"
Teresa jumped and nearly fell back. "I know.. and I'm sorry about that.."
"No your not.. His time jumped.. after you took Minho.. He had more time.. he did.." Tears flooded my eyes and I blinked them away before I broke down once again.
Teresa stayed quiet and backed away from the bed as Janson came over and smiled ridiculously wide. "Well now.. You seem upset.. I'm sorry about all of this Thomas, but duty calls."
"I was gonna kill Ava you fucker.." I said quietly, trying to get out of the straps.
"I got to it first." Janson stated bluntly, holding up a syringe of blue liquid.
"What's that.. your not putting that in me.." I managed to yell out, fighting it even more.
Janson instead shook his head and injected it into his own arm, opening and closing his fist and rolling up his sleeve to see black veins retreating towards a bite mark.
He's infected..
"The cure works Teresa.. extract more, I need it." Janson said sternly, pulling his sleeve back down as all those bottled up emotions screamed through my mind.
  "You made a cure to late! He died because of it!"
Teresa frowned while Ratass smiled, "Oh Thomas, we know how to make a cure the whole time. We just wanted the non immunes to die first, and now we can use the immunes for the cure."
I glared at him with every ounce of hatred and pain boiled in my blood, "You could have saved him!"
"Oh I could have, I just didn't want to." Janson replied, smiling evilly and walking away while I fought the straps, seeming to scare Teresa.
  "Help me out of this, please.. Let me get back to them.." I begged quietly, maybe she'd help me. She did before.
  Instead she shook her head, "I tried to help before, you didn't listen. Now this is your consequence."
  "No no Teresa you don't understand, please. I was trying to save him, I couldn't leave him. Please, listen to me."
  She got up, holding my hand quickly and putting something into it, then walking away. I struggled to pull my arm out, and there was a scalpel in my palm. I sent Teresa a mental thank you as I started to cut the straps, getting up with effort. I fell off the bed, ripping the tubes out of my arms and gathered myself together, getting up as my eyes focused.
   The room was completely white, with bright lights shining overtop. Grey streaks lined the walls, large windows with automatic doors were placed strategically around. And it's quiet.. almost too quiet.  I tripped my way to the door, trying to pry it open. Nothing worked. Panicked, I looked around the room. A keycard..
   Scrambling over, I grabbed it and held it to the door to hear a small 'click' and it opened. I nearly tripped on my way out, looking around for any way out. I trusted the growing gut feeling and went left. I passed by hallway after hallway, all the same tone and look.. I couldn't tell one from the other. People passed by me but didn't stop me, they just looked and shrugged. Knowing that, I made sure to pick up my pace and look as if I knew where I was going. Then I saw him..
  Janson.. busy barking orders to others in another room. I ducked down under the window and crawled past the door, catching a glance inside. He was screaming, throwing things around. I smirked to myself, only for that small bit of pride to deflate faster then a balloon. My baby is gone, because of Janson.. He's gone..
Keep going, you can make it out, don't give up yet Thomas.
  I shoved away my urge to break down and cry and crawled away from the room. Getting up I ran down another hallway, only to run into a window leading outside. I looked outside, and it was still dark, probably the early hours by now.. There were people running around outside, away from other groups, which have to be cranks. Then it hit me..
The city is under attack..
    Fear speeding through my body, I looked around frantically, then remembering that the berg was on the building over. I don't even know if Minho and the others are on it, but I swear they better be. Turning away from the window, I raced down more hallways, to find a staircase or an elevator or anything to get upstairs. Maybe they're already in flight and they'll find me on the roof. I ran, my legs about to buckle, as I started to wonder.. Why am I fighting to stay alive? I have nothing to live for.. he's gone... Why should I be alive when he's dead.. No, I should stay alive for him.. To keep his memory alive. To be there for Minho..
But I'll never see him again..
  I shoved those thoughts from my mind as I plowed into someone. I fell forward and hit my head hard, twisting my arm trying to steady myself. I rolled over and looked at her, my adrenaline growing faster every second.
  I shook my head and got back up, ready to bolt.
  "Let me help, you have to get out, right?"
  "Why did you give me the scalpel..?" I asked quietly.
   "I'm on your side.. I had to pretend to be with Janson, or he'll kill me.. I told you that." She said earnestly. I don't know whether to trust her or not..
  "Please Tom, I can help.."
  She held her hands up in surrender, a gun in her belt. I took the gun as she backed away. "Where's the stairwells..?"
  "Let me show you.."
  "Just tell me!" I yelled, cocking and aiming it at her head.
  Tears sprang to her eyes. "Follow this hallway, two lefts and a right, it'll take you to the main staircase.."
  "Good.. let's go." I nodded and took off, holding the gun close to myself, my finger far from the trigger now as flashbacks filled my blank mind with Newt.
  She looked at me and followed, pulling her jacket around herself tighter as we ran up and down hallways, left, right, in, out..
   Finally, we found the stairwell and went up a few flights. Halfway up, a squad of guards came down. I grabbed Teresa's arm and pulled her through one of the doorways. I slammed the door shut and locked it, walking through the room in silence.
  It looked abandoned. The place was trashed and nobody was around, and alarms were going off. There was distant banging in the darkness, and bodies off in corners.
  "What the hell happened here..?"
  "It's the secret level.. nobody is supposed to be in here." Teresa said, staying behind me.
  "So what happened..? Some break-in?"
  She shook her head, "No.. they broke out."
  "Who Teresa?"
  She stayed quiet and pointed to cells. I frowned and went over to it, only for two cranks to jump at the glass, slamming their heads into it. I fell back and felt myself scream, gripping the capsule necklace. I held it out and looked at it, promising myself I'll open it as soon as I can. Grumbling, I got up and went back to the door, but guards were posted outside of it. Together we slid a table in front of the door and barred it with whatever else we could find.
  Out of breath I leaned against a wall and closed my eyes, imagining myself with him again, happy, safe.. But I snapped out of it when a gunshot went off. I jumped to my senses and looked directly at Janson. I ducked behind a desk as he came closer.
   "It's all over Thomas, you won't be able to get out of this one."
  "Yea? Well I'll still try!" I yelled back, looking around and spotting Teresa hiding behind another desk. Janson reloaded his gun and shuffled around, while I slipped around the side and got ready to tackle him. Within a split second I kicked at his legs and tried to take him down. Instead, he drew his gun again and aimed at me. My hands flew up in surrender as I tried to back away.
"Janson, leave him alone, I can take him back to the lab." Teresa said, standing in front of me protectively.
"Move!" He barked, but she didn't budge.
"We need his blood, if you kill him, we won't get any." She said, stepping closer to him.
"He's doing to die, now move." Janson nearly growled, as the veins grew back up his arm.
I took a split second and pulled Teresa away. Squeezing my eyes shut, I heard the gun go off and immediate pain seared through the side of my waist. I felt myself hit the ground hard, and my hand flew to the wound.
I've been shot?
A scream tore from my throat and I curled up around it, the pain throbbing in my temples and side. Forcing my eyes open, Teresa fought Janson and kicked him in the face, sitting me up against a desk. She whispered some things to me that didn't register, but I watched Janson get back up. Putting aside all the pain, I got up and grabbed Teresa's arm, pulling her away from him. I grabbed the gun that was kicked to the side and pulled the trigger as flashbacks crashed through my mind.
"You missed little shit." Janson said, starting towards us.
I smirked a little, holding my side as blood streamed out. "No I didn't."
Screams erupted from behind Janson, as he slowly turned around. Glass shattered, and two cranks ran out of their prison, attacking Janson with all the force they could muster.
Hearing his screams, Teresa took my hand as we turned and ran away from them. Bursting through the blocked door from before, Teresa pulled me up stair after stair, as I felt my vision blur. My legs started to give out, and I smelt thick smoke from the stairwell. The pain traveled everywhere throughout my body as I could barely hold myself up. Teresa wrapped her arms around my shoulders and hoisted me up the last two flights.
Throwing open the door, she dragged me out to the roof, where I gained my footing enough to stand up. Leaning heavily on her, I looked around in horror as my friends were nowhere to be seen.
"Where are they?" Teresa screamed over the noise. The noise coming from the ground, the crackle of fire.. gunfire, screaming, fighting. I looked around, seeing flames reach over the ledge of the roof. And it hit me.
The building is on fire and going to collapse.
"How the fuck is the building on fire?!" Teresa yelled to no one in general, as the cutting sound of blades sounded behind us. Turning back, my body flooded with relief.
The berg flew overhead and the back ramp let itself down. Gally and Brenda stood at the end, holding their arms out towards us. Jorge was yelling over the noise, words I couldn't distinguish.
"Thomas! Let's go!" Brenda yelled, her pale face set in determination.
"C'mon Thomas." Teresa whispered close to my ear as rogue flames crawled their way up towards the hovering berg. She dragged me closer to the edge of the building, as a shriek escaped as I watched the edge collapse into a fit of flames. The few feet between us and the berg was now a few yards. Panic took over as she forced me ahead.
"Thomas focus! You have to jump!" Teresa yelled, pulling me closer to the burning pit of fire.
My senses returned, as I let go of her and braced for the pain. I jumped, landing heavily on the side of the ramp as a scream tore from me. Arms were on every side, pulling me up into the berg as more of the building collapsed into itself.
"Teresa! C'mon!" I yelled, the thought of loosing someone else crossed my mind. I don't want to loose anyone else.. even though she killed him.
She stopped and looked at me in realization. "Tom.. you have to go.."
"No come with us! We can save you!" I yelled back, feeling the berg jerk as another building fell next to it.
"I'm sorry.. All I ever cared for.." And it collapsed, Teresa falling with it.
"NO!" I screamed, my stomach surging in pain and loss.
The entire thing fell into itself, bursting into hot flames that scorched the side of the berg. I gripped onto the closet thing beside me, Minho's arm.
I looked at the fire, then at the city, realizing it was all in flames. My grip loosened on Minho's arm as everything went fuzzy. Darkness overtook my sight and senses. And everything.. went dark

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