Find my mom, tell her...

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Thomas POV

   "Hey Newtie?" I looked down at Newt laying on my stomach in his hammock, a blanket pulled up to his chin.
    "Yea?" He looked up at me, a smile on his lips.
    "Do you know what the brightest star is on Earth?"
    He thought for a second, then shook his head.
    "What is it?"
    "Not what, who."
    He looked up at me confused.
   "Your the brightest star baby, and your on Earth with me."
    His whole face lit up and I kissed his lips. "Your my Star, you light up my whole world." 
   I nodded, "You really have no idea just how much I love you Newtie, so so much."
    "Love you too Tommy." And I properly kissed him,  the butterflies in my stomach making me blush...
    He fell asleep a little after midnight and I stayed up, thinking about us leaving.

~Next Morning~

    Yes, the glade is still covered in snow. Yes, we are packing. Yes, We are leaving....
Everyone gathered into the Homestead, most of them wrapping blankets around their bodies and layering extra clothes on.
I woke up to Minho's yells, and trudged slowly over to the Map room with help from Minho. Newt was fast asleep there, a book in his lap, his lips blue.
"Newtie....." I said softly, waking him up.
"Hmm?" He mumbled, barely moving.
"Your absolutely frozen.... baby C'here."
I pulled him from the chair, holding him close to me, I shivered when I felt his ice cold hands and tucked them under my shirt.
     "Tommy, I'm ok." He whispered, shivering.
     "Baby your frozen into a blond popsicle." He laughed, and I warmed him up, snuggling his head into my chest. "Feel better now?" He nodded, smiling.
      "Good." I took a deep breath, picked up his head and softly kissed his lips. I felt him kiss back and my heart soared.
       I broke it and felt like the happiest boy in the world... he looked up and me and smiled, biting his lip.
       "A....are we ready?" I whispered, and he nodded, hesitantly letting go of me.
       I smiled, and walked with him out to the frozen glade.
       The ones who were leaving, were waiting in the homestead, and they followed us to the west door.
      Some of them decided to stay, worried that they would die out in the maze instead of starvation here in the glade.
"I still can't believe your doing this." I overhear Gally yelling at Newt who came trudging over, obviously in pain. "You're all going to die out there!"
"Just shut up will you." Newt muttered, handing Minho a bag that looked to heavy for him to carry.
"You'll all be dead within hours!!" Gally kept yelling. "Good luck trying to survive!"
    "You'll all be dead! I know it! We're not meant to leave the maze!" Gally kept yelling for the next 5 minutes...
I just rolled my eyes and followed Newt and the others to the doors.
"Well.... anyone gonna give a pep talk...?" I heard Minho say.
      "Go ahead." Newt replied.
     Minho nodded and looked at the crowd of about 50 boys. "Be careful... don't die."
      I nodded, that pit growing in my stomach again...
    "Great, we're all bloody inspired." Newt said, rolling his eyes. "You all know the plan, after 3 years of being treated like mice, tonight we're making a stand.... tonight we're taking the fight back to the creators, no matter what we have to get through to get there. Tonight the grievers better be scared... remember Alby's line? If your not scared, your not human." 
     Someone cheered, then someone else, soon, the whole crowd was roaring with cheers, and it lifted my spirits up a little. Minho thrust his spear in the air and yelled, running into the maze.
     I couldn't stand for long... I felt like I was gonna fall... I guess Newt saw me struggling and picked me up. "Newt... I can walk."
     "No you can't." I grumbled and held onto him while he followed the group into the maze...
     An hour later, we saw our first Griever... thing ugly as fuck....
    Newt put me down by a wall away from the fight, while he went off and helped Minho...
    I watched, helplessly, as Chris got stabbed by a griever and fell into the hole...

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