I did it...

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Thomas POV

  I've been watching over Newt for a few hours... he's been sleeping a lot, which is good, considering how badly I've hurt him... I ran my thumb over his pale lips, feeling how soft they are. A million happy thoughts rushed through my mind and a squeal escaped and he shifted in my lap. I smile at him and stroke his blonde fluffy hair gently. I felt myself giggle and look at his almost angelic features. He's so pretty, especially when he licks his lips.. Which he just did and curled up in my arms closer. I smiled at him again, running my thumb over his beautiful face. I really thought he was an angel when I first got here, which probably sounds stupid, but I'm serious. I really really really love him.. I'm just hoping he wakes up soon...

  But he's not... I tried shaking him.
"Newt, Newtie, you ok?" He wouldn't move. "Newt, c'mon baby." I shook him harder. "Newt..."
  Still Nothing. At first I thought maybe he was just really tired. But as the hours passed... he didn't wake up. Worry filled my mind, so I got up and went to get Clint. He followed me back in and checked him out.
"Blonde, you ok?" Clint asked, shaking him aswell. He still didn't move, and panic overtook me.
  "Newt! Wake up!" I can't even tell if he's breathing, so I shook him like crazy.
"He's still not moving Clint!" I yelled at him while he scratched his chin.
  "Ok, after I left earlier, where did you go?"
I think for a second, the memory being recalled as a flashback. "I left for a few minutes to cool down and take a piss. Then came back and stayed with him..."
"Do you know if someone went in?"
"Y-you think he's poisoned?" I stammered, my mouth feeling dry as I formed the words and the sickening feeling came to my stomach.
He shook his head. "No, I think, but I need to know if someone came in here."
Then it hit me. "Alby did. He came in here before I came back."
Clint's brows furrow and his gears turned, he turned to me with a frown. "Do you think...?"
Dread clouded my mind and nodded. Bitting my tongue to keep from crying out in worry. I sit next to him as Clint paces across the room.
"Is he gonna be ok?" I ask quietly, as I put my head in his lap and played with his soft locks.
"I don't know..." He admits as I try not to tear up, but his lips started to move. In a panic I flew upright and sat closer to him.
"It hurts.. please stop it hurts."
"Newtie, wake up, please." I begged, trying to stir him. In response, he yawns and curls up more into me.
   I close my eyes and let myself daydream. His pretty little face, how could someone so beautiful, be so sad and upset? I wish I could do something for him... he never smiles or laughs or anything. Always looks so sad... I better find out what happened. So I set him down, kissing his cheek, ignoring Clint's raised eyebrows and walks outside to Alby.
"Alby! What did you do to him?!" I yelled, getting in his dark face. He shrugged innocently.
"I didn't do anything. Why you ask?"
"Because he's been sleeping all day! It's not like him!"
"So? He's not my problem, he's yours." He said bluntly, as I fought the urge to punch him in the nose.
    "What. Did. You. Do!"
"Relax. He's fine." He said calmly.
"How do you know?! What did you do to him?" I yell again, rounding on him.
"I said he'll be fine." He said bluntly, spinning on his heel and walking away before I had the chance to kick him. I groaned deeply and went back to the hut to find Minho and Clint arguing.
"So?! He better wake up!" Minho yelled, as I rolled my eyes and sat besides Newt again. 
"Guys calm down!" I said overtop them. "Clint just help him, please!"
Clint shrugged and grabbed viles out of a metal box beside the bed while Minho stormed outside.
Alby yelled at me from outside, "By the way, Thomas, he MIGHT be ok!"
"What?!" I shriek back, my defense mode turning on immediately.
"I said he might be ok!" He said back, laughing and walking away once again.
My face flushed red in anger and my hands balled into fists. "What. Did. You. Do?!?"
He clearly didn't hear me and Minho held me back before I punched Alby's face in.
"Calm down, Clint's gonna try something." He said calmly, while I calmed myself down and pulled Newt close to me.
"He'll be ok... right?" I asked quietly, looking up at Clint with worry-filled eyes.
They both nodded hesitantly as Clint comes over and stabs his arm with a vile. Newt winced, but didn't cry out or anything. I hugged him close and took the opportunity to kiss his forehead. Clint raised an eyebrow at me, but I flick him off. The idiot smirks and whispered something to Minho, who then laughs. I glared at them, frowning. "Are you two together?"
  Frantically they shook their heads. "Shut up, we're just joking around." Minho says quickly.
I smirk. "Are you sure?"
Clint rolls his eyes and Minho flips me off and walks towards the door, only to lean against it.
"Just help him though!" I say, snapping Clint from his thoughts as he looked around for something.
   Finally, Clint finds something, and sticks it into his arm. They leave after a while for the effects to take place but I stay, putting his head in my lap. I take a fleeting second and kiss his lips softly, curling myself up close to him and falling asleep.
Next time I wake up, I see a pair of deep ombré brown eyes and I break into a smile. "Newtie!"
He smiled sleepily back and I hugged him tightly. "Are you ok?! What happened?!"
"I'm fine, I'm fine.. and I don't know what happened. When you left, Alby came in.. and I don't remember."
I huff and pull him into my lap. "It's all Alby's fault, I'll kill him for hurting you, don't worry."
He shakes his head and cuddled up to me. "Don't hurt him.. he's saved my life before.. He must be stung or something."
  "Maybe.. we'll figure it out and help him, alright?"
  He nodded and licked his lips, and we stayed together for the rest of the day.
  It's been another week. Newt's bruises are healing, and my nightmares are no better. Minho is keeping him away from me when I have the dreams so I don't thrash around and hurt anyone. Unfortunately there hasn't been anything new with the dreams. The last city.. he dies, end of story. I can't find out how he gets it or if there's anything I can do to make it not be real. Maybe if I change something... I can fix it. I can't let him die like this. I have to do something..
Newt's not smiling so much anymore, lately he's seemed so down, as if he knows and is preparing to leave.. I'm doing everything to make him smile but to no avail.

  One night though.. The dream got worse. It showed me more.
"It's the flare.. it's gonna kill him!!" Someone screamed into the distance, it didn't ring any bells as someone I knew.
"Kill me. Get off me! Kill me! No.. help me! Help!"
It scares me and I scream, waking up in a cold sweat and hearing a thump of something. I turn frantically and I've shoved Newt off the small trundle bed. He groaned and rubbed the side of his head.
  "Oh.. Newt.. I'm sorry.." I said slowly, as my vision came to. The make out of the hut showed up in front of me as I felt myself slip back into reality. The dream flashed through my mind as I recalled it, his face and the sight of the last city. A shiver slithered down my spine as Newt held me close.
  "It's okay.. Its just a dream Tommy."
"I know." I shuddered out, sighing deeply while pushing away the thought of death.
  Everything will be okay, but oh was I wrong.

The next morning, the box came up and I carried Newtie outside to the homestead despite his protests, then I ran to the box to help Minho and Alby empty it. Afterwards, everyone went back to their work while I stayed and hung out with Newt by the pit. Minho and Clint where teasing us being together all the time. So as usual,  I flicked them off. They always leave for a while, then come back later in the day. Newt got shy and buried his face in my shoulder, groaning in annoyance.
"Oooooo, you two are perfect together!" Clint said in a high pitch, clutching Minho's arm.
"We need a ship name Clint!" Minho squealed, laughing his fatass off. "Yes!"
I groaned and waited to punch their faces in.
"Newtmas!" Minho said, squealing again and laughed, while Clint collapsed of laughter. Newt rolled his eyes and looked at me. "So help me or I'll kill them."
  "Tell me about it." I muttered, taking the time to stroke some hair from his eyes. Now's my chance to prove them wrong, or.. right in my case. The rest of the boys heard the commotion and gathered around Clint and Minho. I got nervous and looked down at Newt, who looked back at me, a pout on his thin lips. I tried to look away, but I got lost in his hazelnut eyes. I leaned down as if I was gonna whisper something to him... but instead I moved my head and kissed his lips. He froze, and everyone collectively gasped. But in a split second, I pushed harder, and he moved his lips in sync. Happiness exploded in my mind as I got more into it and kissed harder, and bit his bottom lip. He sighed absolutely softly and smiled a little into the kiss. I broke it and smiled wide at him, he cracked a grin, that soon turned to a smile... the first I've seen since I've been here. I smile wider at his face and peck his lips. The group gasped, then cheered. I smirked and Newt laid his head on my shoulder, while I wrapped an arm around him tightly. The smile never left his face, not even as he fell asleep.
"I love you Newt."
"Love you too Tommy." He said quietly, as if it was a new word for him. I never knew how fast I could fall for someone.. someone I hardly knew. Someone I would grow to love

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