Sometimes... quiet is violent

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Thomas POV

   "Newt?!" I screamed into the fog. "Baby! Answer me please!"
   No answer, there's screaming all around me, and buildings, brightly lit buildings, there's smoke, and fog, and gunfire. Is that Minho's voice?
   Is that Teresa?
   "Newt!" I call out again anyways, as I stumble through the streets. "Newt?!"
   A figure is standing a few feet from me, their back is turned but it's to dark to make out who it is.
   It turns, black blood pouring from its mouth, dark beady eyes glare at me, a gunshot wound through its forehead. "You.. you killed me." It says softly. "You killed me Tommy. Thank you."
   The fog cleared and I saw its face. It's Newt.

   I jumped awake, possibly screaming as I did because Newt came over and tried to calm me.
"Shh, Tommy, Just a nightmare."
"No no it.. it was.." I cut off, I can't say it, what if I say it and it becomes real?
"Tommy, just a nightmare..."
"But it felt s-so real.."
"It's not." He said softly, pulling me close.
"B-but I saw you.. and I.."
"What did you do?" He asked, as I wrapped my arms around his waist in the dark, trying to stay quiet because I saw the others stirring.
"I.. I.. shot you.. in t-the head... like the d-dream back in the glade.." I said stuttering, picturing his face, which looked calm, which scared me.
"Tommy, remember what I told you that day?" He explained quietly, kissing my forehead. "I said that if I ever did turn into a crank... I'd do it myself.. I couldn't put you through that.."
"N-no..." I pleaded, "No I can't.. I can't loose you to that.. it's... it's an inevitable death baby, I can't.." I cut myself off, thinking. If he ever does get it.. He'll die.. either painfully.. turning into a crank and feasting on innocent people.. or peacefully.. with a bullet in his head... issued by me or Minho.
"I won't.. Ok?" He told me, "I'll do everything I can to be safe around cranks.."
"And I'll protect you... no matter what. They can't turn me, so I can keep you safe."
"No.." He shook his head, his hair gently touching my face. "I don't want you to get hurt.." His head snapped up and stayed dead silent. Silence like this... isn't good.
"Newt..? What is it?" I asked, sitting up a bit.
I stayed quiet as well, hearing nothing but wind and... screams?
"It's cranks, we have to go! Minho!" He said frantically, getting up just as I watched figures come into sight.
"What?!" Minho scrambled awake, shaking Andrew and Aris.
"We're under attack!" Brenda yelled over everyone, apparently she fell asleep keeping watch that night.
"Get up!" I screamed, Fry and Teresa grabbing the few belongings we had as the cranks got closer by the second. I threw some remaining water onto the fire and grabbed Newt's hand, racing up the mountain.
Luckily we were camped close to it.. so we didn't have to go far before it started to incline. I heard the horrible shrieks and screams once again, as if nails were being dragged along a chalkboard. Images of their terrified, half eaten faces flashed through my mind, especially the one of Newt.
"Come on!" Teresa yelled, taking Brenda's hand behind us and following the group. I didn't pay attention to them, I only watched Newt next to me, but I must have been to focused.. as I didn't feel his hand linked in mine for a few agonizing seconds.
"NEWT!" I turned around, in horror, to see a crank pinning him down once again, trying to scratch at his waist and arms. I stopped dead in my tracks and crawled back down the mountainside, and punched it off him. "You ok?!"
"Fine!" He yelled back, taking my outstretched hand and getting back to his feet, I heard gunshots around us, only to see Brenda and Minho side by side, shooting them down.
"Thomas go! Get him somewhere safe!" Minho said, kicking a crank down that fell at his feet.
I nodded and pushed Newt in front of me, as I felt a sharp pain through my left leg. I turned, and saw a crank's long boney finger etched into my leg. I bent down and yanked it out, only for blood to come oozing out. In a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding, I ripped a sleeve off of my shirt with one of my knives and wrapped up my ankle.
"Thomas, you alright??" Newt said, pulling me back to his side as everyone ran up the mountain.
The sun started to rise, and we could finally see where we were going, and that we no longer heard their screams. I slowed down a bit, my leg killing me, but I kept pushing.
We didn't stop all day, climbing, climbing.. It got steeper the farther we went up.
"I'm telling you." Minho said later on, "We're gonna fry out here."
"A personal attack? Now?" Frypan argued, walking next to Teresa.
"Not you Frypan," Min said back, "We're gonna cook to death in this heat."
"Be quiet, the camp is up here." Brenda yelled overtop us as a bullet whizzed past my head into a rock to my right.
"We're under attack!"
"Was that Aris?"
"Who screamed?"
"My hAIR!"
"SHUT UP!" Someone screamed, and everyone immediately got quiet, circling around each other, Andrew on the ground in the middle.
"Stop! Don't move!" A muffled voice said calmly.
I looked around the hills, seeing some movement.
"Turn around."
I felt something press into my head. "Turn.. around.."
And I did, I turned around to see a dark haired girl, holding a gun to my head, but she backed up.
"We got ourselves some cranks here?"
"We're not infected!" Minho said, knife in hand.
"And how would we know that." The voice said, as a shorter blonde haired girl stood next to her.
"We can prove it."Aris said quietly, as both girls put their guns down. The dark one turned to the blonde and they both looked at Aris.
"Aris?" One said as she took down the cloth covering half her face.
"Oh my god Aris?!" The blonde one said, pulling her scarf off.
"Harriet?" Aris said, moving towards them and hugging the dark one, who's Harriet. "Sonya!" Aris said, hugging them both.
"You're lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass!" Sonya said, laughing and signaling for others in the hills to stand down.
"Can someone tell me what's happening." Minho said, putting his hands down.
"They were in the maze with me." Aris said, looking between Harriet and Sonya.. their arms linked.
"Then how did you get out? All three of you? You said they all died." I asked, pulling Newt close to me.
"We did.. Harriet and Sonya got out of WICKED headquarters.. same as you guys.. but I didn't." Aris explained, as Teresa gave them all a glare.
"So you're the sassy blonde who stabbed me." Teresa said angrily.
Sonya smiled then drew her gun again. "Why's she here?"
"No no!" Aris said, putting down her gun. "She helped us escape, she's nice."
I heard Brenda snort in the back, her face stuck in a bitchface.
"Well.. she's not nice.." I added, "But she saved us."
Sonya looked at Harriet and they both nodded. "Come on then.. we'll do some quick searches for infections and give you all some food, you must be starving."

An hour later we were already seated at their camp, eating to our heart's content of stew. All of us besides Newt and Aris have done their checkups, but I'm not worried, I made sure no cranks were near him.
"Glad your dumbasses found us now." Sonya said, munching on an apple. "We're moving out next week, probably going north as it starts to get hotter."
"Where are we exactly?" Jorge asked reasonably.
"Hell knows." Harriet said, "Probably somewhere in Texas."
"Texas? Where even is that?" I heard Fry say.
"Somewhere in the United States." Sonya said.
"Hey, how's Andrew?" Minho asked Harriet.
"Better.. gunshot didn't touch any vital organs and Mary's stitching him up now." She replied as they walked off towards the medical tent.
I looked over at Aris, who just got back from his checkup. "So.. your maze was full of girls?"
"Yep," He said and laughed, sitting next to Sonya. "We were best friends, and so was Rachel." A sad look flashed across his face but then he smiled again. "I miss her, but I have you guys now."
I nodded, "Of course you do."
"Hey Newt?" Mary called, walking over. His head picked up from the ground and looked over at her.
"Your turn." He nodded and started to get up.
"Want me to come with?" I asked, taking his hand.
"No, I'll be fine, she's literally just checking how alive I am." He laughed, kissed my hand and walked off with her.
"Ok but you guys are soooo cute together." Sonya squealed, squeezing Aris into a tight hug.
"I know," I said laughing. "He's the best thing to ever happen to me."

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