I'm not gonna make it...

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  I stared at her in shock. "All of it?"
   She nodded. "Well, not all of it, enough for you to live."
    I shook my head. "No I can't do that."
    "Why ever not? It's saving the human race."
    "Just forget it." I got up and limped my way outside and back to the cafeteria. If I let them take my blood, I could die, and leave Newt here alone. After everything.. I couldn't do that to him. Even if it meant saving everyone. I sighed and found him at one of the tables, slowly eating an apple.
   "Hey, where'd you go?"
   "Got lost, this place is huge." I sat next to him, propping my elbows on the table.
   "Yea it is." I looked over at him, watching him scan the room, almost scared like.
    "What's wrong?"
    "Baby don't lie."
    "Just a bad feeling."
    I frowned and hugged him. "Don't worry, we're safe." I really didn't give it a second thought, but oh how was I wrong.

   Ratass came in later with a clipboard. "Alright! Time for some of you to go to your new homes!" He stared at the board and squinted, "Jessica, Cameron, Jake, Max, Ella, Rebekah, and Sam, your about to start a new life."
   I watched 7 kids from around the room get up and follow a guard out a securely locked door, and Janson turn back again. "Now, all of you know who is Immune. Let's find out who's not," I saw his face twitch into a small grin and read out the board. "The following people are not immune... Newt..."
   Something like a jolt hit me in the chest, I doubled over and just stared at the floor. Rat man called out a few more names but none I knew, I barely even heard them over the dizzying buzz that filled my ears and dogged my mind....
   I guess I was surprised at my reaction, I guess I never realized how much he meant to me until I heard that declaration.....
   I looked back up at Newt, who was frozen, and pale as ice. "N-Newt?" I took his cold hand and kissed it softly. "I'm so sorry."
    He looked over at me slowly, I just hugged him. It's another step to my dream... he got the flare, just like that girl said.. maybe it really will come true. I can't let that happen.  I can't...
   "Come on, let's get you to bed." He got up and walked with me back to the room.
"Hey guys, what's up?" I put my finger to my lips to try to signal for Minho to be quiet.
"I'm... not immune."
I sat next to him, stroking his hair while everyone came over. "I'm not immune, means I can get the flare... means I can die... just like his dream."
"No... no Blonde don't think like that." Minho leaned down to face him. "We're not gonna let that happen, I'm not letting 4 years of friendship end like that."
I grin a little, he cares so much for my baby. He looked up at Minho. "You won't?"
"Hell no! I'll do everything I can to stop it!"
Newt just got up and hugged Minho tight, standing on his tip toes cuz Minho's a pretty tall dude. "Thanks Min."
"Hey don't mention it buddy." They let go and he sat back down, playing with the edge of his shirt. I took both hands and kissed them. "Don't worry ok?"
He nodded, and I looked right into his eyes, searching, for anything that could show me how he was really feeling. I saw a hint of sadness but I did catch a glimpse of happiness.... even though his face was sad I could tell just in his eyes that he was glad. I need to ask him something later....
He eventually curled up and fell asleep on the bed while I stayed wide awake, trying to think of ways to stop what could be coming....

Guess I fell asleep again because I woke up to find Newt gone and everyone asleep. I got up and went to the door to find it locked shut. "We're locked in..."
    "What?" Fry woke up and came over and tried to open it. "Shit it is locked."
    The rest got up and tried to open it. "Fuck this shit, we're trapped!"
    I frowned, "Newt's right, this place isn't a safe house."
   "What?!" I look over at Jack's worried face.
"Guys guys, calm down, let's... think rationally."
"Rationally?! When we're locked in here and he's out there?!" Minho was obviously panicking and tried to open the door frantically. I stepped back from the drama and took a deep breath, trying to steady myself when I heard a click and a vent go flying out from underneath one of the beds.
"The fuck?"
Out crawled a younger boy from underneath it. He got up and looked right at me. "We have to get you guys out of here."
"Uhm... nice to meet you." Minho just kept banging on the door after saying that.
"Sorry, I'm Aris, but I saw your friend. Janson took him."
I frowned. "You mean Ratass has Newt?"
Aris nodded and got back down on his stomach. "All of you follow me, this place isn't safe, and I know how to get out."
I looked at the others who followed us to the vent. I went in first, following Aris down tunnel after tunnel. Being followed by Minho, Jack, Winston, Clint and Andy.

    "We there yet?"
"Shush, we're here." Aris kicked open a vent and slid down to an empty hallway. I followed and landed on my good leg. The rest ending up in a heap on the floor.
"Guys! Shh! I doubt we're supposed to be here!"
They shut up and followed Aris quietly.
"You wanna know why this place isn't just safe?"
"Of course, show us." He nodded and swiped a card, opening a lab looking room with bodies everywhere.
"Holy shit..."
The bodies were hanging with tons of tubes hanging out of them. Looks like they were draining their blood.
"Rachel!" I looked over and saw Aris clutching the hand of one of them.
He sniffled as I walked over, "She was in the maze with me... I told her it would be ok when they took her..."
I sighed and looked around. "I'm sorry Aris..."
Maybe one of them was Newt....
"It's ok... I just... I loved her." He turned away and went back out to the hallway while I looked for him. Nothing, thank god.
"Aris," I went out to him, "Where do they keep non immunes....? My boyfriend might be there."
"Section 4," He wiped his face, "C'mon I'll take you."
A few minutes later we found Section 4 which just said 'non' which I'm guessing means non-immunes.
I ran and looked in all the rooms, not finding anything. "Fuck man... Newt! Can you hear me?"
The rest of the group helped by calling and looking, still finding nothing. By the time I got to the last room, alarms were going off and I was getting worried. I peaked in the small window to see someone laying in a bed in the corner. I couldn't see who it was, the glass was dirty as hell.
"Minho can you open it?" He came over and kicked it a few times, not getting anywhere.
"Wow guys." Aris laughed and swiped the card he had before and the door opened.
"You had to watch me make a fool of myself, didn't you Aris?" Minho said, laughing.
"Yes I did."
I cracked and grin and went inside the dark room.
There was no light switch to I went over, and felt for his hand. It's frozen...
I sighed of relief and hugged him. "Oh god I thought I lost you."
"You didn't... I'm here."
We stayed hugging for a few minutes, "Guys we have to go! Someone's coming!" I looked over at a panicked Aris and helped Newt stand up.
"Oh baby what did they do to you?"
I sighed and slung his arm around my neck, running/walking after Aris back to section 1 to get the hell out of here.
"Where do you think your going?"
Fuck it's ratass
"Out of this prison!" Minho and Aris ran ahead to the door and tried to open it.
"This is a safe place."
I scoffed. "Yea right, and I'm the devil... open this door Janson!"
"You know I can't do that Thomas." He called guards to his side, and they have huge guns.
"We're so dead...."
"Minho shut up."
"Wait... I have an idea! Stay alive guys!" Aris opened up a vent to our left and went through it, although I don't think Ratface noticed.
"You know I don't want to kill you, so just come with us."
That gives me an idea. "Guys, he's right, he just wants us to be safe."
"The fuck? Thomas he's not right!" Minho's yelling now.
"No... Tommy." I look at Newt and smiled a little, I think he got the message.
"C'mon Guys, we'll be fine." I let Newt go and walked towards Janson.
"Oh my god he's lost his mind."
"Minho, Shut. Up!"
"You promise not to hurt them?" I asked, walking closer to him.
"On my word." He smiled that evil toothy smile and put down the weapons, "Come on."
"Yea there's just... one... itty bitty problem... you messed with my boyfriend." Once I got close enough, I grabbed one of the guards guns and shot some of them down.
I turned back and saw the gate open. "Thomas come on!
Unfortunately the gun ran out of bullets, so I just threw it at them and ran as fast as I could back down the hallway to the door.
"Close that gate!"
I laughed to myself and ran to the door, despite the pain crawling up my legs. "Tommy hurry!"
The gate was closing... I'm not gonna make it...

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