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Newt POV

   "Come back in 2 days Newt," Mary said quietly as we walked out of the medical tent.
   "I will.. Don't worry." I said, rubbing my arm gently, sitting next to Sonya at the picnic table while Harriet and Fry made dinner.
   "You guys look similar." Aris piped up, biting into an apple, pointing at me and Sonya.
   "We do not!" She said laughing, "We don't look anything alike!"
   "Same accents." Minho added, ruffling my hair.
   "So?" Sonya asked, flipping a knife in her hand.
   "So... maybe your like... from the same place or something before WICKED took us." Min said.
   "Nope," I said, shrugging, looking around for Thomas, who I later found sleeping in a tent.
   "Well who knows." Mary said, walking over, "We could do a challenge or something to see if they're close."
   "We just met and you guys think we're family?" I asked, rolling my eyes, as did she.  "Bloody hell next they'll think we're dating."
   She laughed, "Well we can't, Harriet's my girlfriend."
   I smiled, "I didn't know."
   "Not many people do." She said, waving at Harriet. "Plus I don't know how people would respond if they knew."
   "Who cares? As long as your happy." I said, chugging a drink of water.
   "I'm the happiest girl alive." Harriet added walking over.
    "Then your meant to be." I said, taking some bread off the pile of food but not eating it having no appetite.
    "Just like you and Thomas." Minho piped up, "Your perfect together.. fight me."
    "I agree, but I'll fight you regardless." Sonya said playfully, Minho deciding to take the challenge tomorrow.
   "Bloody hell," Sonya said as played and bowls of food were brought over, "This is a lot of food."
    "Anything for you Lizzy." Harriet said, kissing her girlfriend's cheek.
   I sat in silence for a minute, her accent did sound the same as mine. "Lizzie?"
  "Yea?" Sonya said, looking over at me.
  "Is that your real name?" I asked.
  "A nickname, my real name is Elizabeth, somehow its one of the few things I remember from before the maze." She explained, "Although Newt sounds funny if it's really your name."
   I thought hard for a second, "No my real name's Issac.."
  She frowned, as if remembering something....


"Lizzie where are they taking us?" A short blond haired boy said to his sister.
   "Somewhere safe Issac," She said, hugging the small child tightly as the train nearly lulled them to sleep.
   "You promise?" He asked sleepily, sitting beside her, her dirty hair tickling his nose.
   "I promise little brother, We'll be safe here... And we'll never be apart again."

~End flashback~

I jumped and smacked Sonya's arm and hit my elbow on the table. That.. seemed like a memory more than a dream.. I looked over at Sonya who had the same perplexed look.
  "Did... Did you just..?" She stuttered, rubbing her eyes.
   "You saw it too?" I asked quietly, looking at her.
   "You guys.. good?" Minho asked from across the table.
   "Yea..." She said, "But I think we're siblings."
   "You know that... how?" Mary asked, putting a cool cloth on Sonya- Lizzie's forehead.
   "A flashback or memory or something." I said fast, trying to remember it. "Before the maze.. we were little."
   "And short!" Lizzie added, smiling. "I knew something was missing.. There was this picture that I always kept with me through the maze of a boy and I, but I never knew who it was.. Just that it was someone close to me."
   "You have a picture?" I asked, as she nodded and fished through her pockets, handing it to me. It was me, Aris and Lizzie.. Happy, healthy, and way young.  I called Aris over as he looked at it as well, and the three of us had the biggest smiles on.
   "I don't remember when we took this, but I remember meeting you idiot." Lizzie said softly, smiling.
    "Oh god how could I forget!" I said laughing, memories coming back I didn't know I had, being with the people I love.
   "Didn't I have my hand stuck in a vent?" Aris asked, looking downright concerned for his well-being.
   "You did." She said, "And when we met, You didn't say a damn word Newt.... always a shy little kid."
   "I can't believe your older." I said, shoving her playfully.
   "Probably only by a year or so!" She said laughing, holding onto Aris to stay upright.
   "Still not fair!"
  "Hey baby...." Thomas said softly, slipping beside me, yawning and pulling me into his lap.
   "Look at how sleepy and adorable your boyfriend is oh my god!" Lizzie squealed, forking through one of her bags that she grabbed from her tent.
   "I'm tired.. can't I cuddle the love of my life quietly?" Thomas muttered, burying his face into my neck.
   "No, I need pictures." Lizzie decided to take pictures of us, so we played around with it for a while.
   We ate dinner all together, conversations all around. Thomas's head was on my shoulder as I played with his hair gently.
   "So..." Minho started, looking at Aris and Harriet, "What was your maze like?"
   "Well," Aris said, sitting up excitedly. "It was cold, damn cold, like a frozen wasteland."
   "Yea!" Harriet chimed in, putting down her fork. "We had a box that came up every week with supplies, and we made forts from snow and trees."
  "We had a box too.. but our Maze was tropical." Minho said, frowning.
   "Lucky, half of Group B froze before we could get out." Sonya added, "Andrew said it froze before you guys left too."
   "It did." I said, "Some crazy ass weather the creators made."
   "Creators? WICKED were the creators." said Brenda as she walked over and sat across from Teresa, giving her a glare with the name.
   "Now we know that." Thomas said quietly next to me.
   Lizzie nodded, "Rachel and I were runners, our maze was.. more of an ice maze. Although you couldn't see through the panes of ice, you had a sense of direction.
  Aris sighed softly but Harriet hugged him tightly, whispering something I couldn't hear.
   "Blonde used to be a runner." Minho said but I jabbed my elbow into his side and he winced.
   "Really?" Lizzie asked, smiling. "I bet your fast."
   "Was.." I muttered, putting my chin in my hand, Lizzie reaching over and taking my hand off my chin and holding it, smiling.
   "Whatever happened, I'm glad your alive."
   That made me smile, "Me too."
   If only she knew...

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