Minho you dumbass

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Thomas POV

   I didn't sleep that night, instead, I paced the rooms for hours, racking my brain on anything that'll change Newt's mind. On his stubborn death wish to save Minho. Maybe I can make him stay, find something to knock him out? I shook that thought out of my head. He'll come no matter what, whether I like it or not. So he'll come.. as long as he stays with me the entire time.

  "This is a stupid plan." Fry muttered, gearing up with Brenda and Jorge. 
  It's late at night, the moon fully rise overhead, casting shadows everywhere. Giving off a crappy presence.
   "You said that already." Gally said, rolling his eyes under those hideous eyebrows and turning his attention to me. "You two follow me, we'll sneak in that way."
  I nodded, still not trusting him completely, but not leaving Newt's side. We separated from Jorge, Brenda and Fry and the three of us grabbed a backpack, following Gally outside and down to the walls undetected. I watched unnerved as Gally nodded to someone and he slipped into a building, which had a hidden tunnel underneath a rug in the kitchen. Newt and I exchanged uneasy glances and followed him down. In dead silence we walked. And walked. And walked. Luckily there were some lights lining the walls- if you could call them walls.. lighting our way.
  "So," Gally started. breaking the eerie silence, "What happened after you guys got out?"
  I shot a look at Newt, who shrugged. "You can obviously tell who's not here Gally.."
  "No shit Sherlock.. but what actually happened?"
"Attacked by cranks, met Brenda and Jorge in the scorch, lost a lot of people.." I cut in, frowning. "What about you?"
   "Me?" Gally asked, snorting as the tunnel turned into a well-lit, concrete, hall like cave. He then jumped down onto a platform, and helped us down. "Like I said before, when I came to I found my way out of that god forsaken hell hole and walked until I met Lawrence in Mexico and came here."
  I nodded and looked around nervously, watching anything that moved, listening to unfamiliar sounds and blinking from the lights. "Where are we exactly?"
  Dramatically he spread his arms, "The subway underneath the city. Couldn't tell you that part of the plan, I figured you'd be against it."
  "And you were right." I mumbled, following him reluctantly up the tunnels. I made sure to keep a sharp eye on Newt, as he was silent beside me, his eyes wide with anticipation at the place.
  The ground started to shake as a train passed by on another track off the platform, and we stared at it, never having seen anything so.. new.. Gally had an amused look on his face as Newt jumped when the wind blew our hair and clothes. Flipping him off I went ahead, looking around.
  "We'll have to cross over," Gally announced later, "There's stairs up into the city over there." He pointed across the tracks to a station some 50 yards away, where there was another platform leading up somewhere. Problem was.. you'd have to run directly into the tracks to get there.
  "But there could be a train.." I said, looking worried.
  "You'll be fine, I think I have it timed." Gally replied, checking a watch on his wrist.
  "You think??" I snapped, frowning.
  The remark made him roll his eyes again, "Just go, one of you, I'll go last."
  I hitched a breath and jumped down onto the tracks, hightailing it to the other side. There was some pain crawling into my leg, but I ignored it.
  "Newt! Come on!" I yelled, cupping my hands over my mouth, unfortunately I couldn't see him from my position.
  Then someone slammed into me from the side, but it wasn't Newt. "Gally, the hell? You said you'd go last!"
  He was out of breath and answered back, "He said to go ahead, so I did."
  "Stubborn bitch!" I yelled, trying to call to him again. But the ground started shaking again, but this time, it was closer. I peered out from the spot we were hidden in, and heard a horn sound from behind us, as Newt was racing towards us.
  My heart dropped to my toes as he tripped, hard, and landed in the tracks. The rumbling was getting louder, as the train was coming into view from the tunnel behind us. "Newt! Run!"
  He must have hit something, because it took a few seconds for him to get up. I was about to run to him, to push him out of the way, to save him, but something brushed past me. It was Gally, and I watched, helpless, as Gally nearly picked Newt up and helped him run along the tracks. There was only a sliver of time before the train reached them and the hideout.. I reached down and grabbed Newt's arm, pulling him up, Gally swinging himself up as well and shielding us behind him.
  When the train had passed I pulled him close. "Your so stupid.. are you okay? Did you hit something?"
  "My leg.. and head.." Newt mumbled, as a streak of blood dripped down the side of his face. I nearly panicked as I ripped the sleeve off my shirt and cleaned it immediately. Luckily he just twisted his leg so he'll be able to move. Once I was certain he was okay, then, and only then, did I look at Gally.
  "Why did you do that..?"
  He shrugged, his arms crossed. "I realized how much he meant to you.. and I'd hate to loose someone else.."
  "Thank you.." I blurted, frowning at myself, but he nodded, unfolding his arms.
   "Your welcome, now let's go." Glancing at each other once again, we followed Gally up the stairs to the city.
  It was beautiful.. The sun was halfway overhead, lighting the city between the walls, the place coming to life. Cars passed by us, people on bikes, on buses, walking.. everywhere. There were children running, people on tablets and phones, hailing taxi's and talking to others. The buildings touched the sky, there were trains higher then trees.. and I've never seen so many people. I looked over to Newt, who looked at everything and everyone. He caught my gaze and a smile creeped onto his lips.
  Gally decided to break the moment, "Alright Lovebirds, now comes the hard part."

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