Am I crazy?

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Thomas POV

  Everything's good now in the glade. I'm officially a runner with Minho. My friendship with Newt and all the gladers is alright. Gally and Alby seem to hate me for some reason though, maybe just how we met, or a bad feeling or something.
It's just a random Monday in the glade and I'm trying to think about how to tell Newt I love him. But I can't fucking think of anything. I was just resting and sleeping most of the day. And I had a happy dream, of us being together, here in the glade. He seemed even cuter then before, and he kept calling me Love, it was so cute. But... the dream turned dark... and creepy. I could hear a clear voice in the distance. I couldn't make it who it was.

"Tommy..." The voice said, "Thomas, you have to."
I yell out, "Have to what?! Who's there!"
"Kill me, Tommy, Kill me...." The voice sounded sad, and scared. Also like it wasn't from a person, but like a spirit or something.
"Kill me!" The voice suddenly got louder and more clear. "Kill me! Or I'll do it myself!"
I gasped. It was Newt..
"Do it! If you ever loved me, Kill me!"
I fall to my knees and my vision becomes clearer. It's not Newt... it's like a different version of him. He's a monster... he's not human. There's black blood pouring out of his mouth, and his eyes are almost completely black. I look around. And see a city. A beautiful city. But I snap out of it and look at him again. He attacks me, and I shove him off. Then he scrambles for the gun in my holder. Then points it to his head. A terrified scream escapes my throat, as tears make their way down my face. I forcefully grab it out of his hands, then he looks at me with that same broken expression.
"Do it, pull the trigger. Please Tommy.."
I don't know what to do...
"Newt... I can't, what happened...?"
"Do it, or I'll do it myself!" He snarled angrily, his eyes never showing more hatred.
"I can't.. Newtie, I can't!" He screams in my face.
"DO IT!"
I stand up and point it at his head. I look at him one last time and see his eyes clear, and looks straight at me, I look back at his chocolate eyes. "Please... Tommy, please." I watch.. almost as if I'm out of my own body.. I.. it.. me.. turns my head and close my eyes, then pulled the trigger.

Then everything goes dark. I wake up screaming, my pillow wet with tears, and I hear a yelp too. I sit up, breathing heavy and turn to see Newt there, then he hugs me tight.
"Shh Shh, it's ok, it's alright."
I'm sobbing quietly now, and I hug him back, never wanting to let go. I'm to shocked and scared to say or do anything except sob in his arms. He eventually calms me down though. His soft voice and how he rocked me... I cried until I was exhausted and fell asleep.
The next day I woke up and could barely open my eyes. I was so tired. But I forced myself to open them and the first thing I saw was Newt sleeping next to me. My head on his chest. I look up at him and sigh to see a bright red bruise on his cheek. Did I do that?! I try not to start crying again, but a whimper escapes. He wakes up, with a jump immediately sitting up and hugging me.
"It's ok, it's alright, Shh." I stay there and force myself not to cry.
"S-sorry Newt.." I stutter out, tears slipping down my cheeks.
"It's alright, it's ok, it's just a dream."
I looked up at him, then touched his face where the bruise was. He flinched, closing his eyes.
"I'm so sorry Newtie, did I do this?!"
"No, it's fine." He said quietly, his voice cracking slightly.
"I did that! I hurt you!" I nearly yelled, curling myself up and crying again. Newt wrapped his arms around me tighter and whispered soft quiet things to me.
"You didn't hurt me badly, it's alright Tommy, Shh."
He rocks me until I calm down again. His voice is so soothing, and it put me to sleep again.
  I wake up a few hours later, it's late because I can hear the walls closing in the distance. I look up and see Newt talking quietly with Minho and Alby, I pretend I'm still asleep and listen to what they're saying.
"I think it has something to do with a gun, maybe Tommy shooting someone..."
"Maybe... but who? When? How did it happen?"
"I don't bloody know!" I heard Newt whisper-yell. "But I'm not asking him because it'll make him upset again."
"Then I'll ask him later Blonde, just rest, and I'll get Clint to look at your bruises again."
"Ok, thanks Minho." I can hear Minho and Alby leave and Newt crawl back beside me, and utters a sigh as he lays down, falling asleep almost instantly.
I get up after I know he's asleep, because I can hear him snoring softly. Then I sneak outside quietly and find Minho.
"There you are! Why are you out of bed? What the fuck happened?"
"Uh... What?"
"You were crazy! Thrashing around like a psycho!" Minho said, his voice getting louder.
"I don't remember... anyways... is Newt okay?"
"Yea, why you ask?" He said, sounding annoyed as fuck.
"Um... because there's a bruise..." He snorts.
"Oh yea, you did that!" He stated bluntly.. I think for a second and try not to tear up.
"I hit him?" I asked quietly.
   He laughs loudly, teasingly. "A few times, in the face, side, leg. You name it. You can only see the bruise on his cheek."
I tear up quickly. "I-I did? Is he in pain?!"
He nods. "Probably, But he'll never ever tell you."
I force myself not to cry. I hurt my angel, my baby, my everything.... so I go back to his hut and cuddle next to him, picking him up in my arms, snuggling him like a baby. He's so cute when he sleeps. I'm just sitting there, holding him tight.. he'll be ok..

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