Would you rather?

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Newt POV

I felt Thomas get up, and I pretended to snore to make him think I was asleep. I heard his footsteps falter as he walked away, and the wind drowning out anything anyone said. I must have laid there for another 5 minutes, and he wasn't back.. so being the annoying kid I can be, I got up to find him. Instead, I hear him talking to Teresa. All small talk, although when he said he's hurt me, I felt my heart break a little more. He can kill me and I'd still look after him.
"We won't hurt each other, right?" Teresa asked, as I hid in the dark.
I heard someone move, and I poked my head out a little bit, only to see Teresa's lips on his. Their eyes were closed, their kiss in sync. I knew it, I fucking knew it.
"I'm... I'm sorry... I just thought..." She said, smiling. Thomas looked down and played with his shirt. I watched him look around nervously and he caught my gaze.
"Newt I.."
I crossed my arms, shook my head and turned to leave, but instead I heard this ear-pierceing screech from down a hallway.

  "Newt! Eight O clock!" I heard Frypan scream, and I looked to my left, this ugly half-human half-monster coming at me. My ankle gave out, from me turning to quickly, and it fell on top of me, clawing and scratching at my chest. I desperately grabbed its arms, kicking it off with my one good leg and getting up. I saw Thomas pinned down by one but for a split second.. I thought.. what if I left him? Another crank was close to me so I hid behind a slab of concrete, Thomas punched the crank off himself and I grabbed his arm, pulling him forcefully away. "Thomas! Move it!" I let go and ran ahead, letting his girlfriend take care of him.
   "Follow me!" Brenda said, running off down a dark hallway. I glanced at Minho, who only nodded, and we followed her. The shrieks and screams still sounded around us, although they grew farther and farther away. She brought us to a big open room, with doors on all sides. Winston and I attempted to open two doors to the left, Thomas and Teresa pulling ones to my right, Minho and Andrew finally prying the far right one open and dashing outside into the dark and cold night. Minho grabbed my hand and raced after them, Thomas behind, trying to yell at me. I just numbly blocked him out, I'm in no fucking mood to talk.
   We made it outside, and barricaded the door to the mall with anything we could find. Brenda gathered her men, Jorge counting off names. Only Brenden was missing... And Jeff. Everyone got called on, and we started off again towards the looming mountains. I'm to pumped to rest, even though my ankle was probably swelling, I trudged along with the rest of them.
   "Newt?" It's Thomas.. fuck
  "What." I said, probably to angry, because a hurt look overcame his face and he looked down, walking in pace with me. 
   "I'm sorry..."
   "Don't," I said, stopping and looking at him dead in the eyes. "Don't go all sorry on me, don't apologize for doing what you wanted to." I took off again, falling a bit behind the group, although Minho was never far from me.
   "Newt please." He begged, trying to take my hand.
  "Thomas stop... you kissed her.. and you didn't move, you didn't even flinch. If I wasn't there.. would you have told me?"
   He shook his head and sighed, "I'm still sorry.. I froze.. you saw that.. I didn't know what to do.."
   "So.. when you kiss me, you don't freeze.. your eyes don't close and you don't get all shy afterwards... it's only with her have I ever seen you do that." I said fast, picking up the pace despite the searing pain itching up my leg.
   "No.. I mean... Listen to me please!" He ran ahead and walked backwards in front of me. "Let me explain..."
   "There's nothing to explain." I shook my head and moved past him, Minho coming over and walking next to me, giving Thomas dirty looks after I told him what happened. Was I to hard on him? I mean.. he probably wants her, you don't just.. kiss like that if you didn't mean it..

  We walked all night, getting closer to the mountains with every step. Minho eventually carried me on his back, wrapping up my ankle after I collapsed, not telling Thomas, else he'll insist on him carrying me or even staying by my side. I just don't know what to do about him. Do I take him back..? He hurt me.. this hurt more then when he accidentally stabbed me.. this hurt..
   We stopped around dawn.. and finally rested. Thomas is avoiding me, only talking to Teresa, Brenda and Minho. Guess I don't really want to talk to him either..
  I curled up, using my backpack as a pillow, just looking up at the stars and the brightly lit moon set in the distance, and watched the sun slowly climb its way into the sky. It's been a few hours, and I drifted off, only to be woken up by a gunshot going off.
   I jumped up, grabbing the knife I had in my pocket.
  There he stood, a gun to his head, his face dirty and full of blue veins, his hair was matted and fell over his eyes. I looked to his arms, the same veins coating both arms, greenish spots showing up as I watched in horror, as he cocked the gun. Minho was a step ahead of me and wretched the gun from Winston's hand as the boy fell into the hot sand. I raced over, along with everyone else.
   "He's a crank! Get back!" Brenda ordered, loading her gun.
   "No no wait!" I said, kneeling beside Winston. His breathing was ragged, and slow, black blood dripping from his open mouth as he tried to speak. "Please.. p-put me out of my m-misery." He gestured to the gun Minho held, looking pleading at me. "D-don't let me t-turn into one of them.. P-please."
  I stood up, taking the gun from Minho and laying the gun on Winston's chest, as a boney finger curled around the trigger.
   "Thank you..." He started, looking around at everyone. "Now g-go."
   I nodded solemnly, looking at Minho to follow. "Goodbye Winston."
   Everyone packed up quietly, Andrew saying his goodbyes to his old friend. Thomas looked at me from across the group, and I just looked at the ground, fighting back tears, knowing I just killed a friend.
  The gunshot went off, and everyone stopped dead in their tracks. I felt tears threaten to spill over but I blinked them away and started walking ahead.
  Minho caught up to me after a while. "Why did you give him the gun Blonde?"
   I shrugged, kicking loose sand in front of me. "Wouldn't you rather be dead then eating innocent people to stay alive as one of them?"
   He nodded, as if he understood, but I don't know if he did. "I hope to god I never have to do the same for you.. or anyone else."
   The memories of Thomas telling me I got the flare flashed through my mind. I don't know if it's going to happen, but I'm not taking any chances.
  "You won't have to Min," I said, "I'd do it myself."

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