I'm always right

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Thomas POV

   We set off early, Minho carrying Teresa, me and Newt walking side by side, him occasionally helping me if my leg gave out. Fry and Jack fought most of the day, asking everyone few hours if we have made it anywhere. And it's always the same answer, "Be damn patient."
   We stayed walking all afternoon, through sand and sand, the only thing keeping us going, was the mountain in the far distance, Teresa told us that the Right Arm works there. That they could help us. After a long (and I mean long) discussion about whether or not to trust her, we decided to, as she threw herself in front of a bullet, for a stranger...no hurt in getting to higher ground anyways.
    "Pretty sure we just ended up in bloody hell, always thought you'd end up here Minho, not me." Newt said after a long while, breaking the uncomfortable silence as we passed by an old city, sand covering 90% of it. The remnants of anyone living there were scarce.
   Min snorted in response. "Well guess I dragged your ass along with me."
   I felt myself smile, as I let go of Newt and criss-crossed the path to check things here and look at that there. Nothing important, except that the Flare virus ruined this once probably beautiful city. There's nothing left but buildings half-buried in sand, windows jagged and broken open, roofs collapsing. Mayhem must have taken the city by storm.
   Halfway through the city, which was most likely Mexico City, (I learned about the different cities long ago, and the Mexican flag graffiti on the wall was a giveaway) we stopped and ate some food we rationalized. It was eerily quiet, just the wind wiping up sands around us.
   "Do you hear that?" I heard Min say, getting up.
  "Hear what?" I asked, standing up aswell, the pain dull in my leg.  
  "That," He said softly, looking around in the sky. "The whirs."
   Teresa seemed to perk up, holding her waist she got up and looked East. "It's the choppers, everyone hide!"
   Immediately the panic set in as everyone jumped up and ran to the closest thing— A half exposed building. Minho and Jack grabbed Teresa while Newt took the liberty of helping me across the barren sand. The whirs got closer with every second, the fear of being found was immense. I felt Newt's grip on my arm grew tighter as we went on, and soon we made it to the building. Luckily, we didn't set up camp far from any protection, just less then a minutes' run, stupid me thinking we would be fine out in the open.
   Newt shoved me into the building and hid himself in a corner, those beautiful eyes of his wide with fear. He should never have to be afraid.. I should never watch his face turn from peaceful, to worried in that short amount of time.. but for us... it's a daily struggle. Teresa shushed everyone as the helicopters flew above us. Winston stood by a half broken window to see them, but him talking was drowned out by the sound. I prayed with all my night for us not to be found, for them to go away, for us to be safe for at least a day.
   But I was wrong, Winston saw a group of guards emerge from the chopper and land close to us. Another group followed, setting off in the other direction. I peered out through one of the openings that looked like bullet holes, and saw just how fucked we are. Their guns were huge, the uniforms completely covered their bodies, no simple knife would probably penetrate the fabric on them. I turned to Newt again, watching as he helped Jeff load a gun, his face stuck in a worried frown, ignoring the hair falling into his eyes. I need to help, I have to. So I will myself to stand up, and grab the knife and pistol I grabbed from WICKED head quarters, ready (I hope) to fire.

   The next 5 minutes were a blur.

   The first group of guards spotted something, most likely Winston, as he was standing up, and started towards us, yelling for us to put down our weapons and give ourselves up. I looked around at everyone and knew this wasn't an option. We came to far to go back now.
  "The most important thing is that we all have each other, because we're all in this together!" Newt said, cocking the gun and pulling the trigger when the first guard made it through the opening. I watched as his... or her.. lifeless body crumble to the floor, then I forced myself to look back at Newt, who was already pulling Winston away from the window. I feel a tug at my back, only to turn and see Frypan yelling at me... in slow motion..? I stumbled up, pulling Jack and Teresa up as well... We're making a run for it.
   I put all my energy into running, not thinking about my leg, or even if anyone was behind me. I just ran. I turned to the side and saw Minho and Andrew helping Teresa along, to my right was Newt and Aris, behind me, thankfully, was Fry, Winston and....
   "Jack.. Where's Jack??" I yelled, hearing the buzzing from the bullets behind us. I squeezed my eyes shut for a second and regained composure.
   "He was hit!" Aris yelled, "In the stomach!"
   "We have to go back!" I said back, as we twisted and turned our way deeper into the building, feeling it get cooler the farther we ran.
   "We can't! We're dead men!" Minho stated.
  "And woman!" Teresa added, blood starting to stain through her t-shirt.
   "Yea whatever!" Aris said, slowing down a little after hearing nothing for a few seconds.
   "We have to go back." I said, starting to walk back. But Newt took my arm firmly, "Listen, he was shot close to his stomach Tommy, he wouldn't make it even if we went back for him."
   I shook my head, "We don't leave a man behind."
   "We leave a dead one." Winston added, walking farther into the building.
   "Tommy.. I promised Alby something long ago," Newt said softly, limping back up to me. "That no matter what happened, if we got out or not, I would protect you guys." He looked at the straggling group. "All of you... now... some of us are gone... I know, but a few lost souls does not mean we give up and let us all die by going back for one man."
   I looked at him, trying to plead, but one look from those hard dark eyes made something in me crack... and I nodded. "Alright..."

   We gathered back together and decided to split up, half of us would go back up to the building, the other half would travel back down, to see if there was a secret way out, a tunnel, a window, anything. Newt, Minho, Teresa and I went back up, gathering the guns and radios from the dead guards, realizing the others most likely fled or were waiting on this group to send something.
  "Well... at least you have a good aim Blonde." Minho said jokingly, and I heard Teresa snort, but I didn't find it funny... I didn't find any of this, the bodies, the bloodshed, the teenagers-turned-killers... funny.
   The rest met back up later that evening, deciding to continue going through the desert to the mountains. I dispersed the radios and food rations to everyone, letting Winston and Min take the bodies away before I started to gag. I sat down next to Newt, who was playing with his hands, like he always does when he's nervous or upset.
   "Baby, talk to me?" I asked, handing him a slice of bread.
   He took it and bit off a piece, chewing slowly and answering me, "I killed him Tommy.. I killed an innocent person again."
   "But they're not innocent... and it was self defense. Either his life.. or yours."
   He shook his head and wrapped his thin arms around his legs, "But I killed him... same as.. same as Alby."
   "Alby was also self defense, you saved me." I said, pulling him close to my side.
   "Yea but..."
   "No buts, you saved us angel." I kissed his forehead as he laid his head on my shoulder.
    "I kind of miss the old us," I said, not wanting to say it aloud. "The people we were before the maze, when things were simpler."
  He looked at me and sighed, "Tommy.. the people we were before the maze don't exist anymore, the creators took care of that. But what does matter is who we are now and what we do... right now."
   I stayed silent for a while, taking it in. He's right, we're new people, stronger people...
  "I hope your right." I said, running my hands through his hair, which surprisingly, was still soft.
  "When am I wrong?"

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