Brenda Brenda Brenda...

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Thomas POV

  Third day's the charm, right? Wrong. It's only noon and we've been chased, nearly attacked and lost... twice.

We made our way through the sand as usual. I was still hanging onto Newt like a baby, my leg killing me from running yesterday. Teresa was able to walk alone, Minho carrying the remaining bags. Jack is dead now, so we only have 8 people surviving. Eight people.. when we had 20 getting out of the maze...
  We walked all day, resting late that night. Aris found another half-buried building that we snuck into. Most of us fell asleep quickly, I stayed up, rocking Newt softly because he was sleep crying. Every so often he'd whisper something and every time I'd reassure him things will be ok, regardless if he could hear me or not.
I must have drifted off, because the next thing I know, there's something cold pressed to my forehead. I look up at the girl, who's holding a gun to my temple, her finger on the trigger. I look over at Newt, who's yelling at someone who has him in a chokehold, and Minho, screaming curse words left and right.
"Who the fuck are you?" I said, holding my hands up in surrender. If this was WICKED right now, we'd already be dead.
She looked at me amused, "Who the fuck are you?"
"I'm Thomas." I said quickly, standing up. "We won't hurt you we just want to get to the mountains to the north."
   She made a humming sound, and took the gun away while I felt myself heave a breath of relief. "We just want to get there in one piece."
   "And I want the world to go back to the way it was, what makes your ass special?" She said stoutly. Her short cropped hair was a dark brown, maybe the same shade as mine. She looked a little Asian to me, more Hispanic. I looked at her now that the gun was gone, and saw her dark eyes, lighter then Newt's, which dashed from each person to the next. She signaled the goons to let Newt and Minho go, as I pulled Newtie closer to me.
   "The name's Brenda," She said, helping herself to a piece of bread from our stash. "What was your name again?"
   "T-Thomas," I said, looking at her and the guys around her, most of them with huge weapons, and even uglier faces. "This is Newt, and Minho."
   "Nice," Brenda looked around at the few remaining and glared at Teresa as if she knew her. "This is Jorge, Brenden and Johnathan, my loyal buddies."
  She gestured to each guy as she said their names, Jorge a tall, dark skinned man, with greying hair and round glasses, Brendon, a short, blonde haired bozo, who looked smarter then he probably is. And Johnathan, the teeth-missing-idiot, who had an ugly smirk on, looking at Newt.
  "Brenda, what's all this about then...?" Newt asked, his voice strong as he let go of my hand.
   "Had to make sure you all aren't infected psychopaths," She put away the gun, "Like the last group we came apon, lost three good men."
  Newt nodded, "Those would be the cranks?"
   "Yes," She said simply, "And I don't see any signs on you guys, so tell me.. Where are you all heading?"
   "To the.." Minho started, but I cut him off.
  "Hush Minho...." I turned back to Brenda. "It's none of your business."
   "I'd say it's my business, your trespassing on my land." I watched her walk back over and cross her arms, looking me dead in the eye, as we were the same height.
   "Your land? I didn't think anyone cared much for sand."
   "It's my land Thomas," She snapped, "Who's in charge here; it's them I want to speak to.. as equals."
   Everyone immediately pointed at Newt who gulped and spoke up. "Guess it's me..?"
   I was about to object but a look from him made me shut up. Brenda went over and stood in front of him, being taller, she looked down at him.  
   "Where are you going." She asked, gun in her hand as she crossed her arms.
   "The mountains in the north." He replied in the exact same monochromatic tone.
   "To find the Right Arm." It was her reaction that surprised me, she smiled.
   "Ah, wonderful, well, you've found them!" She laughed, putting the gun down once again.
    "You're the Right Arm?" He asked in a sarcastic tone.
   "Oh no, But I know who they are and I'm basically they're ambassador if you know what I mean." She said boldly. "Let me guess, you escaped WICKED?"
   Newt nodded, "We did..."
   "Anyone not immune?" She asked, her pitch higher then before, as her finger curled around the trigger once again. If I said anything, I could put someone in danger, so I stayed quiet and let my boyfriend do the talking.
   "Yes," He replied, "Me, Winston and Frypan."
  Her eyes looked over the three boys and took a step back. "What keeps me from killing you all here and now?"
   "We're not infected, and the rest are immune. WICKED wanted them for their cure, which I bet doesn't work, so we escaped and headed this way for refuge from the Right Arm." Newt explained calmly, which gave me a little shock of how calm he can stay in terrifying situations.
   "Check them."

   5 minutes later we're all seated, Brenda sharing food she brought with us, explaining the Right Arm and what they've done.
   "It'll take a good 3 days to get to to mountains from here," She said, taking a bite of a can of beans.
   "We've already been walking for 3 days," Minho said, shoving his face full of anything within reach.
   "Sad, you'll have to keep going."
  "Brenda," Teresa started, only to be stopped by Brenda snapping her fingers and looking over at her angrily.
   "You, don't get to speak."
   "But why..?"
   Brenda laughed again, even more sarcastic then the first time, and kneeled down in front of Teresa, never letting go of her loaded gun. "Ah sweetheart.. you don't remember me, do you?"
   I watched Teresa glare at Brenda for a minute, then something seemed to hit her and she backed up. "Your..."
   Brenda smiled, almost evilly and stood up. "Hell yea bitch, it's me."
   Jorge came over and took Brenda's arm gently, pulling her away a bit.
  "Care to share what you did to me Teresita?" Brenda said in a low voice, almost threateningly.
   Teresa wrapped her arms around her legs and looked at the scraggly group. "Brenda Mendoźa... the non-immune I tortured 2 years ago."
   Brenda seemed to smile again. "Oh no not just tortured, you electrocuted me, in front of my brother, for your father to be happy with you!"
   "I'm sorry." Teresa said quietly. "I didn't mean to."
   "Oh yes... yes you did." Brenda said, breathing heavy with rage, Jorge attempting to grab her arm again.
   "You had fun with it, you made my 14 year old brother watch his sister be torn apart by you! And then you decided to kill him." Brenda hit Teresa as hard as she could in the cheek, and stormed outside. Jorge following after her, like a father to an angry daughter. I went over to Teresa and dried her tears, she may have hurt Brenda, but she saved Newt, and that's all I need.
  "I'm sorry Teresa," I said, pressing a cold can against her now-red cheek. "You may have been wrong.. and selfish, and a bitch, but your a changed person."
   She took my hand away from her face, her eyes lingering on me. "I really didn't want to hurt her Tommy, I swear it."
   I frowned at the name, and got a glance at Newt's hard face. "I know, I bet you didn't, but things will work themselves out."
   She nodded and moved a little away from me, while I went back to Newt while he played with the edge of his shirt.
   "We follow them to the Right Arm." He finally said, "Ask for help, see if they can give us refuge for a while."
   I nodded and wrapped an arm around his body, "If.. she's not lying about them.. and if we make it... It will all be ok Newtie."
   He looked over at me, as I moved some hair from his face. "I promise."

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