Don't do it Thomas

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Thomas POV

The next morning after.. that.. I made sure I got up before Newt to get him some breakfast. I slipped out of bed, tucked him in, kissed his forehead and threw on some clean clothes, and walked out.
"Morning Thomas!" Harriet yelled from the makeshift kitchen, as I smelled eggs and bacon cooking.
"Good morning Harriet, just us awake?"
"Yep," She replied, while I snuck some slices for myself off the hot pan in the fire. "You uh.. had some fun last night?"
I gulped and shook my head, nearly burning my hand. "N-no.."
She laughed, "It's ok, only Sonya and I were up."
"Oh my god that's embarrassing." I said, hiding my face in my hands.
"Hey, don't worry. Everyone does it."
I laughed nervously and stood up, getting some bread and eggs for him. "Hey uh.. don't tell the world please.."
"My lips are sealed." She said, kissing Sonya's cheek as she kneeled beside her.
I nodded and walked back to the tent, setting the plate on the side table and tucking my small boyfriend into bed more.
"Morning baby."
"Hi.." He said, the shyest of smiles growing on his face as he sat up.
"I got you some breakfast.."
"Thank you, but I'm not really hungry."
"Well.. at least eat some later." I said, taking his hand and intertwining his fingers into mine.
"I will.." He said quietly, laying his head on my shoulder.
"Good." I kissed his hand and ran my fingers through his hair gently.
"Hey.. I think I'm gonna wash.." He said later on, getting up slowly and grabbing a change of clothes, his face a flushed red.
"Alright." I said, getting up as well, looking at the barely touched plate beside him. Instead of letting him leave, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close. "I love you so much."
He broke into a smile and held my hands. "I love you too Tommy."
"But I love you more my shy little boyfriend." I insisted playfully.
"Equals my love." He said, more blush coming to his cheeks.

I watched him and Sonya walk down to the little pond down the mountain a bit, and ended up finding myself back by the fire.
"Sup shank." Minho said behind me, sitting by the picnic table.
"Nothing." I said, just happy that we're good and Newt seems so happy now.
"Your smiling like an idiot, what happened?"
"Nothing.. I'm just in love."
"Just don't start singing or ranting." He said laughing, snacking on bread.
I laughed and smiled at him. "I won't, promise, I just.. I love him so much and he's perfect and beautiful and kind and sweet and.. and.. he's my everything.. I don't show it very much and I'm good at keeping emotions in check but.. Minhooo I love himmmm!" I said loudly, laying out on the hard ground, just hugging myself happily, remembering what happened.. last night..
"Oh god." He said exasperated, laughing.
"I'm just saying.. Don't tell me you never ranted about Andrew."
"I never did." He said innocently.
"Liar!" Mary yelled from her medical tent, smiling.
I burst out laughing as Minho went red and flipped me off, which just made me laugh more.
"What's so funny?" Aris asked, pulling his hood off and sitting on the opposite side of Minho.
"Min rants about Andrew." I said quickly, ignoring his glares at me.
Aris cracked a smile. "I mean.. I could see him doing that."
"Exactly." Harriet called over.
"Alright what is this? A pick on Minho day?" He asked laughing.
"It is!" I said, snacking on leftover bacon.
"Alright guys!" Jorge said, getting everyone's attention as Mary walked over next to him. "Listen up, we have a plan to get out of here to the safe haven on the coast. I just got radio confirmation that there is actually a hideout out there before you all ask. We should move within the next two days, so we all have to work together and fast. Got it?
  "Got it!" Everyone yelled, smiles growing on everyone's face as Jorge popped open a bottle of beer.
   "Now we can celebrate!"

   Newt POV

   "Now we can celebrate!" I could hear Jorge yell from across the way. I looked over at Sonya and pulled my shirt on, drying my hair.
   "Ready to go back?" She asked, brushing her pale blonde hair.
  "Yea, I'm just gonna check up on Mary first." I said, smiling, following her back to camp. Instead of joining the afternoon feasting, I went to Mary's tent and just sat quietly on the makeshift bed.
A few minutes passed, she still hasn't come.

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