"Yes, it's Dallas! Now get the fuck up so I can take you somewhere that ain't the middle of the fuckin' road, man!" Dallas rolled his eyes at me. I noticed that his lip was spilt and a bruise was forming under his right eye.
I stood up shakily, Dallas having to help me up.
"Where are we gonna go?" I asked once I was up.
Dallas scowled. "We can't go to dad's 'cause he hates my guts... not Buck's... not the hospital 'cause they'll get the fuzz involved and I just got outta jail..." He sighed and concluded, "That leaves one place."
"Which is?" I asked, trying to ignore the pounding headache I had.
"You'll see when we get there," he grumbled, helping me walk. My legs weren't hurt but I was weak.
"Where you been?" I eventually asked.
He shrugged. "Just got outta jail a little bit ago. I was walkin' from a friend's house to Buck's and I heard screams. I've been stayin' at Buck's bar for a while. How 'bout you?"
I smiled, knowing that I couldn't tell him about hanging out with a group of boys. He would flip his shit. "I've been hangin' out with Stacey and some other friends. Still livin' at dads. Same old shit."
He laughed. "You're still at dad's?"
"Why? I figured you would've left by now."
"Where the fuck do I got to go?"
"I dunno... Stacey's or somethin'?" He paused, then added, "Dad probably don't treat you as bad as he treated me."
I scoffed inwardly at his comment, fully knowing that Dad hadn't ever hit Dallas as bad as he hit me, but I didn't say anything. Dallas didn't need to know that.
One thing I didn't get about Dallas was that he obviously didn't care about me and would act like he did all the time. He left me at dad's and wouldn't help me out, he didn't trust me, and he didn't support me with one thing I did, yet he would act all overprotective and brave when he was around.
"You got a boyfriend?" Dallas asked suddenly, his voice lowering considerably.
I rolled my eyes. "No, Dallas. I don't."
"You been hangin' around any b-"
"Nope," I lied, interrupting him.
I looked around and realized I recognized the neighborhood. We were approaching the Curtis' house.
"Up ahead, the white house with the fence. We're almost there, Ava."
We were going to the Curtis' house. Of fucking course- with my luck, Dallas would take me to the one place that was full of people I knew, and boys at that.
Another problem with Dallas was that he would assume that I was having sex with someone when I wasn't. The single time we went to the Dingo together, I knew this boy there, and when I tried to talk to him Dallas got all mad and overprotective and made me leave, then gave me the 'boys ain't shit' talk. He had then gone back inside the Dingo and basically told the boy that if he hurt me, he would kill him. Needless to say, I'm not friends with that boy anymore.
I tried to think of what to do but nothing came to mind. My best bet would be to act like I didn't know anyone, but I had no idea how to get that message across to them.
Dallas went into the house before me.
"Move!" Dallas snapped, trying to chase everyone off the couch. "Let her lay down!"
I smiled weakly at them all.
"Nice... to meet y'all," I said meekly, trying to wink at them without Dallas seeing.
"Uh... nice to meet you too?" Soda said questioningly from the kitchen.
I laid down on the couch, noticing Steve wasn't there.
Dallas yelled at Pony, "Why don't you go get a washcloth so I can wipe some of this blood off her!"
Pony got up slowly, looking confused, then walked to the bathroom and got a washcloth.
He handed it to me, and I said, "Thanks, Po... person. Thanks a lot."
"So, uh, Dally, that... uh, a girlfriend?" Two-Bit asked, sending me an odd glance.
"No! She's my sister!" Two-Bit's face turned red.
"Sister?" Johnny whispered.
Dallas looked around. "Yeah? Why do y'all look like you've seen a ghost?"
"Cause she's so beat-up," Darry said smoothly from the armchair. "Just surprisin'." They all nodded and mumbled that they agreed. "Nice to meet you, I'm Daryl, but you can call me Darry."
"Ava Winston."
"I'm Soda, he's Pony, Two-Bit, and Johnny," Soda said, pointing at everyone as he listed their names off. I waved at them all.
"Listen," Dallas growled, "while she's here there's gonna be some fuckin' rules. No one touches her. No one-"
"Dallas! I think they aren't gonna do that stuff!" I yelled, wishing he would shut the fuck up.
Dallas opened his mouth to reply, but the door swung open before he could say anything. Steve stepped in with a case off beer in his arms.
"Dally! You're outta jail!" Steve glanced at me on the couch. "And you brought Ava with you!"
I closed my eyes, wishing that Steve hadn't come here.
"How do you know Ava?" Dallas growled. I could feel everyone staring at me.
"Uh, well, Two-Bit found her, I guess, and brought her back here. You two, uh, datin' or somethin'?"
"No," I said miserably, opening my eyes and trying to smile at Steve. "He's my brother."
"Oh." Steve blinked, then walked into the kitchen to put the beer away.
Dallas laughed bitterly. "So you do know them?"
"Uh, yes, but not good."
Dallas's eyes narrowed at me, then he turned to Two-Bit. Two-Bit tried to smile.
"That girl you was talkin' about... the girl that tried to get with you when she was drunk..."
"No! No, that-that wasn't her!" Two-Bit's voice was about an octave too high and was a bit shaky.
Dallas scoffed. "Ava, what the fuck?! You tried to fuck Two-Bit Mathews?! You tried to screw someone?!"
"Maybe we shouldn't talk about this another time," I offered weakly, wishing that I could disappear.
Dallas shook his head and laughed humorlessly. "I'll be back later."
Dallas got up and left, slamming the front door behind him.

Simply a Greaser
FanfictionAva Winston lived with her alcoholic father in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. She didn't have anything extraordinary going on- just the usual greaser things, like avoiding socs and the police, or fighting other greasers. One night, after her dad kick...