Suddenly the soc let me go. I fell to the ground quickly, almost landing right on my face.
I heard yelling again around me. I stayed down, not sure I could get back up.
Someone kicked my head, making me see stars. I let tears roll down my face as I wrapped my arms around my head, trying to keep from getting hurt more.
I saw a soc drop next to me, and Soda falling on top of them. He was laying them out, finding the strength I couldn't gather. Suddenly he was jerked away and the soc hopped up.
I heard Pony shout like he'd been hurt bad.
I snapped out of my daze. I couldn't let my friends get hurt. Not if I had anything left in me.
I pushed myself up, stumbling and falling back over when I stood. I got back up.
Two socs were going against Pony. He was on the ground as they kicked his back and face.
I stumbled over and scratched one's face, almost hitting his eye. Thank God for long nails. He jumped back, giving Pony the second he needed to stand up. His face had to be worse than mine.
I tripped over my own foot when I tried to go after someone. I had a concussion or something. I attempted to scramble back up, but someone kicked my stomach as I got onto my knees. I fell.
A soc grabbed my hair, jerking me up. They put my hands back behind my back.
I saw everyone back where they were. We were all in worse shape than before.
Looking to my right, I saw Dallas being held back by Randy. He was still struggling but wasn't getting anywhere.
"I come back to fucking Tulsa and find this?!" he screamed, looking at Bob. "You slimy son of a bitch! Let me go and fight me like a man!"
I scoffed. Bob would never do something like that. He was smart enough to know he would lose.
My head was pounding, my ears still ringing. I couldn't hear anything. Bob was talking again, but I didn't know what he was saying.
He went to Dally and laid into him. I tried to get free but there was no way I could. This was torture.
Suddenly, Bob looked up. I saw blue, then red lights shining on his face. The socs all dropped us and started to run. I let myself fall again.
There was no fucking way the cops would arrest us.
I woke up and knew I was in the hospital. The white room and smell of chemicals gave it away almost instantly.
The lights hurt my head. I shielded my eyes, but when my arm brushed them, the soreness of black eyes acted up.
I wanted to see the gang. Were they okay? They had to be in the same shape as me, or worse.
And why was Dally back?
I decided that answers were more important than my health. I stood up, using the support of the bed, and stumbled out of my room.
A nurse saw me as soon as I got to the hall. She yelled at me, but I acted like I didn't hear her and went the other way.
I got about three rooms down before she caught me and dragged me back to my room. I hadn't seen anyone in any of the rooms I looked in, so I figured they were the other way down the hall.
"Get back in bed right now, Ms. Winston!" she yelled, pointing to the bed.
I gave in and laid down. "Can you tell me where my friends are?"
"No! I know if I do, you'll sneak off to go see them!"
"Good point. Are they at least okay?"
She sighed. "Okay is one way to put it. You'll all live and aren't in critical condition."
"Great." I was going to sit up, but she gave me a look that told me not to even move. "Did the cops catch the guys who did this?"
"Honestly, I don't know. All I know is that an ambulance brought a bunch of teens here."
"Can you turn the lights off?" I asked. "They're hurtin' my head."
"Of course." She turned them off. "A doctor will be in to see you as soon as possible to discuss your condition."
"You awake, Ms. Winston?"
I knew that voice. "Yeah, I'm up."
"Mind if I turn on the lights?"
"Nah, go ahead." I braced myself. The lights flickered on and my head hurt, but I could take it for a while.
A cop was in my room. It was the same guy who I'd met before when Katie got hurt. And when I was in the hospital before.
"Ms. Winston, you may remember me from before. I'm-"
"Officer Brook." I nodded. "You ready for my statement?"
He pulled out a notepad and a recorder. He went over the basic stuff that they say when they take your statement, most of which I tuned out.
I told him what happened, word for word. He also asked about my injuries- a concussion, broken knuckles, fingers, and nose, a cut that needed a few stitches on my forehead, a ruptured eardrum, and bruised ribs. Pretty soon, we were done. He shut off the recorder.
"Off the record," I asked quietly, "do you really think we can land these pricks a spot in jail?"
He looked at the ground, shaking his head. "Hate to say this, but no. They got lawyers, money, and friends in high places. Not much you can do when you're up against that."
"Are you gonna talk to my friends, too?"
"Already have." He smiled. "Y'all are lucky we showed up when we did."
"Who even called?"
"Someone drove by and saw a fight between some kids. They figured they should call the cops 'fore someone really got hurt."
"Thank God."

Simply a Greaser
FanfictionAva Winston lived with her alcoholic father in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. She didn't have anything extraordinary going on- just the usual greaser things, like avoiding socs and the police, or fighting other greasers. One night, after her dad kick...