It was about three when Johnny came back, out of breath and bleeding.
I was sitting between Two-Bit and Dally on the couch, playing cards with Pony when Johnny threw the door open so hard I was sure the knob left a dent in the wall. He slammed it shut and locked it, then ran to the windows and drew the cheap curtains shut.
Pony and I looked at one another. We knew what happened.
I stood up and got a rag from the kitchen as well as a bag of frozen peas. Walking back into the living room, I saw Johnny on the armchair with Two-Bit, Pony, and Dally around him, talking to him.
I pushed past them and handed Johnny the rag and peas. He squeaked a thank you and put them to his face, wiping the blood away.
Dally and Two-Bit were trying to figure out who did it and kept belting questions at him. They weren't helping anything, so Pony and I stuck them in his and Soda's room.
Johnny was obviously holding back tears when Pony and I came back into the room. We didn't say anything, just let him sit and think.
Finally, he swallowed and said, "He saw us at the movie. He got some friends and jumped me when we walked out. Pulled Emily into a car and beat the hell outta me for bein' with her." He sniffled, and almost smiled when he added, "She got out and tackled Randy so I could run away."
"What do you want us to do about them?" Pony asked, pointing to his and Soda's room.
Johnny mumbled, "I'll tell them, as long as they promise not to go after Randy. They should know."
I heard yelling from the bedroom. It sounded like Dally. Rolling my eyes, I said, "I'll go get them."
When I opened the door, they weren't yelling to get out. They were instead yelling in each other's faces, ignoring me.
I didn't even want to hear what they were arguing over, so I stepped into the room and slammed the door behind me. That got their attention, and both their heads snapped towards me.
"Listen," I growled, being careful to keep my voice down. I didn't want Johnny to overhear me. "You two cut this shit out right now."
They both started to talk, trying to state their side of the argument.
"Shut up! I don't care!" After getting my point across, I lowered my voice again. "Do you two really think Johnny needs to hear you two idiots yellin' at each other after he got jumped like that?"
They both shook their heads no.
"Then stop actin' like two kids and get your heads outta your asses." I opened the door and lead them to the living room.
Johnny made them swear they wouldn't go after anyone before he told them about his girlfriend. He also explained that Randy swore to be on the lookout for Johnny and anyone in his gang, even me. I could see Two-Bit and Dally itching to go out and beat Randy half to death, but they were good to their word and sat inside, arms crossed for hours. I felt the same way. I wanted to find Randy, and his stupid soc friends and fight them.
The phone started ringing. Pony picked it up, and after a minute called for Johnny.
Johnny seemed to be on the phone for forever, but it was probably more like five minutes. When he hung up, there was a look of pride I'd never seen on him before.
"That was Emily," he explained after a moment. "She wants to meet me at midnight in the Lot."
Dally huffed and took a drag of his smoke. "It's probably a trap," he mumbled. "She'll lead Randy right to you. And us, for that matter."
Johnny shook his head. "She won't. I know she won't."
"She's a soc," Dally snapped, his voice tense. "It don't matter what you think you know. She'll let you get your ass kicked to save her reputation."
I couldn't help but agree with Dally, and I saw by the looks on Two-Bit's and Pony's faces they thought the same.
Johnny's face turned sour. "Yeah, you know a lot about socs now that you are one."
Dally, for a split second, looked hurt. But he covered it up quickly with anger. "You're more of a soc than I'll ever be. Just 'cause mom's got money now don't mean I'll have anythin' to do with that stupid whore."
I knew that wasn't true. Even if she didn't have money, he would go crawling back to her as soon as the words sorry left her mouth. But I didn't think that made him a soc. No, he didn't care about the money. Not really.
When Steve, Soda, and Darry saw Johnny, they wanted what Two-Bit and Dally had wanted- to go find Randy and his friends and give them a taste of their own medicine. But, Johnny made them all swear the same thing- not to go after them- and they all listened.
So, at eleven, Johnny got up, said goodbye, and left the house. I knew we all wanted to go follow him and make sure he was okay, but it was his business to sort out.
Two-Bit and Dally left at the same time, right past midnight. They had been bickering on and off again all night, only stopping after they had a quiet conversation in the kitchen thirty minutes before they left. I knew they weren't up to any good.
I fell asleep before Steve left, hoping that I would see Johnny when I woke up. And not in worse condition than he already was.

Simply a Greaser
FanfictionAva Winston lived with her alcoholic father in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. She didn't have anything extraordinary going on- just the usual greaser things, like avoiding socs and the police, or fighting other greasers. One night, after her dad kick...