I hope you enjoy this!
It was Sunday, early enough for those who attended Church to still be there, but late enough for an early lunch. I was alone in Two-Bit and I's house, waiting for him to return from the store.
There was a grin on my face I couldn't get rid of, not that I wanted to, and a feeling in my stomach I'd never felt before. I was nervous, but that was vastly overshadowed by the excitement I was feeling. I was happier than a kid in a candy shop with a hundred dollars in his pocket.
I heard the door open and Two-Bit walk in. I walked downstairs- I still couldn't get used to having stairs in my own house- trying to act like nothing was out of the ordinary. But, the tears in my eyes might say something different.
I went into the kitchen where Two-Bit was putting away groceries. He stopped and smiled at me, but froze when he saw my face.
"Is everythin' okay?" he asked, his smile fading at the edges.
I nodded, still holding back tears. "I gotta tell you somethin'."
"Did somethin' happen? Is everyone alright?"
"Everybody's fine." I paused, searching for words. I decided to just say it. "Two-Bit, I'm pregnant."
There was a second of shock on his face, replaced with the biggest smile I'd ever seen.
"You-you're-" he sounded elated- "we're gonna have a baby?!"
I just nodded, laughing at him a little. "I'm pretty sure it's yours," I added, joking around.
He was by my side in a second, hugging and kissing me, talking so fast about our kid that I couldn't catch a word he was saying. I was crying, and I think he might've been crying, too, but I wasn't sure.
"Oh my God, Ava! I gotta call my mom, and I gotta tell Katie!" He looked at me, the joy and happiness on his face reminding me of when we were teenagers, and whispered, "I'm gonna be a dad."
"Go tell your family," I replied. "I'll call my mom and Dally after you're done."
He just nodded and ran to the phone.
He only took a few minutes, but I'd heard his mom scream from joy from a few rooms over. I was glad she was happy.
He gave the phone to me, and I called mom first. She was happy and immediately wanted to come to Oklahoma and see me. I told her anytime was good, and I was excited to see her. And James.
Then it was Dally. After asking Two-Bit, I decided to invite him over and tell him. He lived about thirty minutes away but was going to make the trip that day when I told him it was important.
I made lunch, and just as I was finishing he walked through the door. The three of us- Two-Bit, Dally, and I- had a nice lunch and talked for a while. Dally mentioned it would be our five year anniversary in a few weeks, which had slipped my mind under the circumstances.
Two-Bit left to go shower, and I got serious with Dally.
"You ready to hear the best news of your life?" I asked.
He shrugged and nodded, muttering something I didn't catch.
"I'm pregnant."
His response was to break into a smile, not saying anything. But I knew he was happy.
He pulled me into a tight hug, then let go and said, "I'm gonna be one helluva uncle. This kid's gonna like me more than it'll ever like you."
"What happened to hatin' kids?"
He rolled his eyes, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. "This kid is special. He- and yes, it's gonna be a boy- will wanna hang out with Uncle Dally so much I might just have to adopt him."
A week later, everyone in the gang was eating together for lunch. Two-Bit and I had told them to meet us at our favorite spot to eat, just for old time's sake. Of course, it wasn't just for that- Two-Bit was going to tell them the news.
It'd been a while since I'd seen everyone. Pony was dating a girl with plans to propose soon. Soda and Steve were both married, Soda with one kid and Steve with two. They were neighbors, but their wives... weren't the best of friends. That didn't stop them from hanging out every day. Darry was married as well, with twins. He was at work a lot, but not as much as he had been when we were teens. Johnny and Emily were married, with no kids. They didn't plan to have any. Dally was, of course, the only one not in a serious relationship. He didn't mind.
We had all made it out of Tulsa. We had all done it.
When we were done eating, I went to the restroom to give Two-Bit the time he needed to talk to them. When I went back to the table, I was bombarded with hugs, then congrats.
"You gonna name the baby after a Mickey Mouse character, Two-Bit?" Soda asked, giving him that million-dollar smile. He hadn't lost his looks.
At the same time, I said no and Two-Bit said yes.
"I got a Micheal, so that's taken," Steve said, "So no Mickey."
"I wouldn't name my kid Michael." Two-Bit waved his hand. "I'd name him Goofy, duh."
"And apparently I, the mother, have no say in this."

Simply a Greaser
FanfictionAva Winston lived with her alcoholic father in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. She didn't have anything extraordinary going on- just the usual greaser things, like avoiding socs and the police, or fighting other greasers. One night, after her dad kick...