Chapter 30

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Pony and Darry didn't deserve anyone else in their family to get hurt or worse. I knew they lost their parents- Dally had told me the basics of what had happened- and I was almost sure Soda getting hurt seriously or killed would push Darry and Pony over the edge.

To my own surprise, I found myself sending a quick prayer to god even though I didn't really believe in him.

After I had dragged Pony away, a few other cars sped by, stopping when they saw the wreckage. They all joined the crowd, and I couldn't tell if Soda had been one of them. They were lucky they were so unusually far behind or they could've been part of the wreck.

I wanted to run over and look for Soda, but I had to stay with Pony to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

I couldn't help but imagine calling an ambulance and then having Soda's bloody body on a stretcher, the emergency responders would try their hardest.

Darry would get a call at overtime and leave, driving as fast as he could to the hospital.

Only Pony and Darry would be allowed in Soda's room because the rest of the gang aren't family. We would wait-

I made myself stop thinking like that, shaking my head. That wasn't going to happen.

I saw someone push through the crowd, dragging someone else by the hand towards us.

It was Two-Bit, a huge smile of relief, dragging an unharmed Soda behind him. Actually, Soda looked pretty happy, a big grin spread across his face, too.

Pony snapped out of his daze, running to Soda and hugging him in a huge bear hug. Two-Bit left the brothers, giving them their time.

"Thank god," he said to Johnny and I. "It was some other Greaser- don't really care who. Dally's still lookin' and tryin' to see."

Johnny nodded and muttered, "I'm gonna look with Dally." Before he walked away, he winked at Two-Bit and I, snickering.

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off.

Soda and Pony walked away from Two-Bit and me, talking to each other.

"That was too close," I said, watching Soda and Pony talking. "Way too close."

"He's alright. He got first place 'cause of the wreck."

"Really? What's he gonna do with that money?"

"Said he was gonna buy somethin' for Sandy."

"Awww, that's nice."

"Yeah, but-"

Sirens cut off his voice, approaching quickly. We looked at each other and the possibilities of what could happen if the fuzz caught us.

"Run!" Dally screamed above the talk of the crowd. "It's the fuckin' fuzz!"

I ran, blue lights hitting my back before I got too far. I heard some cops shouting but I ignored them.

Pony ran ahead of me, passing me up easily. The kid was good at track and that was coming in handy.

We cut across the park and ended up in some woods before bursting through to a neighborhood a few minutes later.

It was the gang and a few other Greasers that ended up with me, and when we got into the neighborhood, we stopped running. We were all out of breath and tired but laughing.

Looking around, I realized we were in a Soc neighborhood, seeing all the nice houses and immaculate lawns.

Other people realized this and got quickly uncomfortable. We were in the wrong side of town, in the wrong territory at night. We couldn't cut back through the woods either, the cops might be looking for us.

"Which way's home?" Steve yelled. I looked over and saw he was with Evie and Sandy was walking to Soda.

No one answered.

"Maybe if we walk along the woods, we'll end up near the same place." I didn't know the voice, but whoever seemed like they might be right.

Everyone agreed, and we started walking near the trees.

I walked next to Two-Bit and Dally, and we weren't bothered for a while.

Then, headlights hit us.

It was a nice car, and all us Greasers were too prideful to run.

The car stopped and a few socs hopped out, five in total. There were about twenty of us, so the Socs were totally outnumbered.

I felt like I recognized one of them, with brown hair and broad shoulders.

"What the hell is a bunch of white trash like you doing on our territory?" The brown-haired one asked, stepping towards Johnny who was at the front of the group.

I stepped forward, as did the rest of our gang.

"Just passin' through," said the same guy who recommended walking near the trees.

Dally's eyes narrowed at the brown-haired one. I knew he recognized the Soc as well and didn't like him.

I racked my memory.

Jim. It was Jim, the Soc that had attacked me with two of his friends when Dally had found me.

"I know you," Dally growled, walking up to him. "Yeah, I know you."

Jim got nervous and looked at his friends backing him up. "So? You're in our territory." His voice wasn't as strong.

I walked next to Dally and crossed my arms. I saw the recognition on Jim's eyes when he saw me. He almost smiled, but his eyes flashed back to Dal and his frown grew.

"There's more of us, so just let us go." I clenched my jaw and balled up my fists, trying to seem tough.

Jim scowled and counted us again. "This isn't the last you'll see of us, Greaser pricks!" He jumped into his car and sped away, his friends yelling insults at us as they drove off. Some of us yelled back, swearing and threatening them.

But we went on our way, laughing and screwing around the entire time. The gang all knew that Darry would be home any minute and that there was nothing we could do about it.

Eventually, we found our way home on our side of town.

I just wanted to apologize for this chapter being a day late. School is absolutely killing me right now, and I got this chapter up as soon as I could.

Also, I wanted to thank anyone who has read my story this far. Every read, vote, and comment truly means so much to me. I didn't expect this sorry to get past 1k reads, especially not to 4K! That number may not seem big to a lot of people, but it's huge to me!  So, thank you all- the silent readers and the ones who comment and vote. Your support means so much.

Everyone have a great week! I promise to update on time next week!

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