A few days later, Two-Bit and I were walking down the street together, my arms crossed. I was trying to ignore him, but his incessant talking was making that difficult.
"I thought you were gonna cry!" Two-Bit didn't sound seriously concerned, smiling at my annoyance. "I was just tryin' to cheer you up!"
"Well, you didn't." I rolled my eyes and continued walked down the street, focused on getting to the Curtis'. I just couldn't fathom how someone could be such an idiot, but I guess he figured out how.
"Hey, darlin', I didn't mean anythin' bad," he called, rushing to catch up with me.
"Don't start with the nicknames! I'm seriously pissed right now!"
"How would I know that they'd kick me outta the hospital?"
"Most people don't take kindly to someone makin' a your mama joke when they're doin' somethin' important!"
"I'm sorry!"
I huffed and rolled my eyes again, but let him catch up to me.
I was annoyed. Not only because of him and I knew taking my anger out on him wasn't fair, but it was hard not to, considering he'd seriously embarrassed me in front of several people, including Stacey. I mean, who thinks it's okay to try and make some dumb joke when someone else is getting stitches removed? Especially when the joke is absolutely terrible?
The boys had all been super overprotective since the Dad incident and hadn't even let me leave the house alone. Dally has been super pissed that I didn't press charges, but I think he understood why after a few days to think. If Dally could understand anything, it was loyalty, even if it was to the wrong people.
But the guys were being super annoying, always looking over my shoulder. I got it that they were trying to help, but it was still very excessive. It seemed like I wasn't even allowed to go to the kitchen by myself since it was a whole room away.
"It's alright." I walked next to him, trying not to take any more of my agitation out on him. He had been trying to help, after all. In his own annoying way.
"I really am sorry. I wouldn't have done anythin' if I'd have known it would bother you."
"It's okay, dummy."
He smiled at me and I gave in and smiled back.
We entered the Curtis' and everyone but Dally congratulated me on getting my stitches out. Dallas was 'preparing' for an important rodeo and didn't want to miss it. That meant he was out getting drunk off his ass with some other friends, but who was I to judge?
"I think we oughta throw a party," Soda said, looking around the room. "This calls for a celebration!"
Darry stuck his head out of the kitchen. "No, no-"
"Yeah, poor Ava needs a stress relief," Steve agreed.
"I don't want a party." I shook my head, thinking of the small house being crowded with way too many people I didn't even know. The fuzz might even show, and that would not be good. If anything, I wanted a small celebration, especially if the gang all wanted a party. A small one was better than none, right?
Johnny snickered. "Yeah, she wants a room alone with Two-Bit."
"That was a low blow." I sat down, being careful not to hurt my back. "Actually, a small party sounds alright, but just you guys."
Steve cheered, "Hell yeah! Let's get crazy!"
Hours later, we were all sitting in a circle, an empty bottle on the ground in the middle of us. We were in the middle of a game of truth or dare that had been Darry's idea. He'd turned out to be a giggly drunk.
Pony started, spinning the bottle. It landed on Soda.
"I dare you to... go lick the pavement outside." Pony's speech wasn't slurred because he was one of two sober people, the second being Johnny.
"Easy, I've done that before." Soda stood up and went outside as we watched him from the window. He made quite the show of licking the ground. He stumbled back in and we got back into our original positions, Two-Bit on my left and Johnny to my right.
We were evenly spaced apart, leaving some room between us all. Their rules were that if the bottle pointed between two people, they had to do something together.
Soda spun the bottle and it landed on Steve.
"Alright Steve, I'm gonna ask you a question."
"Shoot." Steve looked confident, like Soda's question couldn't bother him no matter what.
"Okay. Uhhh... if you could choose one person in this room to join a threesome with Evie, who'd it be?"
"There's... only one... girl here..." Steve muttered, refusing to look me in the eyes. I started to laugh as his face turned red, glad he was the embarrassed one for once.
"Say it," Soda pressed, grinning widely. If Steve wouldn't say it, he'd have to take another shot.
Steve sighed and mumbled, "Ava."
He spun the bottle and it slowed, coming to a stop with the top pointing in between Two-Bit and me.
"Dare?" Two-Bit asked, looking at me.
I nodded.
Steve looked smug and checked the time. "You guys heard anythin' about a Soc beer blast lately?"
"Yeah, there's gonna be one tonight soon," Darry answered.
"Steve, what're you plannin'?" Two-Bit asked. He sounded concerned and I understood why. He and Darry had been coming up with the hardest dare the whole game and I wasn't about to lose. But, if Two-Bit backed out, I would lose this round and have to take a shot.
We all only had three shots to take, and once we ran out, we were done playing for the night.
Steve laughed, and drunken giggles rippled through the group. "My best dare yet."

Simply a Greaser
FanficAva Winston lived with her alcoholic father in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. She didn't have anything extraordinary going on- just the usual greaser things, like avoiding socs and the police, or fighting other greasers. One night, after her dad kick...