I woke up to the smell of bacon, the only thing that could make me happy in the mornings. I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen, seeing Pony and Soda watch Darry make bacon intently. It looked like he was making enough for the four of us. If he didn't, I was sure there would be fights over the food, especially something as good as bacon.
"How long 'til its done?" I asked, sitting on the floor. All the seats were taken.
"A few minutes," Darry grumbled. "Don't tell anybody we got bacon. They'll get jealous."
The bacon was done soon enough and I ate as much as I could. No one really talked, just shoved food into their mouths. During our meal, the phone began to ring. Everyone stared at each other quietly, waiting for one person to go pick it up, but no one wanted to leave. Leaving could mean missing food.
Sighing, Darry got up and went to the phone. When he came back, he was looking at me.
"What?" I asked, not really wanting to know what had been said. I already had enough on my plate as it was, and if one more bad thing happened I didn't know what I would do.
He smiled, saying, "The hospital called. You can get that sling off today."
"Oh thank god!" I jumped up, yelling, "Save me some bacon! I'll be back!"
"I can drive you there if you want."
"Oh, yeah. That would be nice."
Soda said with a mouthful of food, "Can I come?"
"Can I come too?" Pony asked as well. "I haven't seen Two-Bit in awhile."
"Yeah, sure," I replied, grinning. "If Darry will drive you."
"Yeah, I guess I will."
The doctor told me to avoid sports and lifting heavy objects for around a month or so, and that it could take anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks to fully heal. I was just glad to have that dumb sling off so fast.
When I walked into Two-Bit's room, he was fast asleep. Soda had found a marker and was drawing all over his cast. I saw some pretty nice words and drawings scrawled all over the thing.
"He's gonna get a nice surprise when he wakes up," Soda snickered, putting the cap on the marker and taking a step back. "I am a great artist."
His art wasn't half bad, but it wasn't like he was drawing the most complicated things ever.
"Should we wait until he wakes up or go now?" Pony asked. He sounded bored. "We can come back later..."
"Yeah, we can leave," Darry replied, standing up from the chair. "I need to clean the house anyway."
I followed the brothers out of the room, deciding that if Two-Bit asked about his leg I would say Steve did it.
A few hours later, we got a phone call from the police saying that Steve was ready to be picked up. Darry went to go get him. I was left at the house with Johnny, who had come over after we got back from the hospital, Soda, and Pony.
While we had all had been playing cards and watching TV, I had been thinking.
I knew that I had to get to mom before Dally could, which could easily be done while he was in jail. I just didn't know where to look for her. I figured that she would be staying at some hotel, so I could maybe start with the ones within walking distance. She could also be sleeping in a car. She might be in a bar, having given up on her mission and relapsed. Hell, dad could've been lying about the whole thing.
At least I would have the use of both arms while searching for her.
I decided that I would start looking the next day.
Steve and Darry walked in a few minutes later.
"Hey, Ava. I thought they might hold you a while longer, you bein' a Winston and all."
"Well, they didn't. They got Dally though."
Steve shook his head. "He's gonna spend half his life in jail."
The next day I walked to the mall that was really just a few stores and a restaurant thrown together. I figured mom might be shopping or something, and that while I was there I could steal some stuff for the gang or myself.
After wandering around for a while, I stopped procrastinating. I knew she wouldn't be there.
I needed a plan of action. Specific places to check, people to talk to, a car would be nice...
As I walked out of a store, I heard a familiar voice.
"Oh hi Ava, how have you been?" Jackson's mom asked, walking up to me. She had a few bags on her arm.
"Good, how are you?" I didn't need to get stuck talking to her, so I would just be polite, then escape.
"I'm fine," she said. "We've tried to call your father a few times, but no one answered."
"Yeah, I moved. Listen, Mrs-"
She gasped as she had just seen something surprising. Or thought of something. "You will never guess who I met yesterday!"
"Who?" I asked weakly. There was no escape.
"I was in Oklahoma City two days for business and I met the nicest lady. She said her name was Carol Cox-" I felt my eyes go wide- "and I thought I knew the name. Then, when she said she had a son and daughter, I realized it was your mother! Do you remember mentioning her to me once?"
"My mom? You met my mother?"
"W-wow... Where is she?"
"I just told you, Oklahoma City, dear. Do you need to sit down?"
"What hotel? How long is she staying?" I asked quickly.
"The same one I was staying in, The Grand Hotel. She said she would stay for another 5 or so days and then head down here to see you and Dallas."
"Thank you!" I smiled widely at her, then ran out of the mall.
All I needed was a ride.

Simply a Greaser
FanfictionAva Winston lived with her alcoholic father in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. She didn't have anything extraordinary going on- just the usual greaser things, like avoiding socs and the police, or fighting other greasers. One night, after her dad kick...