"Hey, guys," I said lamely as the gang entered Two-Bit's hospital room. I was tired and still in some pain, ready for bed, but I knew I would have trouble sleeping with the sling on my arm. I wasn't in a good mood at all, and the gang could either fix my mood or make it a hundred times worse.
Two-Bit was asleep, snoring as loud as a train. I was sitting next to his bed, just twiddling my thumbs before the gang had shown up.
"Wow, you're a lively bunch," Steve said, snickering. "Next time I'm here I'll bring my grandpa."
"If you want a show, go see Dal. He's in a mood."
Johnny muttered, "I'll make sure to avoid his room."
"Can't blame you there."
"What's his problem?" Steve asked, sitting on the floor.
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe bein' in the hospital and all?" I replied sarcastically.
Steve rolled his eyes. "What's your problem?"
"Fuck off," I grumbled, leaning back into the chair.
Darry cleared his throat. "So, what happened?"
"Dallas was on his way to Sylvia's house," I explained. "And he was goin' way too fast. Blew a stop sign, right into Two-Bit's car. Broke Two-Bit's leg, I hit my shoulder on the door and dislocated it, and Dallas gave himself a concussion."
Pony and Johnny exchanged a glance and Darry had a knowing look. I rolled my eyes at the three of them, just before Soda asked, "What were you and Two-Bit doin' together? I thought his hangover was too bad to go anywhere?"
I sighed, gritting my teeth. "That's... a story for tomorrow." I didn't want to tell Steve and Soda about Two-Bit and me, even if we weren't much, without his permission. Dallas was a different story- he was my brother, and it was my job to tell him about my personal life. Two-Bit would understand.
"Ohhhhh," Steve said, grinning, showing off his gap teeth. "You two were gonna go off together and-"
Darry saved the day by smacking Steve in the back of the head before he could finish his thought and embarrass me. "Shut up, Steve."
"Yeah, Steve," said Two-Bit, his eyes slowly opening. "Shut up."
"That's the first thing you say to me when you wake up?"
"Yep." He yawned and looked around the room. "Is my leg supposed to hurt this much?" It came off as a joke, but anyone with working ears could hear the pain in his voice.
"Probably," Pony said matter-of-factually.
"Do you want me to get a nurse?" I asked, frowning.
"No, I'll be fine."
He obviously wasn't fine, but he didn't want to show pain in front of the guys, which was pretty dumb in my opinion. I rolled my eyes and sat back, letting him suffer in silence.
We all talked for a while longer until my nurse walked in and made me go back to my room. Apparently, I wasn't supposed to leave my room at all until I got some type of permission from a doctor or nurse and they were to accompany me wherever I went. I thought that was dumb, especially since my legs were fine and I wasn't going to leave.
Despite the uncomfortable sling, I fell asleep quickly.
I was discharged the next day, so I immediately went to Two-Bit's room to talk to him. I decided I would visit Dallas after, just to see how he was doing.
Two-Bit was awake, just staring at the ceiling, not that there was much else to do.
"I got discharged," I said happily, sitting down at his bedside again.
"I got a week here, then a few more of bed rest at home," he grumbled, frowning. "Stupid fuckin' car wreck."
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright. At least I got an excuse to sit around all day now. How's your brother?"
I shrugged. "He's had worse. He should get out today, just has to stay outta the light for a while."
"Maybe he'll come to visit me," Two-Bit half-joked, smiling while trying to sit up in the bed.
I frowned, knowing that Dally wouldn't even look at Two-Bit for at least a month. "Yeah, I wouldn't count on that, unless he comes to threaten you."
"Did you tell him about us?"
I nodded, saying, "He didn't take it too well..."
"Shit, you shoulda waited till I could run from him."
"Funny." I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, he's not gonna hurt you."
"Yeah, I know, just try to scare me off, right?"
I nodded again, recalling what Dally had done to past boyfriends- corner them, tell them that if they touched me, they would die- to scare them away. Two out of two times, it had been a success, scaring my only two boyfriends right off. Dally had a bad reputation, and when someone like him threatened you, it was best to do what they said.
"Should we just tell the rest of the gang?" he asked. "We don't have a reason to hide anythin' anymore."
"Yeah, probably," I replied, thinking back to Steve's comments. "They all either know or suspect somethin', anyways."
"When I get outta the cast, I'll take you to dinner to make up for the arm."
"It better be a nice dinner," I joked, smiling. "Shouldn't Dally have to pay? He is the one at fault here."
"Good luck with that." Two-Bit sighed and added, "You should go see him. See if he's alright."
"He's fine," I said quickly. "Just a concussion and-"
"That's not what I meant." He laid back down and closed his eyes. "I might need a nap anyways."
"Alright. See you later."
Dallas was arguing with a doctor when I walked in.
"Dallas, shut up," I groaned, standing near the door.
Dally huffed and crossed his arms. "What were you saying, doc?"
"Just stay out of the light for a while, Mr. Winston-"
"Don't call me that!"
"Yeah, really. Don't call him that."
"Limited motion and sunlight," the doctor spat, speaking quickly so he could leave, "and you should be ready to go, Dallas."
"Thank fuckin' god. I can finally go home."

Simply a Greaser
FanfictionAva Winston lived with her alcoholic father in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. She didn't have anything extraordinary going on- just the usual greaser things, like avoiding socs and the police, or fighting other greasers. One night, after her dad kick...