"What are you doin'?" Steve asked Dally as he broke away from the gang.
"Shut up," I whispered. "Let's go."
"Okay then." Steve rolled his eyes and walked faster to get past me.
Two-Bit fell in line next to me, but I didn't even look up at him. I was too scared that Dad would see me and come after me. I didn't know what Dallas was going to do, but I didn't have it in me to stop him anymore. I'd helped Dad enough, nursing back to health when hurt and not telling anyone about him hitting me.
After the hospital, when I'd had people who really cared about me around at all times, it helped me realize that I didn't need to be around Dad. I didn't need him, and even if he was family, I needed to getaway.
Two-Bit whispered, "Is that-"
I looked up, cutting him off mid-sentence. "Yes."
"Yeah, I remember what he looks like," Two-Bit growled.
I saw Dad look up at Dallas and frown, then get angry, pointing his finger at Dally's chest and face, but he wasn't yelling. Dally just took it all in, not moving and not responding.
I watched them as I walked, hoping Dallas didn't get hurt. But I kept walking until I couldn't see them, and then further until I got to the Curtis' house with the guys.
The all had figured out what had happened and were quiet. We all waited for Dally in silence.
Dallas walked in, frowning and smoking a cigarette. He slammed the door behind him, got a beer, and sat next to me.
"You wanna hear what happened?"
"I guess."
Dally looked at the gang and sighed. "Get outta here. I gotta talk to her."
They all reluctantly left, rolling their eyes and crossing their arms.
"What happened?" I didn't want to know, but I felt like I needed to know, especially since Dally had offered to tell me.
"Dad... that motherfucker... he said for me to tell you he's real sorry. He said he won't do it again if you go home. Now I don't believe him at all and if you do, you're a dumbass. But it's your call, I guess."
"I won't go back." I shuddered, remembering the last time I was home. I couldn't go back, even if I wanted to. "I'll never go back."
"Thank fucking god," Dally said, sinking back into the couch. "If Dad ever bothers you again, just tell me."
"I will, Dally."
Two-Bit and I watched Mickey Mouse as Jackson and Katie ran around, yelling and laughing. Jackson was having more fun with Katie than he had when he was at the Curtis' house, which was saying something.
Mickey eventually went off, so Two-Bit just turned to TV off and sat back down.
It was just him and I at his house. The rest of the gang was at the Curtis', trying to avoid the kids so they could drink a little. Or a lot.
Katie ran up to us, smiling and panting. "Did you ask her yet?"
I narrowed my eyes. "Ask-"
"Nothing," he said easily. "Katie, go play with Jackson, or I'll tell him you like him."
"Bitch!" she yelled at Two-Bit, sticking her tongue out. "He's gonna ask you out! Say no!"
Katie ran away, giggling to herself. Two-Bit stood up to chase her, his face red, but I laughed and told him to leave her alone.
"Wow... that was embarrassing," Two-Bit grumbled. "She is such a pain."
"Does she really like Jackson?"
"I dunno. Just said that to make her mad."
We were both quiet for a few minutes, the silence awkward.
He finally cleared his throat. "So, Ava, you doin' anythin' tomorrow night?"
"No, I'm not."
"Well, there's this movie at the Drive-In that's showin' and I think you'll like it," he said. "Do you wanna go see it with me?"
"Of course I do."
I sat at Stacey's house, smiling and laughing as we filled each other in our lives. I missed her more than I knew and I felt bad for not seeing her much, but she got it. She also had new friends she was spending time with. That hurt a little, but that was what I was doing to her, and I was still happy for her.
"Hair curled or straight?" she asked.
"Straight, I think. It's not too fancy, just the Drive-In." I smiled at her in the mirror and she smiled back.
"I'm so happy you're finally getting some guys in your life."
"Yeah, well, Dally makes that hard. He doesn't know about this and neither do his other friends. Just you, me, and Two-Bit."
"I can keep a secret, you know that."
Stacey frowned for a second.
"What is it?" I asked, feeling my smile drop as well.
Stacey sighed and shook her head. "I'll tell you later. I don't wanna ruin your night tonight. Just forget it."
I wanted to know, but I pushed back my curiosity. She would be getting fully questioned later, but if it was something bad, I didn't want to know. Not tonight, when I felt like I was on top of the world.
"Stacey! It's 7:30!" Stacey's Mom called. "You have 30 minutes!"
"Okay, Mom!" Stacey cursed under her breath and hurried, muttering something about me coming sooner next time.
She chose a kind of nice shirt and a skirt, something that made me a little uncomfortable, but I could stand it for one night.
"He'll be in a tee-shirt with the sleeves cut off," I said teasingly. I knew Stacey would hate seeing what I knew Two-Bit was going to wear.
"No, he won't. He's not that much of an idiot, is he?"
"It's gonna be a Mickey Mouse shirt."
"No! I-"
"With jeans and a leather jacket."
"You really know how to pick winners, don't you?" she asked sarcastically. "If he wears what you just said, I'll break up with him for you."
"He's here!" Stacey's Mom called.
We both came out of her room and I saw his car sitting outside. I smiled at the old Plymouth.
Stacey? Not so much.
"That's the car he's taking you in? Good luck, Ava."

Simply a Greaser
FanfictionAva Winston lived with her alcoholic father in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. She didn't have anything extraordinary going on- just the usual greaser things, like avoiding socs and the police, or fighting other greasers. One night, after her dad kick...