Chapter 46

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I immediately said, "Okay, well, you're stayin' here. I'll talk to Buck and get him to let you stay."

"How're you gonna-"

"Trust me." I wasn't going to let Johnny's date get ruined before it even started, no matter if it was with a soc or not.

I walked back up to the bar. Buck looked disappointing, saying, "Can't get her to leave?"

"She's stayin' here."

"She's a soc, and socs ain't welcome."

I narrowed my eyes. "How about that soc you had in here last week? The brunette-"

"She was an exception. She is not gonna be an exception! Not with who her older brother is!"

"I'll get Dally down here to beat your ass if you don't listen to me right now, Buck. She stays until she wants to leave!"

"I'm Dally's best friend, he wouldn't hurt me too bad," Buck scoffed. "Now get her outta here or I will."

"We both know Dally's only nice to you cause you got a car and a room for him to stay in," I hissed.

"That's a lie!"

Scoffing, I replied, "Sure."

Buck opened his mouth to try and argue, but he realized he wasn't getting anywhere. "Fine. She fucking stays, but I'm not being nice to her. And if Randy Anderson comes in here lookin' for her, I'm pointing him your way."

I blinked, stuttering, "R-Randy Anderson-he's her-" I sighed- "it's fine. I'm sure he won't come around." I walked away, going upstairs to Dally's room.

When I got out of sight of Buck, I punched a wall. Of course, Johnny had to have asked out Randy Anderson's little sister. No wonder those greasers had cornered her earlier. Buck was right to want her out of the bar.

Randy had helped Bob Sheldon and a few other socs jump Johnny and give him those scars across his face, from Bob's rings. Randy was bad news, and if he somehow found out about Johnny and his little sister, Johnny was fucked.

But, maybe if no socs found out about them, Randy wouldn't know. No greasers were gonna tell him. I thought that Johnny should have a shot at a good date.

I knocked on Dally's door, then walked in when I thought I heard quiet snores. Dally was asleep on his bed, which was good. He couldn't go downstairs and ruin Johnny's date if he was asleep.

I left and began walking to the Curtis', leaving so I couldn't fuck up Johnny's date.

After passing Darry, Pony, Soda, and Steve, who were messing with Darry's work truck outside, I went inside to find Johnny. He was sitting on the couch alone, looking at the clock on the wall. I sat down next to him and muttered, "Have somewhere to be?"

"I gotta go in ten minutes," he replied absently, not looking away from the clock. "Hey, where's your brother?"

"At Buck's-" Johnny's face paled- "asleep upstairs."

"Oh. So you two stopped at Buck's?"

I grinned. "Yeah, and there was this girl there... waitin' on a guy for a date."

"That's nice, I guess." Johnny tried to sound disinterested.

Deciding to give Johnny some advice, I casually said, "It makes a good impression to go to dates early." I looked at the clock. "That clock's off. 5 minutes slow."

Johnny jumped off the couch. He was wearing the nicest shirt I'd ever seen him in, one that didn't have any stains or holes in it. He had his hair greased back perfectly, not a single strand out of place and making it appear darker than ever. "I-I have to go." He ran out of the door.

I got some food, then called Two-Bit. He said he would come to pick me up in about 20 minutes.

I went outside where Darry and Steve seemed to be arguing over the car while Pony and Soda stood to the side and talked normally.

I loved being around the gang, but I needed a break from groups of people. A group of more than 3 seemed to be too many people to handle considering the noise and chaos that generally came with the groups I hung out with. I was pretty much drained and ready to sleep. Hopefully Two-Bit would understand when he picked me up that I wouldn't be in the mood for doing anything. Some laughs might help my mood, but not if they were keeping me away from a warm bed.

I didn't want to stay at the Curtis' because I didn't want to be around that many people and I was beginning to feel like I was overstaying. They hadn't made me feel that way at all, but I thought that anyway because I didn't help with chores or have a job to help out. I just ate their food and slept on their couch. That was a big reason why I was staying at Buck's when I could.

I talked to the guys until Two-Bit got there. We stayed for another 20 minutes, then we left when Two-Bit saw me yawning.

"Do you want anythin' to eat?" he asked when I walked into his house.

I shook my head. "No, I'm good. Just wanna sleep." I walked quickly towards the living room until he poked me in the leg with one of his crutches.

"Katie's asleep on the couch," he explained before I could ask him why the hell he poked me. "I would pick her up and move her, but she's a light sleeper and a real bitch when woken up."

I laughed quietly. "I can sleep on the flo-"

"No way," he cut in, shaking his head. "You can have my bed. I'll sleep in Katie's room."

"No, you won't. That bed is almost too small for her and she's tiny for her age."

"I mean unless we share my bed one of us isn't gonna be gettin' much sleep. And it won't be you," he said, shrugging.

I sighed. "I've slept in places with less room."

"Than Katie's bed? What kinda-"

"I meant then if I was sharin' the bed with you, dumbass."

"Oh." Nodding, Two-Bit added, "Hell, this won't be the most inappropriate thing we've ever done."

I thought back to the truth-or-dare game and nodded. "Let's just hope your mom doesn't see us. That'd be hard to explain."

We walked into his bedroom, which wasn't totally a mess. I was surprised. There were clean sheets on the bed, no trash lying around, and only a few items of clothing laying on the brown carpet.

I had to admit, his bed was comfortable.

He got on the other side, setting his crutches against the wall.

"Goodnight," he muttered, sounding half-asleep already.


Just letting you guys know I'm making sure some tea gets spilled in the next chapter... see you next week!!!

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