Chapter 47

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My eyes fluttered open, my mind trying to identify what had woken me up. 

It had to be mid-morning. Daylight streamed in through the only window in Two-Bit's room, blinds uselessly stationary at the top of the window. From what I could see with my eyes only half-open, the rest of the room was still dark. 

A distant ringing from another room floated through the air, almost too quiet to wake anyone up. Someone was calling his house. 

I knew Two-Bit was still in bed with me. There was no way I wouldn't know. It was hard to tell where I ended and he began. While asleep, we had become entangled. My face was buried in his chest, his head over mine. One of his arms was wrapped around me and our legs were entwined. The only cold part of my body was my leg touching his cast, but it wasn't bothering me. Both of my arms were around him. 

I told myself it had happened because I had taken the blanket, something I always did in my sleep. But I couldn't ignore the fact that we had both rolled closer to the center of the bed, not just him, almost like we both were trying to get closer to each other.

I didn't know if he was still asleep, but the phone was still ringing. It could've been important and I knew I should've woken up Two-Bit, but I didn't want to ruin the moment. 

He sighed. "You awake?" His voice was groggy with sleep. 


"Just ignore the phone," he said. "It should stop soon and we can go back to sleep." 


The phone stopped ringing after a few more seconds and his quiet snores quickly filled the silence. I was drifting in and out of sleep, finally seeming to be able to stay asleep until I heard a crash. 

I jumped, the abrupt noise scaring me. Two-Bit sat up in the bed, his hair a mess, sticking in all directions. I did the same, turning towards the door. 

"What the fuck is this?!" Dallas stood in the doorway, his face red with anger already. 

My stomach dropped, all the happiness and comfort I had felt moments before melting away quicker than snow in the sun. 

"It's not what it looks like, Dally," Two-Bit said calmly, putting his hands up. 

I appreciated Two-Bit's effort, but I knew there was no way of getting out of this one. I didn't say anything, staying where I was- between Dal and Two-Bit- just in case. 

"I'm gonna beat your ass, Mathews!" 

"Dallas, calm down," I said, jumping up out of his bed. It had to look good that I was fully dressed, but I was sure Dally wouldn't notice. 

"I was trying to find you to tell you mom and I talked," he growled, stepping into the room. "Looks like you forgot about that situation for a night, though!"  

I wanted him away from Two-Bit. "Dallas, we need to talk about this-" 

"Now that he's fucked you, he'll be done with you! That's all he wanted outta you, Ava!" 

Suddenly Two-Bit was standing beside me, leaving his crutches behind. "Get out of my house," Two-Bit said. His voice was uneven like he was holding back anger. "Get out now." 

"Yeah, trust me, I will, and I'm never coming back," Dallas spat, scoffing. "Friends don't do this to each other, man! And Ava isn't coming back either!" 

"Dallas, you need to cool off," I replied. "We can deal with this after you calm down, okay?" 

"He knows it's true," Dallas said, ignoring me. 

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