Where and how you met

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You were walking the corridor of school when you accidently bumped in to a tall blonde boy, you were knew to the school so you didn't know who he was.

"Oh God sorry I wasn't watching where I was going I'm sorry" The blonde boy smirked amused by your nervous ways

"No it's fine don't worry about it, you must be the new girl, what's your name?"

"Oh uh Y/N" You were nervous you hated talking to new people

"Well Y/N since your new I better show you around and you must meet my friends they are Awesome and you should meet my band mates aswell " He smiled

"By the way I'm Luke" He said

"Thanks for showing me around and all that you really don't have to I would love to meet them, well I'd better going to class bye"You waved

"Wait! Can I get your number"He asked shyly

"Oh uh sure here you go "You smiled and waved "Bye Luke "

"Bye Y/N"

As you walk off Luke texts you saying

meet me outside your class after see ya later gorgeous x

.You quickly replied 'Okay see you later bye x'

You put your phone away and walked to class.

After you got to know each other you began to have a huge crush on you and a year later it was a start to a Beautiful relationship xx

Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now