Chapter 8

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"So... Angie do you want to play video games?" Mikey asked with a big smile. I look at him and smirk. "Only if you you wanna be beaten!" I said. "Your on dudette!" He exclaimed. After, 2 hours of playing video games non-stop I got tired. "Mikey my fingers hurt let's play tomorrow ok?" I said. He turned around.

"Your just bummed that I!!! MIKEY!!! Won You!!!" He exclaimed with full joy.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that Mikey," I said as I walked to Donnie's lab.

"Hey Donnie, what are you doing?" I asked. He turned around and smiled.

"I'm just working on a new phone so the guys and I can communicate. Wanna help?" He asked.

"Sure I loved to," I replied.

Making the T-Phone was pretty easy but Donnie helped me along the way. After exactly 30 minutes, we were done.

"Would you like to have one Angie?" He asked.

I squealed. "Yes!! They look so cool!" He handed one over to me. "Now I got 2 phones.. Yeah" I said.

Donnie & I started chuckling. "I'm gonna see what Leo & Raph are Doing by the way thanks," I said as walked to what appeared to be the training room. I walk into the room and see Leo and Raph training. Leo is fighting Raph showing him some new tricks. "Can I learn?" I asked. Suddenly, Raph looks at me and smiles. But... That gives Leo time and pushes him hard To the wall.

"OMG" I said to myself covering my mouth. I run over to him.

Raphael's P.O.V

I saw Angie walk into the room. Her hair blew beautifully. Her eyes shined. Her lips..


Yup. F**k it I think I have a crush on her.

Angie ran over to me and said, "Raph? Are you ok?"

Stop leaning like that!!! It makes me want to kiss you.

"Yeah I'm fine just give me space I need to breathe here!!!" I said. She backed up. Leo walked over to me, "Raph I'm sorry are you ok?" I nodded. I stand up and look around me. No bruises. No Blood. Just a fist wanting to beat up Leonardo.

"Let's start again shall we?" I said as I crack my knuckles. Leo gulped. He knew what was going to happen. Angie watched in amazement.

(Back To Normal)

"Woah. Could I learn that?!" I asked. Leo said, "Sure show me some of your moves?" I smirked.

"Leo you don't know what you just asked for. Leo & I started fighting. I missed every punched targeted at me but he didn't miss mine.

"It's time," I whispered.

I do The Rush.

In a matter of seconds, Leo was on the ground begging for mercy.

"Did you see that Raph? I just beat up your older brother?!? Imagine what I could do to you hothead!" I exclaimed. He just smirked. "Nice one Angie...!" He said in pain with his pointer finger in the air. "Leo? You should rest let me take you to your room. Raph mind helping me here?" I asked. Raph helps me carry Leo to his bedroom. Our fingers touch I blush. We lay him on his bed.

"Um..Raph?" I asked him.


"Could I live here with you guys?"

"Uh...yeah sure but I have to go ask Splinter first," he said. He walked out and asked Splinter. He came back in.

"He said yeah but you have to meet him first ok?" I nod and go meet him.

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