Chapter 10

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Raphael's P.O.V

My brothers and I come running into Splinter's room. It sounded REALLY important. "Boys I'm afraid I have some bad news," He says.

"ARE WE ALL OUT OF PIZZA!!!!" Mikey yells.

"No idiot!!" I said to him and hit him behind the head.

"Ouch!" He mumbles.

"Angie here is in great danger there are new enemies after her," He said with great concern. I looked at Angie who looks back at me. "You must protect her at all cost boys, if you don't you might risk the life and safety of her," He adds.

"Who's the enemy?" I ask.

"The Psycho's... which I think is a really terrible name actually," He responds.

"I agree!" Angie says.

"Raphael, help Angie get her things from the surface," he said to me. "Ok," I replied. Angie & si walk to to the surface..

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