Chapter 12

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Raphael just kissed me!!! And it wasn't at all bad. His lips were soft to the touch. And I felt sparks fly..

Then Raph pulls away. "I'm-so-so sorry-Angie.. I gotta go," He stutters. I pull his arm, "Hey if your gonna kiss me at least give me time to kiss you back hothead!"

He blushes.

"Your so adorable you know that?" I said to him as I lean in. He kisses me back. I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds my waist. We kiss which seems like a life time and it was amazing. "So you do like me?" He says. "Um no duh Einstein!" I replied back. He smirks. He holds my hand and we walk home.

(At Home)

Raph leads me to the big room no one uses and helps me unpack. The furniture was beautiful for a sewer. "Hey Raph, where did you guys get the furniture it's so beautiful!" I said. "Um Master Splinter said he got it from an old friend that's all I know," he responded. After finishing my room I gave it a "Angelia Sparks" touch to it. By adding some pictures and lights. I sit down on my bed and ask Raph, "Raph, about the kiss.. Did you feel anything?"

Raphael's P.O.V

"Um to be honest Sparks, I did feel something really special about that kiss.." I said to her with a little confidence.

She blushes hard.

"Me too Raph but the thing is we just met.. We have to know Each other more though," She said. I lay next to her. "But that doesn't change the way I feel about you," She says and gives me a peck on the forehead. She hugs me and we drift on to sleep.

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