Chapter 78

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Angelia's P.O.V

The green mutagen going into my body, stinging me, and most of all hurting me, but the sensation starting leaving....

It returned towards my eyes and hair.

I swim up trying to be strong, as soon as I'm up, I gasp for air like crazy.


"What the heck was that.." I murmured. I look around and see nothing else. I get out trying to jump down.

But I feel weak and fall down to someone catching me.

"Ra-, (gasp) Jason?! Get off me!!" I exclaimed.

He covers my mouth and jerks, "Shhh, stop freaking out! I'm gonna help,"

What?! He was evily gaga over me!!! Now, he's trying to help me!!

He carries me til we get outside.

"Angie, I'm sorry...forgive me..., I'm just crazy motherfucker, now go!!! The lair is about to explode!!!" He said laying me on the ground.

I quickly grab on into his sleeve, "Jason, (sigh) I don't know just please help me," I begged.


Raphael's P.O.V

Dust and debris was everywhere, so was mutagen. I quickly get up shaking off the pain and look for the others.


I start looking for her like crazy like if I didn't I was gonna die

I know my heart was....

No sight of her...

"Raph, give me a hand," Mikey said weakly. I go and help him and get my brothers, Casey, and April.

"There gone," Leo said as we found no sign of Karai, Shredder, or Jason.

We began the search for Angie again til Donnie comes over to me.

"(sigh) Raph?.....Im sorry....," He sighed. He handed me over a infinity ring she always wore.

I get down on my knees trying hard not to cry. It feels like a piece of me is gone, for good...

"We'll meet you in the van," April said sadly as she dragged Casey over towards to the van.

He was fighting back tears of his own..

Angelia's P.O.V

I cough and wheeze, that explosion was pretty bad. I try to get up but my legs are still weak. " me...," Jason squeaked, The Shredder picked him up and carried him over his shoulders. Karai came over to me and pulled me up by my neck. "Soon you'll just be a monster, a freak, oh wait you are one, you'll just become worse," she sneered and slammed me to the ground.

"Urgh, forget you Karai," I grunted.

"The Krangg will come for you any minute, Karai make her stay in place then go over to the van," Shredder instructed.

He went away as Karai cracked her knuckles


I slowly stand up and regain my balance putting my fists up.

"Oh you think you have a chance? I bet Raphael is happy to have you gone! Give me your best shot Sparks," she yelled. I charge after her and push her towards the wall and slam her to the ground.

Karai gasps, "What?! Your-Your eyes!!!"

"What?! What do you mean?!" I exclaimed.

Karai punches me in the stomach and throws me towards the hard ground. I hit a brick.

I can't move...

Raphael's P.O.V

"What the hell was that?!" I exclaimed wiping off my tears.

I take out my sais and go to the exit.

"Karai!?!?" I yelled.

She smirks evilly, "Hey there Raphie, miss me already?"

I roll my eyes and charge after her.

"Do you want your Angie back?," she said pulling Angie towards her.

"You, ARGH!!!!" I yelled slamming her towards the wall and punching her harshly.

I kick her and spin her all the way out of the alley. I pick up Angie and race to the van.

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