Chapter 83

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Angie's P.O.V
I punched the dummy hard but it wouldn't budge, or even show a sign of effort!!!! "Pro you say?" Raph said smirking. I stared getting REAL ANGRY cuz of this stupid fat old fucking dummy!!! I take a deep breath and try to control myself.
"Babe, trust me I've tried and it doesn't work-"
I punch the dummy causing it to fly to the wall. Shit, Master Splinter is gonna fucking kill me...
Raph stands there shocked while I stand dead frozen not knowing what to do, I know Master Splinter is gonna come in any sec-
"What the heck happened?!?! Raph?!?!" Leo exclaimed as he walked into the dojo. Leo looks at the wall and flips out! "Shhhh!!!" I said covering Leo's mouth. "It wasn't Raph it was me!!!" Leo looks at me with confusion. Raph walks towards the dummy and lays it on the ground. There was a big gigantic hole in the wall. Suddenly, Raph comes to me and picks me up, spinning me around. "Babe!!! That was awesome!!!" he said. Leo looks at us crossing his arms. Raph just smiles like a maniac causing Leo to think, "Why-the-hell-is-this-hothead-smiling?"
"I'll go get the...(sigh) I'll get Donnie for help," I sighed as I walked to Donnie's lab.
"That should do it," Donnie said painting the last strip of the brownish wall. I swipe the sweat on my face and look at the finished results. "Looks better then it use to be, Thanks Don," I said and hugged him. I feel Donnie blush and I just chuckle. Raph stares at Donnie causing him to awkwardly leave. I just roll my eyes, "Jealous much?" I say. Raph pins me to wall and kisses me then he let's go. "You really have to warn me or something," I said. Raph smirks, "I'm full of surprises" Suddenly, I feel something icky and wet behind me....
Raph slowly backs away...
Shredder's P.O.V
"Are you done with the darts yet, Stockman?" I said sternly as Baxter brings me one of his 1st useful creations, at least I hope.
"I call it the fordoom darts, cuz you'll forget things and it's doom, (chuckle) so um yeah," he said chuckling nervously.
"Prove it,"
He grins and target it towards my son. Jason.
"NOOO!!!" I exclaimed. But it was too late.
"AHHHH!" Jason grunted in pain. After seconds of painful silence, "Who the hell are you?!"
They did work after all.

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