Chapter 2 Past Revealed Part 1

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So the Song and singers for this chapter are as follows! Also Make sure to Add in Your Libraries! As well as Vote and comment!

Song Name: ME! 

Singer Name (s): Taylor Swift Ft. Urie Brendon of Panic! At The Disco 

Chapter No. 2

Past revealed part 1

*Picture of young Amalie*

Amalie's POV:

Mimi had already served breakfast. Dan, was the already seated he didn't even fix his hair.

Oh! My goodness I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Amalie Rose James. Rose was the name of my grandmother and since I looked much like her so parents chose that as my middle name. You guys must be wondering what's going on we all have different ending names but still are a family well let's take small stroll through memory lane shall we?

I lost my parents when I was 3 years old in an accident. I was just 3 years old so not knowing anything my cruel, only relatives, my father's sister and her husband took me in. I thought I was blessed but man was I wrong. They just wanted to take the money that was given to me meaning I inherited everything including my father's business and my mother's boutique. By illegal ways, they got all rights handed down to them. Knowing I was a small or no threat to them at all they started making my life a living hell... To the point they actually started starving me because to them I was a burden. I got sick of it and that was the last straw I could stand! I remember it like the back of my head I was 4 years and 2 months old, when my aunt said and did cruelest thing a person could do. I took a deep breath, and went to the kitchen where my aunt sat on high stool and drinking with her friends. I wasn't allowed to leave the basement when any of their guests came to visit but today was special and I thought maybe just maybe she would take pity on me but I about to be proved wrong, "Aunt May, t-today is 1 year my parents have left this world, c-could w-we maybe visit t-their g-grave? I m-miss them s-so much...."

She was totally drunk, and chugging down another whole glass beer, she turned around anger visible and dragged me out of the kitchen and pushed me down the stairs of the basement if I didn't hold onto the railing on time. She looked at me, slapped hard across the face and spat on my face, "You worthless piece of shit, how dare you leave the basement when I didn't ask you?"

I masked my hurt, and tried not to stutter, "B-but aunt today is d-different-" she cut me off "Yeah, today is different because thanks to you my worthless brother and bitch of a wife lost their lives thanks to you! You truly are worthless but at least you benefited me! So I am going to be kind and not starve you.... Oh who am I kidding? The word kindness doesn't exist in my dictionary! If you dare come out again than you will suffer my wrath...."

With that she strutted out but not before locking the door so I wouldn't try coming out again. I fell down on the floor, brought my knees near to my face and started crying, silently so that I wouldn't provoke her more. How naïve was I? To think that my Aunt would actually have a heart.

I don't know how many hours passed when someone silently clicked open the door, I knew it would never be my aunt because she loves to do everything with a bang.... The house maid entered silently entered the room with a small tray of food, and surprisingly my favorite chocolate cookies and a bowl of her famous soup. She was the only one in the entire house who is kind to me though, in front of the owners she stays silent.... I don't blame her she really needed this job.

"Oh Dear! How can she be so cruel to a child?!" she exclaimed silently.

Without another word she tended to all my needs and took care of the scrap on my knee which I didn't notice and the scratch marks on right cheek. I didn't even shed a tear, whereas tears slipped cheeks I, using my hand wiped her tears away. She kissed my little hands. Than looked at me seriously, "Sweetheart today, the wicked witch of the east is out clubbing."

I looked up from eating my cookie confused at what is she trying to say...?

"So?" I ask, now confused.

"Amalie, you have to make a choice..." she took a deep breath and then continued, "Do you want to stay here bear with the torture they put you through or want to run away?"

"R-run away?" I asked, baffled.

"Amalie, the people you are living are the definition of horror. So you have to make a decision whether to let them ruin you forever or run away and try to start a new life?" She said.

"But I don't know anyone, and what if I get into more trouble?"

"Wow you are intelligent for a 4 year old...." She said, surprised.

I shrugged casually, but looked sternly to get my point through.

"Alright but first call me Stella, I really love you dear that's why I want to help escape from this death trap of a life. But of course, it's up to you, make a choice but make sure you won't regret it." Stella said.

"Will you be there for me in the entire way?" I raised my pinky finger to seal the promise.

"Yes." And Stella raised her pinky finger and sealed the promise.


It was now 1 day 3 hours since I left my old life in Michigan and came to California where Stella lived with her sister Maria.

Maria wasn't expecting her sister to suddenly come visit her. So she thoroughly surprised. And what she never expected was for her to be accompanied by a little girl. Stella thought I would hungry so first made me freshen up and then eat Maria's home cooked meal. She then put me to bed and went to talk to her elder sister. I needed to know the situation as Maria was not happy to see me which was to be expected. So I followed their voices which turned out to be a bedroom.

"Stella who on Earth is that child? I know she isn't yours." Maria stated angrily.

"Her name is Amalie, and yeah she isn't mine-" she was cut off by her sister, "In these 3 years you didn't once bother calling me to tell how you are and now suddenly turn up on door step with kidnapped child. God her parents must be freaking out now....."

"Look sis if you give me the chance to explain-" again she was cut off by her sister, "Let you explain what? That you joined a gang and now are kidnapping children...... This is far beyond sanity. Which I knew you didn't have but to this extreme I wasn't expecting." Maria sat on the bed tired and angry at her sister.

I couldn't let Stella be blamed for something she didn't do, I knew I would burden Stella. What is the worst that can happen to me? Probably starved to death nothing worse but I won't let Stella be blamed for something when she is innocent.

The floor board creaked as I stepped forward and Maria who was sitting on the bed was startled while Stella ran to me and asked, "Dear child how long have you been standing there?"

"I heard everything, miss Maria can I say something?" I asked as politely as I knew.

She was taken aback seeing me act all grown up but life and my sick relatives made me like this. She didn't reply so I went further in the room knowing she won't hurt me at least that's what my heart told me.

"Stella didn't do anything like, Miss Maria I promise, she just wanted to save me from the life I was living please don't blame her. She gave me a choice and it was my decision to come here away from everything and everyone. I don't have the courage to explain all so please listen to Stella please! Please! And I don't mind after this if you want to send me back I wouldn't blame if you wanted to." I said and then took hold of Stella's last two fingers and made her come inside.

Stella picked me up in her arms and sat down on the couch with me on her lap. The couch made us directly face Miss Maria. Miss Maria had the expression of shock but covered it a look of sternness.

Stella took a deep breath and let it out then started, "I know you are angry Maria I didn't call you once after returning to Michigan, even though I said I would soon be quitting and heading back immediately here but things had taken a very drastic toll on me which I never expected."

Well that's it for the 2nd chapter. You guys weren't expecting this now were you?

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