Chapter 51 Will You Let Me Love You Forever?

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The song for this chapter is really important and you'll guys understand once you guys read it! So the song and singer for this chapter are as follows:-

Song Name: Love Story

Singer Name: Taylor Swift

So without further ado here another epic chapter of A Love Like No Other


Chapter No. 51

Amalie's POV:

Finally today I am being discharged. The Lord knows how many times I begged them to let me out. Two days ago I literally had to throw a tantrum to make everyone agree to let have me have some fresh air in the garden outside.

My arm is still injured so it means that I have to wear a cast restricting my movement. Same goes for my foot. My injuries are healing but since I jumped out the window from a height and my landing was rough my ankle was cracked so it needs bed rest.

With Scar, Lil and Sese's help I change into casual clothes. I can't believe it already February. It's crazy how much happened in the previous month. The entire month of January I had to spend in the hospital and believe me it wasn't pleasant.

 The entire month of January I had to spend in the hospital and believe me it wasn't pleasant

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In that entire month, many headlines were made. Sometimes I forget that people love to keep tabs on us. Most of the news consisted of me and Austin, on how we'd had been a couple for some time but of course the reason the media wasn't allowed to publish anything was because of well Anderson and Theodore's power. But since all my work either had to be rescheduled or cancelled fans started to get too much worried and finally we had to statements to be made. Sitting on the edge of the bed, my feet touching the ground almost, right now I'm waiting for someone to bring a wheelchair.

Austin enters and I smile brightly, to which he chuckles, "Looks like someone is happy."

"Who wouldn't be?! I've been contained in this hospital for a month now! And there is nothing more I want to do right now than leave!" I said in an exasperated way.

He only chuckled, "Well then let's go."

"I'm waiting for Dad to bring the wheelchair."

"Who needs a wheelchair when you have me?" Austin chuckled.

"Ha-Ha very funny..." At that moment he picked me up in bridal style and I squealed in surprise.

I then giggled at his behavior. Walking to the front or more like carrying to the front Carlos opens the door only to have so many camera's flashed in my face. The reporters started rapid firing questions at me. But we ignored them and Austin put me in his car. And sat beside me. Carlos is the one driving.

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