Chapter 55 Can't Live Without Her

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It took me about 2 weeks or something to complete this chapter. I hope you all like it and please do make sure to comment and vote! So the song and singer for this chapter are relatively new to me and I hope that you all like it as well!

Song Name: Eventually

Singer Name:  Ava Kolker

So without further ado here another chapter of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER~

Chapter No. 55

Austin's POV:

I wake up to the small sounds of whimpers. Opening my eyes I see that Malie isn't in bed with me instead she's seated by the window, her knees brought close to her chest and she's softly sobbing. Since her head is in her arms she didn't notice me waking up. A frustrated sigh leaves me, I thread my fingers through my hair and slowly get up. I walk up to her and gently pick her up bridal style, a silent gasp leaves her but instantly relaxes.

"I woke you up, didn't I?" Malie inquires more like states.

"It's alright, but why didn't you tell me you're having a nightmare?" I ask as if asking a child.

"Because I don't want to worry you, that's why!" she exclaims frustrated.

I should and am irritated, but her insecurities and the reason due to which her entire life was ruined, not only that if not for the fact she took the risk herself I may not be able to hold her in my arms.

I take her hand in which she is wearing the engagement ring, and kiss her finger, slowly rubbing the pad of my thumb over the finger, "Mon Ange, what is it that you're wearing?"

She looks at me in confusion, "Engagement ring..."

"That means that you're my fiancé, right or wrong?"

She nods but when she notices that I am expecting words she replies, "Yes..."

"Then for my sake please confide in me. Ange, I fell in love with you because you're not only beautiful on the surface but also on the inside as well. Soon we'll be married, I have the right to know what bothers the love of my life or not?" I ask.

"I-It's just that these nightmares... have started to become more frequent... No matter how much I try they play in my mind like a broken record... I just don't get it why though, I mean I'm so happy and content. But still." She explains.

At that I put my hand on the back of her neck leaving her ring finger hand, since the other tightly secured around her waist, lowering my head just enough I capture her lips in a gentle kiss just conveying my feelings. To which she equally responds.

I swear her lips are like a sweet drug no matter how many times I taste them my hunger doubles over. I seriously am surprised that I've been able to hold back till now. After a few minutes, I let go and kiss her temple, "Ange, it's going to take some time before your body acknowledges that you're safe. For the past few years especially the previous one was filled with fatal danger... But no matter how much time may be required I'll be there every step of the way."

Her eyes glisten with unshed tears but she blinks them back, and sniffles, "I love you, Austin."

I smile, "I know, Ange, but not more than me." And kissed her forehead.

I slowly soothingly rub her back and I notice after some breathing is calm and even looking down I smile noticing she's fast asleep. But I need to do something about her nightmares or else or it can affect her mental health.


Right now I don't know whether I should be happy or annoyed that most of the morning my fiancé has been occupied by grands-parents. Not only that, but Malie also promised to go shopping with Mamie in the evening and they've already made reservations at our family and the oldest restaurant in Rouen.

Sighing, seeing Mamie isn't going to let Malie go for some while I walked out to our family-owned stables. It's a 15-minute walk from the main mansion. But worth it. The stables coming in view the caretakers slightly bow their heads. I ignore them and head inside. Kings seeing lets out an enthralled neigh.

I smile, and over to him and pet him. It's been some time since I came to visit here. Kings put his head with mine, a type of greeting we established since I was young. Kings is a Desert-Norman pure black. He's the only one who was untamable. Normally they are very calm and collected but for some reason, he had and still has trust issues.

I still remember that I was 8 and fighting with my Dad I stepped out into the open field where Kings had completely gone rogue and everyone thought he would he would crush me but somehow or the other he didn't harm at all instead only remained calmed with me. He didn't trust the caretakers, only when I approved did he allow them to touch him. Even with my sis, Mom, and Dad, he remains stiff.

Coming back to reality I hear Kings neigh meaning he wants a treat. I smile and take him towards our open orchards and grab an apple and give him, "Here you go, Kings... Some things never change." I pet his head.

"So this is where you were!" I hear Malie's voice.

Turning around I see her and nod smiling, "I was looking for you till grandpa told me you went towards the stables. And who is this handsome?"

She says coming towards Kings, I forgot that he has trust issues and Malie is too close for comfort, "Malie, stay away from..."

I was unable to complete my words when she was already petting him and seemed as though Kings was more comfortable with her than even me which is shocking.

"Stay away from whom? And his name? He's such a sweetheart." She giggled.

I shook my head in disbelief, "You're the first after me Kings has let near him willingly. And is comfortable with it. Have you ever ridden horses?"

She shakes her head, "Nope... Never got to."

"Well, then would you like to ride with me?" I ask.

"Sure... but I have never ridden before..." Malie says and I chuckle.

"You won't need to Ange when you have me," I reply.

She looked at confused whilst I chuckled. Since Kings was already saddled and ready I got on first and helped Malie get on. I made her sit in front of me as me. Both legs on either side. To say Malie was thrilled might be an understatement. She squealed like a child and I couldn't help but chuckle at her behavior.

I guess this is what Dad and Papi feel towards their wives. They can't live without them. And now it's totally relatable. Today was completely spent in me showing around Malie our hometown. I never thought I would ever find the right girl to show my childhood. But God had other plans for me. Which I don't regret at all. If anything I am and will forever be thankful for it.    

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