Chapter 58 Congratulations, Sis.

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So the song and singer for this chapter need no introduction, I hope you enjoy and have a fun time reading.

Song Name: Didn't I

Singer Name: One Republic

Without further ado here is another chapter of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER



Chapter No. 58

Amalie's POV:

Reaching the venue since, we both traveled separately, meaning Grandma and Grandpa in one and other me and Austin. Stepping out, taking Austin's hand I'm amazed looking at the place, it looks more palace than a restaurant.

"Is this...?" I don't complete my question since I'm in a state of awe, and mystified.

"Yeah, this belonged to one of our older generations, but since we didn't have use for it after having some extensive renovations had it turned into the most renowned restaurant of Rouen. And by your reaction, I can assume you're thoroughly surprised." He explains and at the end chuckles.

"Pretty much. This place is awesome." Are the only words I am able to utter.

He leads me inside and the place is completely vacant, like completely, not a single soul in sight, "Why does the place seem as though, it's abandoned?"

"That's because I asked them to and tonight is special so I had them vacate and only come when asked." He chuckled.

I noticed that Grandpa and Grandma were not with us meaning they had already reached the designated place. Austin puts an arm around my waist while I lean into his touch as it's my sense of security.

Once, we arrive, to say that I'm shocked might be an understatement. Since I'm completely and utterly speechless, Austin whispers into my ear, "Surprise, Ange, today is was the very first time we met and you reminded me that not to judge a book by its cover."

Yup, the place is decorated with pink and white lilies as well as roses, and complete it, all the people I love are gathered, smiling and thoroughly happy that they managed to make surprised.

Once, I'm able to digest his words, and my brain starts to function again, I realize this isn't some illusion. It's real, like freaking real.

"Should I pinch you M, so you can believe that we all are here?" Scar says.

"Hell no, your pinches are the worst..." I say instantly, which makes everyone laugh.

I walk towards them engulf them into a bear hug which still wasn't enough 'cause our family is big, not that I mind, "I think after Austin proposing this has got to be the best present ever!" I squeal.

I hug all one by one, then finally ask, "How the heck? Actually did you guys arrive?"

We all settle in our places at the long dining table with Hailey in my lap, since she's baby of the entire family, "Well we all arrived yesterday, afternoon, but since it was a surprise we stayed at our family mansion. Since the settings are pretty much like the one back home you couldn't point out the difference." Dan answers.

"Big sissy, did we supwise you?" Hailey asks.

I've already told you that she's the daughter of Stella and Drake. Drake being the younger brother of my Dad Jack. And she's the cutest being 4 and a half.

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