Chapter 25 Daniel's Anger, Another Threat

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Well anyways I never thought I'd come such a song! And it's worth listening if you guys haven't already heard it.

Song name: This is Me
Artist name: Keala Settle

So without a further a do, here is chapter 25 of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER!

Chapter No. 25

Amalie's POV:

Leaning back on my chair I sighed, man this branch is really messed up, I was looking at all the designs new and old and I was about to call Kiera, when Daniel's picture popped up meaning he was calling, instead of receiving it I went to his office directly, seriously he has no idea who's here and who's not, "Bro, you called."

He was busy on his work that he didn't notice me enter, looking up surprise was written all over his face, "What are you doing here?"

"Daniel, you really need to keep an eye on what's happening in the company, you idiot." I scolded him.

"Sorry, it's just that everything is so messed up, I have no idea how did this happen?!" Daniel said loosening his tie.

Taking a seat in front of him, "Tell me about it, many of the documents in which major project were signed by some of our major collaborators and investors is either missing or the amounts are wrong. And the worst thing about it is that no one ever reported it to Syon!" I sighed.

"I know, Syon brought me the documents that need to be revised as per the advice of the new finance manager you hired. So since when are you here, guessing by what you told me you've been here for a while even though I clearly told you that you don't need to come today."

I scoffed, "Yeah, I can see that very well Daniel."

"But we may need to hire outside people to deal with this mess, it's too much. If we don't sort out soon, the name of the company can be in for a major hit." I explained further.

"I guess, in a way you're right. Dad handed over the empire to me and yet I had to drag you into this mess of mine." He sighed.

Lately, Dan had been stressing a lot and I it's understandable. Getting up from my position I went to him and engulfed him in a bear hug which I knew he needed more than anything, "Hey, it's gonna be alright. No one said taking over was going to be easy. And besides two nutty-heads is better than one right?" I said cheekily.

Dan, let me go and dramatically put his hand on his heart, "Are you calling me nuts?"

"Yup!" I giggled and was joined by Dan, "But at least I'm not the only one who's nuts you're my partner."

At that moment my tummy thought it was time to make its appearance, basically growled, "Well looks like I am hungry and no less you're too, so why don't we head over to my parents restaurant? It's nearby so we'll save time. What do you say?"

"I'm really hungry so I'm in just let me grab my coat." With that we left to go to the restaurant and again the idiot receptionist asked me for the reservations, like seriously?

"Yeah, tell my Daddy, it's Amalie."

"And who would that be?" She asked.

Looks like she doesn't know, well this is gonna be fun, "David James."

She looked at me as though I grew two heads. Of course, she would think so since I just got reunited with my birth parents yesterday, taking out my cell, I called Mommy, and told her I am at the reception and a moment later, she came in front and sternly told the receptionist that whenever I come I am to be allowed enter. She became pale. Looks like she's not in the good books of Mommy, I'll have to ask her later on. Having lunch with my parents was awesome. I asked if they could come today at Austin's mansion but they said it wouldn't be possible so we postponed it tomorrow. When we stepped outside Dan hit on my head, "Hey! That hurts!" I said rubbing my head.

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