Chapter 19 Questions & Memories!

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So I don't have much to say before the start of this chapter, hope you like it and remember that every VOTE means a lot to me. It means that someone took some time from their precious tight schedule to give it a read through.......

So the song goes by as follows:

Song name: As Long as I have you
Artist name: Dove Cameron.

So without a further a do, chapter 19.

Happy reading!

Chapter No. 19

Austin's POV:

Malie always supports a cheerful expression. But only she knows how much pain she's in due to the fact that she doesn't even know if her parents are really dead or not. I passed Daniel's room and was about to enter my own room, when an idea occurred in my mind. I knocked on Daniel's room, after a moment I heard, "The door's unlocked. Come on in."

"I hope I'm not disturbing you Daniel."

"Not at all I was just doing some work. So what brings you here and at this time?"

"Your sis was awake just a moment ago when I went downstairs. She seemed to be disturbed. I wanted to ask you since you guys know Amalie better than me, what happened to her due to which she can't remember her parents?"

"Have a seat Austin, it's a bit long." With that I sat on the couch and Daniel stood up from his working place and came and sat in front of me.

"Dad tried to search for her parents a lot but we had to stop. There was a lot of threat around the James name. If somehow her father's enemies found out that even one of the James is alive they would try to target them again. And due to our bad luck, they might already know that she is alive."

"Alright, but how does this relate to her parents?" I asked as we were going off topic.

"In the world of business, you can't trust no one. And you know of that very well, Austin. The only people you trust are Brian, Jason and your family. The same case is with us. We tried to find about them but soon we found out that even the police is involved with her enemies so we can't take risks, like none at all. So it was Amalie's decision that if she was meant to find her parents she would. But if we tried to take to take the help of the police the matters could've been much more complicated and in the worst case scenario deadly for the entire family." He answered.

"I see, that's why the media doesn't have much info about the James family?"

"Indeed, using our resources we shut the media about the James family whereabouts. Because they love to meddle in other people's business."

"Alright, but what's the case of Amalie not able to remember her own birth parents?"

"According to the doctors she was injected with dangerous drugs which messed with her brain, she was lucky she didn't face brain damage. So whenever we tried to make her remember her past it always caused severe headache for her. But why are you so intrigued to know?" Daniel said raising an eyebrow at me.

"Daniel, I've made it clear that I do like Amalie, haven't I?"

"You honestly want to date my sister, Theodore? Don't kid with me. You know how much she's suffered and the danger that lies with her. Why risk everything just for her?" Daniel asked, now very serious.

I smirked in return, looks like he doesn't know a Theodore, "Because it's her, I'd be willing to do anything and everything just to be with her. She's a breath of fresh air that I longed to breath. I'm not going to let her go even if the entire world is against us being together."

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