Chapter 43 Things Start To Add Up

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So the song and singer for this chapter is as follows and remember to Vote + Comment your thoughts about this chapter!

Song Name: Jennifer Lopez

Singer Name: Ain't Your Mama

Without a further ado here is another chapter of A Love Like No Other


Chapter No. 43

Amalie's POV:

Looking in front of myself a man who is sitting on chair whose hands and feet are were bounded. He was no longer the man who I was always afraid of, he use to haunt my dreams and sometimes sleepless nights.

He finally started to stir awake and looking at his unknown place in horror until his eyes landed on me and Rose, and he shouted to Rose, "You promised me protection, what the hell is this?"

"You should've also made it clear who you truly were than trying to impersonate someone who didn't exist. You should've thought about the consequences." Rose said icily.

He going to say something more idiotic when his eyes trained on me, as though if trying to figure me out when his eyes widened and he stuttered, "A-Am Amalie?"

I closed my eyes for the briefest moment and then opened them void of any emotion, "That would be me, I'm surprised you still remember me. Oh of course you do. I was your and your wife's ticket to wealth beyond your comprehensions!"

"I-I- can explain..." I put my hand in front to stop him from sprouting anymore nonsense.

"I don't want your stupid explanations... I just want to know who asked you to kidnap and make my life a living hell! When my parents were alive!" I grit out.

He closed his eyes shut tight, then opened them, pain visible, "I wi-will... But in return you h-have to help me..."

I clenched my fists to reduce the amount of anger and hatred I was currently feeling towards the despicable man, "He's someone your parents know very well... His entire f-family was ruined by them... He wanted to kill you, b-but brother who worked under him, b-betrayed him on the last moment and t-tried to s-save you. U-Unable to g-grasp the death of my b-brother I-I lied to you about your parents... A-And t-tried to take away everything from you..."

I laughed coldly, then said, "You think I'm gonna buy that crap of yours?"

"I'm n-not l-lying... My b-brother's name was A-Andy... I-If you don't believe me you can check our family d-documents." He stuttered.

He started sweating profusely. Which didn't make sense since it was really cold down here. The Rose noticed something that I failed to notice is that his hands were faintly turning blue. Whatever happened in the past was my past but I asked Rose to call for someone because his situation wasn't looking to well.

She nodded and immediately left, while I stayed behind, "Amalie, I know wh-what I've done is unforgivable... B-but all t-those y-years in prison I-I did regret it... B-But n-never had t-the courage to ask you f-for forgiveness... B-But I need to w-warn you that m-my wife was somehow after all these years a-able to contact him... He will s-stop at nothing to get h-his re-revenge."

I didn't reply instead left the place leaving him, and leaving my past behind. I needed closure from it all. The only way to do that properly was to find out who this Andy person is. If he really is telling the truth then I need to know. The main base had many rooms and official office the leader was on the first floor.

I was lost in my thoughts when Rose came in, with a grim look on her face, Daphne was the one to notice it, "What is it? Why do you look as though, you want to kill yourself?"

"Because I really do..." She collapsed in her chair.

I was seated on a sofa and was a bit surprised, so getting up I went closer to her, "What's the matter?"

She pursed her lips and they formed a thin line, which meant something was really wrong, "The mole in our group was someone working with us for years... He was working with my father first than father recommended he'd work for me... I always had my suspicions about him but still blindly trusted him. He stabbed us all in the back and worst thing is he escaped from right under our noses!"

Rose is a really calculating person... How did she allow such a slip up happen, is actually beyond my comprehension as well.

"Rose, if I know anything is that, you will find him. You have the largest information team there is. The brothers are the people you hand-picked yourself. They won't fail you not today not ever. Have faith in them, and your famiglia." I told her earnestly.

"Tigre that's not the only problem... He poisoned Dustin... And we were too late. He knew something about them. Who have been trying to constantly harm you and the Theodores..." Rose responded frustrated.

I was shocked to learn that bit, "Rose, before I left him he said that his brother Andy saved me. Can you take out their family records and find out if he had a brother?"

"Sure thing." She called in Luis and asked him get all information on them.

After about 10 minutes he returned with a folder, and just as he said he really did have a brother by the name of Andy and the cause of death was because of someone set a bomb in his car. Taking out his picture the bits of the past that remained in a blur finally clicked into place. Since I was standing I suddenly lost control on my body and fell.

Thankfully, Rose and Daph, were on either side of me and steadied me, Rose shouted someone to bring water, Daph helped me drinking water, "Amalie!" Both of them said at the same time.

"What happened?" Rose asked.

I closed my eyes in frustration, anger, despair, and finally guilt... He was the same person who saved me back then. Now I remember clearly. The man whose name I now vividly remember Jared had his men find and bring me back to them. He had me injected with drugs that made me hallucinate. He wanted to completely ruin me and sent my dead body to my parents... But Dustin also betrayed him like his brother and took pity on me. He wanted to send me back but his greedy wife had other plans and changed him as well.

I don't know what I felt more guilt or despair... I had completely fallen into an abyss of sadness that I just wished would leave me alone.

The next time I opened my eyes it felt like someone hit me with a ton of bricks. What the hell happened? The only thing I could see was white... What the hell? The smell of disinfectant hit my nose which made move my head a bit to look at my surroundings to find myself in private hospital room.

Okay now I was really confused... How did I end up in hospital this time?

I tried to move my hand when I felt someone already held it. I turned my head to the source to see Austin holding it tightly and asleep in the chair with his head on the bed.

I guess he felt my movement because he quickly woke up, and looked at me, "Malie... How are you feeling?"

"I don't want to reply to that one just yet... What the hell happened?"

His expression turned hard on my question, "I'll go and call your sister."

With that he left. Well that was much unexpected. No later than 2 minutes my entire family came in. yeah, even my birth family was here. All them carried mixed expressions either of relief or anger,

My adoptive Dad came forward and hugged me lightly, and kissed me on my forehead, "I'm just happy you're alright."

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