Chapter 63 So Jealous

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The song and singer for this are very special to me. It really made me cry when I heard it the first time and it's worth being added. I hope you all listen to it as well. Also, this chapter might surprise you.

Song Name: For Her

Singer Name: Chris Lane

So without further ado, here is another chapter of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER!


Chapter No. 63

Amalie's POV:

Looking at the funny pictures of Melvin and Mabelle made me giggle, last week we went to Disney theme park for the twins' birthday. We all had a blast there. For the evening Austin had one of his 7-star restaurants booked, and all of it for the entire night.

I wasn't happy about it but the twins were psyched because they love eating out on their birthday, of course, they'd be since Daddy and Mommy had their own restaurant chain, in Australia and now in America as well.

Today is one of the most nerve-wracking days of my life. It's also the happiest moment of my life... But these nerves are on a whole other level. I don't think I was a tad bit nervous when I had to apply for the first movie role ever. If anything I was way too confident. I couldn't sleep at all last night. The most I could sleep was about 4 and a half hours.

Finally knowing I won't be sleeping I open my cell and open my iPad and opened the gallery. I started to scroll through the pictures that I recently transferred.

On one particular picture, my finger stops, a smile appears on my face on its own. Of course, it should since the picture is worth it. That day was really and is one of my favorite days up till now. Lil and Brian started dating some time back. It was when I was kidnapped for the last time when they wanted to tell me first, me because Lil wanted to let me know that she really likes him and wanted to give relationships another go.

Anyways, last month it was 7 month anniversary of them dating. Brian lied to Lil saying that he wouldn't be able to spend it with her due to the emergency situation back in his home country Italy. He had to go back but due to another reason. He wanted to tell the entire family that he's serious about Lil and won't choose anyone other than her to marry.

His parents were very supportive and instantly agreed but a major part of the family didn't like it one bit. Of course, he couldn't care less and even went as far as to warn them if they tried to even about anything they suffer the consequences in ways they couldn't even imagine. Ha-ha, that might the first time that I saw such a scary Brian. But that showed his commitment towards my best friend and sister.

I accompanied him due to two reasons. One, Austin also went there to meet Uncle meaning Brian's father for an important meeting and another because I was in the last stage of an action-thriller movie, and well some of the scenes were to be filmed there.

His parents by mistake thought that I was the girl he's interested in the point he even warned others. That's how I came to know of the entire incident. Austin was furious and the dummy kissed me in front of them all. Oh yeah, another reason for the visit was because Austin personally wanted to handover the invitations of our wedding to them. But somehow they mistook the situation. All in all, Austin is a dummy!!! He could've done what normal people do but does his brain function like normal people? Of course, not!

Anyways, Brian also informed them that since Lil's family is in America he's going to shift there permanently there. His parents were a bit taken back, but they said that since he's never shown interest in any woman other than fool around with them so they couldn't be prouder of Lil for making their son change so much.

And by settling here it meant that he had been planning on buying the mansion right beside my birth parents mansion. The mansion had not been bought for over 30 years. So, yeah there was a lot of renovation needed. But the idiot didn't bother telling anyone and had it done before we landed back. He took me to the mansion so I could help him design it in accordance with Lil's taste. He wanted her to feel at home. I don't think I could've awed more than I did at that moment.

My fiancé got so jealous over this that I was paying more attention to his friend more than him that he told me that night since I was in a state of awe he bought mansion as a guest house as well as our honeymoon home. Which country? No idea... And the mean thing is that since I, as he said, made him feel neglected he wouldn't tell me no matter what!

Like seriously? But I let it go even though I'm not a fan of surprises but I know if it's Austin it'll be worth the wait.

On the day of their 7 month anniversary, I lied to Lil and made her accompany me to some things. So that Brian and the guys and girls could prepare everything. Just so Lil wouldn't get suspicious, I told her that I needed her opinion since no one is better than her. Which is the truth? So by 5 p.m., I was beat, but still had a lot to do so I took her to the salon that was already booked by me. And made her get ready. She didn't understand what the occasion was. But I said it's something very important.

She relented and agreed to my demands. The dress was designed by me and Mommy pitched in her ideas. I was proud to say the dress came out even better than I had imagined.

 I was proud to say the dress came out even better than I had imagined

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When she came out wearing the dress she looked like an angel. She questioned me why this color above all, my answer was simple, "The first time we met, and you said you wanted to be my friend despite the odds you were wearing a light lavender short dress."

Lil was surprised, "Y-You remember something from so long ago?"

I nodded, "Of course, you were the very first person to approach me in elementary school. You didn't care I was the adoptive child of the Andersons. You just cared about me."

By the end, she was in tears and hugged me, and thanked me over and over again. I really was surprised, as to why she was thanking me. She answered that I was the first person ever in her life who wanted to know her choices in her dreams.

I scroll through the pictures and see the picture that made my smile widen more because it was the picture of Brian standing in the main hall of the mansion. We had hired a professional photographer and movie maker but they had to conceal themselves so that the magic of the moment wouldn't disappear.

Lil, I even remember now, was stunned to see Brian. Brian, on the other hand, was nervous as hell because he was afraid of her answer, but the moment his eyes fell on her, his lost confidence returned, and getting down on one knee he propose to my best friend.

Lil, started crying, panicking Brian stood up from his place and comforted Lil, but she surprised him by kissing him and replying yes. He was over the moon. That evening really had an impact on us all. Lil deserved her fairytale. Just the way she received it.

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