Chapter 56 I Know You Better

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So this book is heading towards it's ending, it will always hold a sentimental value to me. But I ain't about to shed any tears at least not for now. Okay, so the singer and song for this chapter are as follows:

Song Name: I Love Me

Singer Name: Demi Lovato

So without further ado, here is another chapter of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER!


Chapter No. 56

Amalie's POV:

It's currently the third day I'm here at Rouen, and to say this place is full of surprises might be an understatement. I starting to think that the Theodores are the royal family of Rouen or something. Why I'm saying this? Oh, simple, everywhere that I went with grandma or Austin people either started taking pictures or started to leave our way like if we some sort of royals or something, asking them this. They replied with the same answer that their family is one of the oldest families around that's why this reaction is very common.

Anywho, Austin showed me around many interesting places that have a lot of history with Rouen, like the Musee des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, translating to Rouen Museum of Fine Arts. It contained an interesting collection of many French artists. I didn't know that Austin is passionate about arts because he was my personal tour guide inside. But it was interesting listening to him. Next in the list was the Square Verdrel, the famous park in Normandy, Rouen. In the busy Rouen, this park really is out of the way which makes it even more peaceful and worth visiting.

Since it was past 2 my stomach thought it was the perfect time make its appearance on which we dined in a local café but totally worth it!

By the time we returned it was past 9 and we all had dinner. Talking to grandma and grandpa feels as though, I have known them all my life. Grandma made me laugh the most telling me all the crazy things she did even after settling with grandpa. She even had pictures for memories. In all of them grandpa just shook his head in disbelief, not able to believe still that his wife can be this crazy as well as mischievous.

She said that she regrets not having more children after William because William is as hard headed as his father, if she had a daughter than she would be equally as savage as her. We all laughed at her logic. Even in such an age her eyes sparkled with mischief. She even had me promise that she will take me bungee jumping next time she visits California. Now you would be able to understand her craziness but I think we all can agree that none of us would trade it for the world.


Last night I was chatting with my birth parents as well as adoptive parents and one word man they talk more than even Scarlett. I never knew that I could this happy. Anyways, talking so late in the night I fell asleep really late.

I felt as though, someone gently shaking me, knowing who it is, I snuggled more into him, "Ange, you need to wake up." He gently cooed.

Like a kid, I responded, "Nooo... I don't wanna get up."

"Mon Ange, I know you don't but you promised that today you would meet our family jewelers so that we can choose our wedding rings," Austin said gently as if explaining a child the importance of waking up.

I pouted, knowing I did say that. Instantly I felt his lips on mine, to which I responded. I don't think I've ever have been addicted to ice-cream as I am to his kisses.

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