Chapter 4 Reflect, and you're a jerk!

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Just listened to this song some days ago and really loved it! So of course I am gonna add it, hope you all like it!

Song Name: Someone You Loved

Singer Name:  Lewis Capaldi

So without a further ado here is another chapter of A Love Like No Other.


Chapter No. 4

Reflect, and you're a jerk!

Amalie's POV:

I felt like someone shaking me so I looked towards Dan, who is now standing next to me a bit worried, "Amalie are you ok?"

"Yeah I am fine, why'd you ask?"

"Well I called your name 3 times and didn't reply. Scar and Lil are already here yet you didn't even notice them."

"Oh! Sorry, I was just remembering the past-"

On that Dan hugged me tight. Everyone knows my past so they try their best so I don't feel or remember that torment I went through. Though, the truth is I don't mind it because life gave me an awesome family in return.

"Please don't remember that past it is everything but good!" Lil said.

Maria or Mimi's POV:

(New person POV enjoy!)

I got ready while the children were one by one heading to the dining room for breakfast. Amy, *deep sigh* sometimes I regret teaching how to cook, she fell in love with it and never lets me cook.

I think after my daughter Amanda, is the best the thing that happened to me. I don't regret a day after Amalie came into my life without knowing she has made my dull colorless life full of colors I never knew about.

When I reached the dining room everyone was gathered by Amy's seat, "Children, what is wrong?"

"Mimi, M, was remembering the past again; and phased out." Scar sighed.

The children don't particularly like her past and are all over protective of her not to mention Jack and Bella. God! Jack calls at least 3 times a day to make sure is completely good while Bella calls Dan for updates. Boy they are way to over protective, not that the children mind they actually are or might be worse than the parents.

I laugh, "Is it bad for Amy to remember her past? Hmm?"

"But it's not worth remembering!" Dan replied, like father like son.

"But if it weren't for my bad past I wouldn't be able to meet such an awesome people in my life now would I?" Amy replied, wow that girl really knows how to turn the tables.

They all nodded in unison. They are than seated and I took the head seat, when Jack isn't home as the children made this a tradition.


Amalie's POV:

It's almost 11 so we're ready to leave. I called Scar, "Hold up, keep your promise, sis." She groaned and threw her favorite car keys in my face but I having fast reflexes caught it with ease.

I and Lillian got in the car while the others got in our father's favorite land cruiser, Dan driving it. Dan and the others were ahead of us I and Lil stopped at Starbucks to grab coffees. Our signal was green so I was going to speed up when from nowhere a sleek navy blue Porsche came in front of us and if I wasn't careful things could've gotten very bad.

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