Chapter 14 Looks Like A Hurricane Went Through My Hair

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I think I maybe the only person who is the most detached from the music world. 😂😂

Song Name: Just the Way You Are.
Singer Name : Bruno Mars.

Also if you're a fan of twists in books then grab a bowl of popcorn sit back and enjoy this chapter.

*Ahem* (Fake Cough)

Without a further a do.......

Chapter 14


Amalie's POV:

Sighing, I sat down on my bed, and noticed my phone ringing, it was Austin, I knew I was going to have answer his endless questions, but I recall Jason saying they were gonna tell him tomorrow, so I picked up alert, "Amalie, I called you at 10 times in the previous 5 hours why weren't you picking up?" He said and his voice was on edge.

"Uh, yeah sorry I was studying and stuff."

"And you couldn't even leave me a message? Amalie what's going on tell me the truth or I'll find it out anyways." Austin said sternly.

"Nothing really, I swear..." I was cut off, "What happened to you Amalie, why is arm bandaged and bandages on your head?" I literally turned around to the direction of door to see if Austin magically appeared there, but no he wasn't there.

So how was he able to guess so accurately? I gulped and answered, "W-What are you talking..." I was cut off, "I hacked into the CCTV camera and can see you clearly now answer what happened and why am I out of the loop, where the hell was Brian when he supposed to pick you up today." Yup he definitely infuriated.

I explained everything that happened and finally asked the question that lingering in my mind for some time, "How on Earth did you hack the CCTV cameras of my house and for how long have been spying on me?"

"I have been handling my Dad's business since I was 16, also I have always had an interest in technology so it's no big deal for me to hack into your system undetected. And can you send me the text you received?"

"Yeah... Sure..." I was now a little scared of the fact that Austin so easily hacked into our system.

I sent him the text and told him that I'm going to change my clothes. I was dead tired and my body was aching all I wanted to do was get some rest. After coming out my phone again on cue, looks like he was keeping tabs, rolling my eyes I picked up, "Are you seriously keeping tabs on me?"

"Yes, now please take the day off tomorrow from everything, you're tired and I can see that clearly."

"As much as I want to I can't Austin and you know it."

"You're going to the day off tomorrow or I'll come back make you take an entire week off, I can clearly see you're stressed. Have you been going to checkups?"

"I'm taking medication, but I'm not going for the follow ups because honestly they make me feel more down alright? So don't force me because it's not gonna work. Also why are you so concerned about me." I didn't mean to be mean but somehow it just came out like that.

"Malie, I know you're tired so rest, okay? And please for my sake take tomorrow off, hmm?" He voice was gentle as though, he trying to lull me to sleep.

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