Chapter 21 Amusement Park

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Here's a quick statement by me, I write because I am passionate about what I feel, not because I 'need' to but because I 'want' to.

So without a further a do the song for this chapter is a song about me, you and all girls out there who think they aren't the 'best'. Well hell to what others think be yourself! And be proud of it!
Song name: F**kin' Perfect!
Artist name: P!nk

So without a further a do here is chapter 21 of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER! Enjoy!
Happy Reading

Chapter No. 21

Austin's POV:

Since, Malie was doing well she discharged quicker. Of course due to previous events anyone would feel unsafe in a foreign hospital. Her parents insisted on going to their home, but since the mansion was closer they finally gave in. The whole time Malie was smiling so happily. Of course, for the first time in ages she found her real family. Though, at first Daniel felt out of place but Lilly is a one of a kind and made him feel at home. Of course made us swear we would call her Lilly or the consequences wouldn't be pretty. Geez she sounds a lot like my own mom in this case.

Though, I tried to convince Malie not to prepare lunch but she is too stubborn, and to double it her mother also joined in and even though David tried to convince her one glare was enough to make him back out, she tried to shoo her daughter, but as they always say like mother like daughter. Sighing, we finally gave in at the stools and watched them converse with each other. It was then that David asked me, "So Austin how are Will and Dawn doing?"

"They're great, and they're going to be so happy when they hear you're alive. But why didn't you contact them in all these years?" I asked. After all, this had been bugging me for a while.

"Actually, I wanted to ask that as well, Daddy." Malie suddenly said.

"It's actually a long story, pumpkin, are you sure you want to hear it?" David asked in return. The solemn look on his face meant whatever kept him couldn't good.

"Daddy, I want to know. As much as you guys want to know what happened to me I am the same. I even came to Australia to search for you guys with my adoptive parents." Malie replied, with same stern voice. Indicating she wanted to know even though, she already knew she wasn't going to like the outcome of it.

"Where I should start from, I guess from the very beginning. The day your mother called me telling me that our enemies had kidnapped you. Everything came crashing down. I couldn't do anything as I was surrounded by our enemies as well. Their only aim was to destroy the James Empire, no matter what sort of underhanded methods they had to use. What they hadn't calculated for was that your Mother once same saved a Mafia Lord from death and he was greatly indebted to her and had become a friend of hers. He promised no matter what the price might be he would always be a call away. She called him. But it was too late by the time they found the car in which you were kidnapped it had been burnt to crisp. I had no idea that Lilly was pregnant and when she heard a the news that a child's body had been found but she was also burned to the point that she couldn't be recognized she lost it and fainted, I thought it was due to the shock but when she was rushed to the hospital the doctors said due to emotional stress and shock she lost our baby. That horrid I lost not one but two of my children." David stopped speaking tears started forming in his eyes, he took off his glasses to wipe his tears and Malie sat on his left side since I was sitting on his and hugged him.

Lilly than took over, "The shock was too much for me, and I fell into comatose state. And I didn't wake up for 3 years. Those were some very dark days for David, he lost control of the Empire and even slowly started to fall into the darkness. Unknowingly, he signed some wrong papers and the Empire was then out of his hands. But no matter what he lost he was most devastated when he lost his two most important treasures. Even though, I was right in front of him but it felt as though I was apart from him. But he always believed one day I would wake up for sure, it was his sheer determination, which even forced me to open my eyes."

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