Chapter 44 When You Put It That Way

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Writing this book is thrill filled experience for me. To me this is the only time I can escape all the heartache, headache, worries and just gruesome realities of the world. It sometimes hard to keep yourself sane as well as your family, but Wattpad and writing is my personal heaven which I will never trade with anything else. So the Song and Singer for this chapter are as follows;

Song Name: Liar

Singer Name: Camila Cabello 

Chapter No. 44

Amalie's POV:

After being discharged early, because of my passionate hate for hospitals we left for Austin's mansion. One thing was for sure he was enraged. And I don't blame him. I'm just way too complicated and it somehow infuriates me as well.

The one thing that everyone wanted me to do was the one thing I didn't do despite everything. But I needed answers and well yeah I might've run head first without thinking into the situation. My head was still hurting a lot but I maintained a neutral look.

Even though Austin was furious at my actions he still carried me bridal style into the mansion. He maintained a poker face but I knew he was just worried about me.

(Austin's Room)

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(Austin's Room)

We were the first ones to arrive, everyone was still behind. He set me down on bed and looked at anger, and sadness mixed, "Just tell me one thing... Amalie what the hell were you thinking?"

He took my name which he never does, this meant that he was really upset, at my stunt, this was the first time I truly felt regret on not involving him in my problems, "I'll explain everything... But first I'm really sorry for putting you in pain."

He sighed and ran his hands through his midnight black hair then looked at me, "Amalie, I really like you and care about you. Do you have even the slightest idea what you put us all through? It's not just me. On one hand your parents and mine were planning to surprise and on the other hand we receive a call from Daphne that you collapsed. When we questioned her she refused to answer us. Saying it's not her place to tell us. Just when you will stop doing everything by yourself! DAMN IT!"

The pain was visible in his eyes and voice, tears pricked my eyes, and I just wanted a normal life and just want a shot at happiness without endangering everyone I love. That's all I ask for. Is it too much to ask for? I didn't know that tears started running down my eyes since Austin gently pulled me into his arms and tried to soothe me.

He kissed my forehead repeatedly and said gentle words. All of the memories that my 3 and half years old brain to shut away came crashing down on me that it just broke me. I was tired of being strong all the time. Even though, I know that I didn't cause Dustin's death I still felt responsible.

I didn't notice that my family had already arrived and for the first time Daddy took me from Austin's embrace and just allowed to all the desperation that I locked away to wreak havoc and let go. Daddy said the words that I just wasn't admit to myself till then, "I'm not alone... I don't need to fight all my battles alone. Not anymore. Not ever again."

With that he wiped away my remainder of tears, and I smiled. Genuinely without holding back, Mommy left some while ago in between with my Mom, Maria and Dawn to cook us all something.

While everyone else stayed with me, to lighten the mood everyone steered clear of what everyone wanted to ask. And rest of the evening was full of laughter and the ridiculous stunts of sisters and brothers. Mabelle and Melvin got along just well or maybe even more with Scar and Dan.

It was nice to just smile and not worry about all the troubles and terrors that surrounded us. It was late in the night when we all called it a night.

I changed into my night clothes and was thinking to sleep with Serena tonight, when Austin held my wrist, "Malie, stay with me, please?"

The plead in his voice was evident, I nodded, and wordlessly he picked me up and carried to his bed, and to be very honest, I enjoyed being in his bed more than my own. Which kind of seems ridiculous, but the smell of his cologne was unique and made me feel safe and protected. He put me down then got in and pulled the comforter over us. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his embrace not that I minded.



"I really am sorry." I mumbled.

But he heard it anyway, "It's okay, Malie. I was out line as well. I should've thought about your feelings and what you were going through, for you to collapse like that." He in turn said and pressed his lips to my temple for a gentle kiss.

"Well you might be even more furious tomorrow. Than you were today." I sigh,

"What do you mean, Malie?" Austin asked curiously.

"Well... do you remember today your meeting with Rose, the leader of Sworn Brothers you had a rather interesting meeting with someone unexpected?"

He didn't respond only his arms tightened around me, I finally took the risk and tilted my head to look at Austin, and yup as predicted he is furious, "You could've been seriously hurt! What the hell were you thinking taking on Brian like that? He has been training since the age of 7. You could've been seriously injured!"

On that one I busted out laughing, and Austin looked at me as though I'd lost it, "Sorry, it's just Brian may have been training since 7 but I've been trained by Rose's top right handed men and personally and believe me the pain was worth it. So the most Brian could've done was make me lose balance at most. I'm not being arrogant or something but man you should meet them sometime, their seriously brutal."

He looked at me incredulously, "You're kidding, right?"

I shook my head, "Not really, and if you're wondering how I'd met Rose and led up to being trained by the most scariest men out there, then when I was 12 somehow schedule got mixed with someone else's and I was there instead one of the trainees. Rose saw a spark in me and that led her challenge me herself to which her butt kissed the floor and according to her I was the first amongst the trainees to really give her a hard time. Yeah she knew I wasn't one of the members but wanted to recruit me but I declined. But we still kept in contact, and even though we run in different circles, we somehow always made it work."

On that Austin chuckled, "Leave it to you Malie, to make friends with the most dangerous of people."

"Well if you put it that way, it makes a lot of sense." I giggle.

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