Chapter 40 Do You Know This Man?

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The plot is getting thicker... What do you think will happen next? Well read to find out! The Song and singer for chapter are as follows:

Song Name: Alone, Pt. II

Singer Name(s): Alan Walker & Ava Max

Chapter No. 40

Amalie's POV:

"MalMal, why are we here?" Daph asks cautiously.

I might've lied about the fact that I have shooting today. But I need to get answers, to some things, "Because I need some answers."

"Okay but shouldn't someone also else be here as well with you, MalMal this isn't safe." Daph argues.

"Chill, Daph, you don't need to protect me, and don't bother calling Austin or anyone else because the signals are jammed in here."

"Wait a minute how do you know that the signal is jammed? Yet you're taking such a dangerous step. This makes no sense." Daph says now on full alert.

"When I was learning all types of martial arts I made some connections that I didn't tell anyone about. But they were impressed with my skills and wanted me to join them but I turned down their offers. But they promised me that if I ever need their services they have regular hideout only members know, and even though I'm not a part of them but still they consider me one." I reply coolly.

There is a buff guy standing at the entrance, when I try to enter he stops me, "Sorry kid no one's allowed in."

I look at him, before I can speak, someone speaks for me, "Don't bother stopping her she's one of our brothers." Tommy says standing at the door.

The expression of the guard automatically changes to scared, "S-Sorry ma'm I didn't know you're a part of the sworn brothers."

"It's alright..." I say maintaining a neutral expression.

I enter but Daph follows Tommy stops her, "Sorry, but you're not a part of us I can't allow you to enter."

"Tommy, it won't be necessary, she's with me."

"Tiger, you know the rules. Like everyone else. I don't make the rules but we have to obey them."

I sigh, knowing there's no way out, "Daph, can you wait here I won't take much time I promise."

"Amalie, this isn't safe..." But I cut her off, "Daph, I need you to trust me on this, okay?"

"Fine, but you have exactly 20 minutes, nothing less nothing more. If you're not back than I'm calling for back up."

I nod and follow Tommy inside.

"Tiger before going in you might want to change your clothes and wear contacts also use this hair spray."

I nod and head to the common room, than take a left and go to my allotted room and change into the outfit he had prepared for me.

I nod and head to the common room, than take a left and go to my allotted room and change into the outfit he had prepared for me

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I hate hair sprays but having no other choice I put it on the tips of my hair which turned silver. To top it off, with a little difficulty I put on the contact lens he gave me. Believe me I hate lens, I'd rather wear glasses than lens but I don't have a choice in the matter.

 Believe me I hate lens, I'd rather wear glasses than lens but I don't have a choice in the matter

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I leave my hair open and put a knife in the bag and gun in my shoes. I know this is a safe place but this one of the places you have to be on your toes all the time. One slip up and you can kiss yourself goodbye.

Stepping out of the room, I hear the boys wolf whistle, and I chuckle at them, "Don't you ever get tired of it?"

"Scusa cara ma sei l'unica qui che è femmina." Luis chuckles. {TR: Sorry, dear but you're the only female here.}

"Bene, allora riunisci la tua merda prima che perda la pazienza!" I say angrily. {TR: Well then get your shit together before I lose my patience!}

They all raise their hands in surrender and take me to the person I came to meet, before entering Tommy hands me a mask, and voice changer, I look at him in question, "She's in a meeting, but you're in a hurry and since you're not a part of the official brothers. She told me to give you these."

I nod and wordlessly put them on, sighing, I enter without knocking, and it's another rule of the brothers that you will not knock. But what I see knocks the breath right out of me. There are sitting the people who are very deeply involved with my life.

First is on the far left is the fake uncle who has changed a lot in the years. But I'd recognize him anywhere. In the center the person I came to meet and on the right of the round table are Brian, Jason and Austin. What the hell are they doing here? That can wait. What is that person doing here?

Leader or Rose which is her real name halts in the middle of the meeting seeing me first and gestures me to enter, I enter trying to control my emotions, "Infine! Sei qui, Tigre." She greets me. {TR: Finally! You're here, Tigress.}

I close my eyes to control my emotions, I can't let anything get out of hand, "Fratello, ti ho chiesto di raccogliere alcune informazioni sul DNA che ti ho inviato ieri." {TR: Brother, I asked you to collect some information on the DNA I sent you, yesterday.}

My hand forms a fist, when I see that man looking my way, more like checking me out, this doesn't go unnoticed by Rose, "Ah! Yes, I have everything you asked for in this file, you can check."

She slides the file to me and I take it and check the contents, there is also a note attached, do you know this man?

I smirk, she knows me way too well. In turn I take out my knife and it misses her head by just an inch, to which everyone look horrified to which she laughs, "Oh Dear Lord, it's been a while since I could piss you off! Thanks for giving me the answer."

She doesn't laugh but full on falls on her butt laughing. The brothers come into the room, on high alert but stunned to their roots. I know why because she never smiles and here she is laughing like an idiot. Even the guys sit there stunned.

I take a seat in front of them, and read the contents of the folder and what I read makes my blood boil, and I want to kill the man in front of me right this moment, "Mi stai prendendo in giro?" I say slamming my palms on the desk. {Are you freaking kidding me?}

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