Chapter 66 I Do.

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Finally, the chapter we've all been waiting for. I do apologize in advance for the mistakes you might find. I've never actually attended a Christian wedding so I don't know the proper procedures and stuff. But I did try my best. I hope you all like it.

Song Name: All of the Above

Singer Name: T-Carter Music

So without further ado, here is the last chapter of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER!


Chapter No. 66

Austin's POV:

Standing in the changing room, I put on the cufflinks on the cuff of the sleeve. I should be nervous. But I'm anything but that. Of course, I'd be lying if I say I slept soundly. I didn't get a wink of sleep. How could I when my heart was separated from me and everyone was in on it. The worst thing was that she didn't even protest about it.

I've been so used to her presence with me that even just one night was hell. I smile I do the other sleeve remembering Dan and my father-in-law chose these. An original design, with unique grey diamonds. It really stood out but it looked nice.

There's a knock on the door, "Come in!"

Dan, Brian, Jason, Ashton, and Dad enter, I raise an eyebrow at Dan I thought he'd be with his sis, "A lot of people are already there so I thought to check on the groom." He smiles.

I just shake my head at his explanation, "Any chance I can get a pic of your sis before she arrives?"

They all chuckle, "Sorry Austin. Your sis would kill me. And no can do. Come on, man, you have to wait only one more hour, and then she's yours to look at as much as you want." Dan chuckles.

I sigh, I honestly can't stand when I don't get to talk to Malie, and to make matters worse my evil sis took her phone away as well. Seriously?

"So son, any last-minute nervous attack?" Dad jokes.

"Dad, I can never be nervous. But yeah, I am kind of irritated that I couldn't talk to Malie... And did they seriously had to separate her from me?" I say irritated.

Dad just shakes his head, "Blame the weird traditions people have. Don't take it out on me."

"Theodore, you still have time if you wanna back out or something." Ash jokes.

I instantly glare at him, "Back out? You must be crazy. I tried to get her to marry me earlier. But of course, she couldn't upset the family, now could she?"

"Woah, you're whipped already. I can't imagine after today. I think we won't see our old Austin ever again." Ash laughs.

"If anything, you'll see a better side of me. But keep it up and I might show you my dark side." I chuckle.

"Alright, you guys let's get a move on, or else we'll be late," Jason says.

As you can guess, Brian is my best man whereas, Jason and Dan groomsmen. For Malie, it's Lil as the maid of honor; Serena and Scarlet as her bridesmaids. It was a unanimous decision amongst us all.

Reaching the venue I see the girls have all arrived as well. Though, Malie has still to arrive. She'll be arriving with her parents. Both of the parents. Our wedding is a bit out of conventional since, of course, it'd be a wedding of the year. After all, Malie is a rising actress and also a major holder of the James-Anderson Empire and of course, the Theodore Empire. It's anything but small. It's one of our most traditional but in demand hotel. Our parents since were in-charge of everything had done a standing ovation job.

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