Chapter 30 Did You Escape Mental Asylum?

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So hope you guys enjoy back to back updates also please some sort of feedback would be much appreciated!

So the artist and song for this chapter are as follows;

Song Name: Faded
Artist name: Alan Walker

So without a further a do here is chapter 30 of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER!

Chapter No. 30

Austin's POV:

I was really glad to have called Lillian for letting her know that I was going to take Malie to the grand event my parents host every year.

When she was coming down the stairs she was absolutely beautiful. I couldn't believe my own eyes. She is one of those people who don't need artificial blush at all. When I compliment her bush becomes more prominent. Forcing me to kiss her. She is the only one who can make fall her all over again. Even though, I want to tell the entire world she belongs to me at the same time I want to keep her with away from all those bastards who dare to stare at my girl.

It surprises me to no end that normally she's feisty and stands up for what she believes in but with me she's a completely different story.

When we enter the hall, I notice that everyone stop to stare at Malie. After all, she doesn't usually attend these events and today she is here. I think they were astonished to see me with a date, since I never fancied anyone.

Sese and Malie are engaged in a conversation without a doubt about Brian and Lillian, their relation is honestly incomprehensible by me and Jason. I see them come towards us when all of a sudden I felt as though someone latched themselves to my arm.

If I said I was disgusted would be an understatement, I was beyond furious, "What the hell?!"

My friends along with Lillian and Daniel had just arrived were now present as well, "I have missed you so much, Austin!"

Not wanting to create a scene, I forced her to let go of my arm, and besides my parents have taught me better. Brian, Jason and I glared at her, honestly who the hell even invited her, Malie took things up a notch, "Who are you?" She asked bluntly.

"Oh I'm Austin's girlfriend, Alexis Frost."

I immediately wanted to kill her, like what the hell, "What the fuck do you mean? We broke up years ago Alexis! I can't put up with your shit!"

"Oh come on, handsome, I know I was stuck up back then, but I've changed and for the better. I won't be as bossy as I was before." She then spotted Serena, "Oh my, Serena, look at you, you've matured, and honestly much better than before." She tried to reach for Serena but as I said tried.

Malie and Lillian stepped forward, "Look by what we know, the only you're good at is being an A-class bitch, so if I were you I would consider backing off." Lillian said sternly.

It was the first time I saw her protective of someone other than Malie, which kind of surprised us all except for Malie, "What's your problem, bitch? I am just reuniting with my friend after so long."

We all looked at her astonished, she hated Serena the moment she met her, "Did you run away from mental asylum?" Malie asked bewildered.

We snickered at that, while Alexis on the other hand, "Excuse me?"

"Oh she's deaf too, I'm saying did you run from the mental asylum?" She said using hand signs.

Alexis turned three shades of red out of embarrassment, "Who the hell are you? Do you have any idea who I am? I can destroy you with a click of my fingers!" She screamed.

Great now she was creating a scene, I sighed, this was going to be a long night, to my surprise Daniel and Malie started laughing, "That was a great joke, Miss. Frost, but how the hell are you going do that when you're father is right in a huge debt and considering to sell the Frost industries to the James side of the Empire, which happens to be run by my sister." He smirked.

She was stunned to root, "Now I would suggest you move along..." Malie pointed out.

"And for the record, I broke up with you, Alexis, because you don't know the meaning of respect, you're nothing but a gold digging slut. Albeit it was my fault not realizing it sooner. You haven't seen my wrath but approach me again and I swear there will be consequences to pay." I said each word with spite and contempt I've felt for the day I saw her true colors.

After that I called the guards to escort her of the property. It is because of people like them, that a nice evening is spoiled. After that everyone resumed to their activities, taking a glass of wine I went outside to get my head cleared only to be caught by Mom, "Son, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just didn't expect Alexis of all people to show up... Seriously I thought when I cut things off with her she would take a hint... I'm just glad that Malie didn't take things negatively." I sighed.

"Some people tend to have this habit to ruin other people's lives. Don't you think that when you two when in Australia the media didn't get a hint what was going on? But your father made sure nothing was published until it wasn't confirmed by you two. To give you both some much needed privacy." Mom explained and then continued, "Alexis might've learned from there. From where I was standing I could clearly see as plain as day that her goal was to create problems between you and Amalie dear."

I sighed, "I figured that much, but Amalie didn't talk to me at all about it."

"Because like her mother she knows who to believe and who not to believe she isn't judgmental as many people I know. Which believe me not many are."

"Also you made it clear why you broke up with Alexis and also sometime before Brian told me everything that went down between you two, hence, why I and Lil, stepped up for Sese. She still has issues, and frankly we don't blame her. But that doesn't mean we can't protect her." Malie said coming up behind and a gentle smile gracing her.

Automatically makes the other person smile as well, "Alright, I'm heading inside, before you're father starts searching for me."

I put my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me, she laid her on my chest, "Austin, can I ask something?"

"Of course."

"When did you ask me to be your girlfriend?" 


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