Chapter 23 Reminiscing, & He Never Learns

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So as you all know I start the chapter with a song.... I listened to this when I watched 'The Voice' Australia on YouTube and kinda clicked for me and I thought why not? Right? Hope you enjoy reading!

Song Name: Shut up and Dance
Singer Name: WALK THE MOON

So without a further a do here is Chapter 23 of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER!

Chapter No. 23

Amalie's POV:

"Nope, you forgot one. Come on. At this time it would have the perfect view." With that Austin took my hand in his and took me to the Ferris wheel.

Oh yeah I completely forgot about it. I guess I was having so much fun after a very long time, so it just slipped my mind, getting in the Ferris wheel, Austin sat with me, "Look outside, the view is worth it."

Nodding my head I looked outside and true to his words it really is breathtaking, "Malie?"

"Hmm?" I said and looked towards him. He seemed to be a bit serious.

"Since the first day I met you, you've never been able to leave my mind. At first I thought I liked you as a friend but that day when you almost died you literally crushed me, it made me realize I like more than a friend. I'd really like to take you out on a date, what do you say?"

I giggled, "Took you long enough, I almost thought, I'd have to make the first move."

"You're something else..." He shook his head.

We had now reached the top of the Ferris wheel, even though I joked around, but this warm fuzzy feeling inside me was a first. I've never been attracted to anyone as I've been to Austin so of course I'm clueless, "Malie, look at me." Austin demanded.

But I just couldn't. Putting two fingers underneath my chin he lifted my face to face him directly. He chuckled seeing my reaction, "You're really interesting. Do you know that?"

I couldn't help but pout, hmph! Here I was blushing because of his confession but there he is laughing, "Alright, alright I'm sorry, but you're too cute."

Without warning he put his lips on mine. I was shocked at first, but my eyes closed on their own accord. The kiss was gentle. He guided me, I put my hands on his chest and he pulled me closer to him, I pulled back first since I was really out of breath. But one word to describe that kiss... And that would be AMAZING! He pulled me closer to him there was no space between us like literally. Even he was breathing hard and put his forehead to mine, "You were looking just too cute and I couldn't help but steal your first kiss." He smirked.

Now I really was blushing mess, "By your reaction, I can assume you enjoyed it as much as I did. I seriously wonder how was I able to resist you all this time." He smiled.

And again without warning he pecked my lips, but before he could have his way, "Sir, Ma'am the ride has ended. Would you like to ride again?" The lady in charge asked.

I was embarrassed out of my wits, that she witnessed him kiss me. I speed walked out of there. Austin followed laughing behind, "You knew didn't you?"

"Of course I did, but I just couldn't resist you." He smirked.

"Ugh! Only you..." he grabbed my hand and pulled me back making my back collide with his chest, "Is it just me or you're avoiding me."

"Nope just your imagination." Dang it! I said too quickly.

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