Chapter 48 Even If I Have To Wait Forever

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So the song and singer for this chapter are as follows:

Song Name: Say You Won't Let Go

Singer Name: James Arthur

Chapter No. 48

Austin's POV:

Looking at Malie in the hospital bed like this. I want to kill him all over again. I and mom forcefully sent back her parents and adoptive parents back home so they can rest.

The doctor came inside to update on her condition but there's not much hope. I've not slept in 5 days and I know for sure I smell but I can't help it. I promised that I would protect her yet I was unable to.

Sitting on the couch, running my fingers through my hair mom comes and sits beside me, "Austin, dear, you need to go home and take a shower. Amalie dear wouldn't want to see you in this condition."

I let out a frustrated sigh, "I know Mom, it's just that I promised her, hell I promised her adoptive and birth parents that I would never let her get hurt. Yet here she is on that bed covered in bruises and in coma! There's no guarantee when will she wake up. I'm the worst."

She patted my back and embraced me in a hug, and in these days I've cried mostly, because doctors told us that it would be a miracle if she opened her eyes. I have never cried before and now the man who never feared anything is crying.

She kissed my temple, "Austin, remember Amalie is strong, she has done the impossible more than once, so she'll do it again. We need to have faith in her."

"I know Mom, it's just... It's too much... Why her? She's never done anything to anyone. Yet fate has been so cruel to her."

Mom pursed her lips unable to reply since it was the truth. I guess this is the pain you feel when the person you love more than anything or anyone is in front of you but is completely motionless.

After some while Mom left saying she would bring a change of clothes for me. Closing my eyes the memories rush back to me.

I was going to remind Malie about going with me to France, when out of nowhere someone shot at us but it missed us, I turned back seeing that we were followed I took out my gun but I hadn't accounted that someone would be up front as well.

"Austin watch out!!" Malie screamed.

Taking control of the wheel from me we crashed into the tree and hard. Malie lost consciousness. And the enemy was on our tail. My head was spinning but I knew they were here for her.

Getting out I shot 3 of them but I was outnumbered and the last thing I remember was that someone bashed my head with a rod or something making me lose consciousness. The next moment I regained my senses was when Brian, Jason and Rose were desperately trying to wake me up.

The first thing I said was, "Amalie... Do you guys have her? Please tell me you do."

All of their expressions turned grim, "Austin, my men only told me you were there. There was no mention of Amalie." Rose grimly replied.

I gritted my teeth at the information, "Whoever those fuckers were are after Amalie. I have a tracker on her. Brian track her now. She's in grave danger."

He nodded and ran out of the room. I noticed that I was in my room meaning that everyone knew about the situation there was no hiding it.

Her birth mother came into the room, "If it's Jared than I can say for sure he would've taken her to an abandoned warehouse."

She was deadly calm but she was anything but that. The fear was eating her I got out of bed staggering Lilly came towards me, "Austin, you're in no condition sit down."

"I don't know in what condition is Amalie in. Lilly, I can't sit here and not do anything!" I retorted.

Within 15 minutes we were able to track her location and as Lilly predicted it led to an abandoned warehouse just out of the city. But by the time we got there they were expecting us and we were ambushed but we came prepared.

It turned into blood pool within minutes. When we were occupied the warehouse caught fire and that's when my insides burned. The tracker signaled that Malie was inside! The fucker who was responsible for all of Malie's misery was trying to escape but I shot him. The others questioned him while I ran inside but it was beyond too late. It was complete set up.

"That bitch will meet her grandpa..." He spat at Lilly and David.

I punched him in the face but he only maniacally cackled till he coughed up blood and died on the spot.

Everything came down crashing down on all of us and it was too much for Lilly, Isabella to bear. I wanted to kill myself at the moment for it.

"Leader!" One of the Sworn Brother's members shouted coming towards Rose.

"What?" She asked agitated.

"There's blood on the side of the building that looks as though it spilled moments ago and there are tracks in the dirt."

My, Brian, Jason, Dad's and Rose's eyes widened at the information. What are the chances? At that moment we heard a 'clink' sound. From the trees and bushes that covered the area.

I ran with all my might but still on guard, and what I saw made my face drain of all color. Amalie was here but bleeding to death due to her injuries.

Without a second I picked her up and cradled to me trying to if possible lesson her pain which was impossible. Rose was the only one with crazy driver skills, "Rose, we don't have time!"

Her pulse was there but barely there.

She nodded and brought her car to where we were. For the first time in my entire life I was scared shit-less. If I thought the previous incident was horrific, it was nothing compared to now.

We reached the hospital, where the medical team was already present to start the treatment. Putting her on the bed they took her in for immediate operation. After minutes everyone started piling in. we all were quiet and waiting for the doctors to come out. Scarlet was in the operating room.

After a little over 2 hours Scarlet came out with the doctors, the grim look on their faces, was like a punch in the gut.

David was the one to force out the words, "Scarlet? Doctor...How's my daughter?"

"I have some good news but some bad news... The good news is that Miss. James has survived after her heart failed for 5 seconds. But the bad the news is that she's now gone into coma. Her brain has completely cut of... Only by a miracle would she be able to awaken. I'm sorry Mr. James."

"Austin?" I opened my eyes to see David.


"I know what you were thinking. I know this is horrible right now because it really is. I first almost lost my wife lost my child, and now my daughter is in front of me but emotionless." David said as he sat down and handed me coffee. Which I didn't even notice he brought.

I took it from him, and blankly watched Malie, "Mal, is like a ray of sunshine, who will always shine after no matter how much the weather has been stormy." He said.

"Yeah, I know. I promised to protect her. But in the end I was absolutely useless."

"Austin, some things are out of our hands... Don't doubt my daughter, she has her mother's blood in her meaning she's beyond stubborn." He lightly chuckled, then turned stern, "Now it's up to you. How long are you willing to wait for her?"

I looked him square in the eyes, "Forever, if I must. Malie, is everything to me. But before I could tell her that... This happened. But even if I have to wait an eternity I will."

He nodded and patted me on the back but said nothing.


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