Chapter 47 Darkness, A Friend

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The song for this Chapter is as follows:

Song Name: I'm A Mess

Singer Name: Bebe Rexha

Chapter No. 47

Amalie's POV:

The constant sound of beeping is really annoying, why can't someone turn it down! I try to move my hands but am restricted... Huh? What happened? I try to open my eyes but it seems like if I'm trying to lift a boulder...

Finally managing to open my eyes the first thing I come into contact is with the fact how dirty this place is... Slightly turning my body, I see that I've been confined to a chair. By the looks of it, it's some sort of warehouse.

The last thing I remember is that I and Austin were driving back to his home. After that it is still a bit hazy. I turn my face to my surroundings and it's certain that this warehouse hasn't been in use for at least 10 years. Whoever my captors are made a really good plan otherwise it wouldn't have been that easy. I look at the knots of rope and damn it they've been tied really well.

Not only that my legs are also confined to the legs of the chair. My entire body is screaming in pain, but I have to bear it. I hear voices behind me, "It's about time you woke up." The man cackled.

He has a really ugly scar on his left cheek, but his voice is really familiar as though, I've heard it before, "I hope you remember me."

"Why the hell would I remember you, ugly? And besides I doubt that I could forget a person with such an ugly scar." I spat.

He instantly slaps me and damn that was hard, "This is from your bitch mother! A remainder that I live with every day!"

It then dawns on me where I've heard horrid voice before, Jared! I keep my face poker. Knowing if I provoked him more it would only prove disadvantageous for me.

"That bitch has made me lose so many people! I will only return the favor."

"My mother did absolute nothing wrong it's you who has completely lost it! You're nothing but an asshole."

I know I'm playing with fire but he has absolute no right to degrade my mother. He roughly griped my hair which made me scream because I think I have wounds there, "You're absolutely like your slut of a mother. Why don't I let you meet your grandpa? It would be a great family reunion." He lets go roughly. Laughing he leaves.

What the hell does he mean? But I'm not gonna stick around to find out. Since the ropes are old I can bite them off. Thank the Lord that I took training. It's gross but desperate situations require desperate solutions. Whoever the idiot was that knotted them, put the knot on the upper side.

Tugging it my teeth, I am able to loosen the knot enough to get my wrist out. Since the threats increased I wore such shoes in which I could take pocket knives. Everyone would always check pockets but they would suspect that there would be something useful in my shoes.

Taking it out I quickly cut the rope on my other wrist and then proceed to cut the rope on my ankles. I was cutting the rope on my right leg when I could smell gasoline and smoke. Looking at the window I immediately realize what he meant. That bastard! To make matters even worse the chair was also covered in gasoline! OH GOD! I don't have much time... This entire place is gonna blow up in seconds.

Breaking lose I search for an exit but they're either sealed or covered in flames! And since I smell of gasoline I can't risk it. Running towards the first floor I almost slip but don't give in. My entire body is screaming at me to rest, but I can't not now. I won't let him cut my life short, not like this.

Seeing a broken window I look outside, and the entire place is a blaze. I don't have much of a choice if I have to die then I will choose my death my own way.

Taking a deep breath I jump outside the window, since the edges are sharp, I get heavily wounded on my arm and leg but that's the least of my worries for now. I somehow protect my head and the blow is sustained by my body.

God! I'm never gonna do this again. There's still a chance that Jared might be nearby so I need to hide. I hear gunshots.

But I'm now too exhausted to even focus on where they're coming from. I'm bleeding heavily but drag my body and behind some trees. Closing my eyes I breathe and try calm my breathing. The pain is so excruciating that I want to scream or just want to cry. I don't know which I want to do right now.

I hear distant voices, calling... MY NAME?

Peaking I see Austin, Rose, Brian, Jason, my parents and adoptive parents. Jared is lying covered in blood in front of mother, and I don't what she's asking but I think she's asking where I am.

He spits blood and dies right in front of us all... Oh Lord... I squeeze my eyes shut. I don't care how horrid that man was but I didn't want to witness him dying in front of me.

Both my mom's drop down on their knees crying desperately because the building has turned into ash. I want to tell them I'm here but the pain has rendered me incapable of saying anything.

I still have the pocket knife in my hand so I throw it with all my might hoping to catch their attention if possible. The pain has finally rendered me helpless. I finally surrender to it and slip into darkness, a friend who seems to pull me a lot. I wonder if this time I'll be able to wake up?

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