Chapter 12 Perfect Couple

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Author's Note:

Hello readers, I hope you all enjoy the new chapter, I don't do fast beat songs but this one well caught my eye so I thought hmmh, why not?!

Song name: Tik Tok.
Singer name: Ke$ha

When I wrote chapter 9 I was faced by writer's block. But anyways I overcame it in matter of days so here is another chapter hope you guys like it!

Do remember to, VOTE & COMMENT.

Without a further a do, here is Chapter 12!


Chapter 12

Austin's POV:

I saw Amalie leave the car hurriedly. I smiled unconsciously. She really is too innocent, even when my Mom was hell bent on making me a couple with Amalie. Though, I didn't expect that Amalie's parents were friends with my parents. It surprises me that one girl tore me away from my family and one girl has made me more connected to my family more than I ever thought. She is like a breath of fresh air. Refreshing, and sweet. Everything about her different and in a good way. Though, I didn't exactly expect her to break the door just because Serena wasn't opening it. It was just amazing in a sense of word. She looked so cute pouting like a kid who didn't get her favorite doll which she had demanded, when I refused to give her books back to her and her script. She was actually stuck up enough not to ask me until she was totally frustrated.

3 days later she came to my house and asked my sister to lead her to my room which I knew what was happening as I have installed hidden cameras which only I know about. This is for safety purposes. I laughed in my office when I saw her failing miserably finding her things. Though, I didn't exactly expect her to find my hidden library in the walk in closet even Serena was surprised. Of course she would be after all only a handful of people knew about it. She found the drawer with the code and she had the feeling that I kept her things there. I only kept files related to business there but which were not too much important. But still I had put a code on it which shouldn't be possible to figure out easily but she did. The face she made when she saw that her things weren't there was hilarious and I couldn't hold back anymore and had to laugh out loud. She then proceeded to check everything else and found the real place where I had hidden her things. Behind my files stacked neatly together in rows. She pushed them behind and saw another lock code but that held a special coding system I had developed with Jason. She tried everything she could in the end let out a scream of frustration when she completely lost. But I was impressed by her skills finding out everything.

She then pulled out her cell and dialed a number which happened to be mine I chuckled seeing her number on my phone and picked it up, "God! Austin why the hell did you put such an impossible code to crack?!"

"Looks like you found your way to my study." I chuckled.

"Look, even Scarlett gave me the green sign that I can resume my previous activities so please."

"Well look behind yourself and you can say it on my face." With that I cut the call.

"Seriously, I am absolutely fine now so please!" She pleaded. Wow she was serious.

I sighed and opened the locked cabin within ease and handed her things back to her, "But couldn't you have just gotten another set of things and script?" I asked curious.

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