Chapter 24 Hurled At Brian

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Hello dearies!
The song I've chosen for this chapter is a nostalgic for me! It holds many memories and one of the most important is that it made me realize I like MUSIC. This may seem as something skeptical but for me it made me realize that my life is beyond dull and I need rainbows in order to survive the Black & White...

So the artist and song are as follows:
Song name: The Climb
Artist name: Miley Cyrus

So without a further a do here is Chapter 24 of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER!

Chapter No. 24

Amalie's POV:

I had already taken yesterday off so I had plans on taking today off as well. Though, Daniel insisted that he can handle everything alone, there was a reason Dad wanted me help out it was because since he was handling all the main business, Syon had his doubts in this branch and there were more than one rat in this branch, some very important documents had gone missing a few weeks back, the main reason Daniel had to come here urgently. I went back to Austin's mansion and Mommy dropped me of as she was headed to the restaurant as well. Arriving Brian was the one to open the door, "Hey, I thought you were going to stay today with your parents..."

"I'm guessing Daniel said that?"

"Yeah, everything alright?" He asked.

"Definitely, but I am going to the company after changing clothes, Daniel says he can handle everything on his own, but there is a limit to what one can do by themselves."

Brian shook his head, "Says, the girl who never involved anyone in her problems and always stood alone in the eye of peril."

"So I made a couple of mistakes, jeez! No need to rub it in...!" I childishly pouted.

This brought smile on Brian's face, and he pinched my cheeks to which I swatted his hands away, "So how was your date with Austin?"

I literally blushed, but remained silent, "By your expressions I take it that it was worth the effort to keep everyone busy and away from you guys."

"So you guys deliberately made sure not to meet up with us?" I asked shocked.

"Pretty much, but I guess it worked to ways. Daniel and Serena are one step closer to becoming a couple from what I saw." Brian said nonchalantly.

A cushion was hurled at Brian, he didn't even budge as though he expecting it, and blushing Serena was standing by the couch, "Brian! Don't blab whatever comes to your mind!"

"So then why are you blushing, and besides I saw that Daniel was holding your hand the entire time, and when a guy tried to hit on you Daniel punched him so hard that the guy's nose broke. If I didn't stop him Daniel might've caused a huge scene. True or not?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and believe me my brother has dated countless girls and all whom I never got along with, and to be honest he mostly played with them and never was serious with any of them, except for the very first girl that he fell for. But that was really poor judgment on his part for not seeing her true colors even though, Scar warned him countless times. So I wasn't expecting Daniel to like Serena seriously at least not this early.

"Okay fine but that was because Daniel warned him to get lost and since he didn't listen, well he was bound to get in trouble." She explained her cheeks were painted in pink, indicating a lot more.

"Okay, Brian let the girl breathe! Geez you love you torment us..." With that I took Serena's hand and took her to my room.

"What Brian said, it's really true isn't it?"

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